The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 984 She Really Didn't Mean It

Chapter 984 She Really Didn't Mean It
Since the family no longer raises pigs, Ye Feifeng no longer needs to harvest pig grass, and because there is a brazier in the vegetable shed, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin are responsible for all the dry firewood used in the house. Some dead trees were prepared at home, and Ye Feifeng was not needed to pick up dry firewood.

The mules and big yellow cattle in the family are rare and caring, especially the old Yetou. Even if he forgets to eat, he can't forget the two big guys, so Ye Feifeng is not needed for this job. I am only responsible for feeding a few old hens, and then cleaning and washing clothes.

It's not too tiring to say, and now that her relationship with Ye Guihua has eased, the other party no longer deliberately torments her. Compared with the past, the work is much easier.

Of course, that's the work of the public, and there are a lot of things to do in their eldest house, her mother is lazy, and she leaves everything to her, plus picking beans, she is not very idle.

Now hearing old Yetou say that the first room and the second room take turns to cook meals, Ye Feifeng is so worried that her eyes turn red, and she hates Xiaoqian very much in her heart.

In the past, she hated He Xiner so much that her teeth itch, but there was nothing she could do about her. She had a father who protected her mother, and her brother held that girl in his heart. The Lord favors her, what capital does she have to deal with others?
At that time, Ye Feifeng was still young, and her temperament was not stable. She was also raised by Xiaoqian, and her temperament was a little left-handed. But as she got older and suffered more training, her views on some things changed a little.

For example, in the middle of winter, she still has to wash a pile of dirty clothes, her hands are frozen into carrots, and she has chilblains, and her mother doesn't care.

As for Ye Xin'er, her second aunt forbade her to touch the cold water before the weather completely cooled down, and even if she was helping to cook some meals, she was not allowed to wash the vegetables or dishes.

Moreover, her second aunt is very careful, and she is almost attentive to Ye Xiner. She has seen it with her own eyes. Ye Xiner is just washing her hands. Her second aunt poured hot water for her, and she has to test the temperature before she can rest assured. , and then washed her with a ladle of warm water, and after washing, he hurriedly took out facial fat and urged her to use it, for fear that her precious girl would get chapped hands.

Her second aunt really raised her as a daughter, not to mention the clothes and jewelry, but the gloves that Ye Xiner wears in winter, there are many styles.

They are all children of the same family, Ye Xiner is a treasure, she is a grass, how could she not be jealous, jealous, or resentful!

But thinking about it, the suffering she suffered was not caused by the second wife or Ye Xiner, so what's the use of her hating others?

Who told her to be an incomprehensible mother?

As a result, Ye Feifeng's mood gradually changed a lot. The person she hates most now is her own mother.

Now Ye Feifeng huddled her body and silently acted as a transparent person, but she was extremely anxious, she really didn't know how to cook, and when the time came, she would be scolded for ruining things, her scalp tingled just thinking about it.

At this time, the old Qian was still fantasizing about her life as an old lady, chatting endlessly, "I will buy two more personal maids for Osmanthus fragrans. She will be a young mistress in the future, so she has to put on her clothes now." Come in style..."


He Xiner couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Then, a whole room of people stared at her, among them her grandma's eyes seemed to eat her, and her sister-in-law's eyes were also very unfriendly.

She really didn't mean it.

After talking about her grandma for a long time, her father didn't say a word, as if he also thought about it.

He Xiner quickly summed up, and after another year, they will be busy again, and her mother is even more busy going around. It is indeed too hard, but the eldest aunt is incomprehensible, and her sister-in-law is also amazingly lazy. As for her milk, don't count on it.

Oh, and there's Ye Feifeng, the food she cooks is inedible, it's a waste of food.

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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