The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 985 The only thing we have to do is study

Chapter 985 The only way out is reading
But from her understanding, not just any family can buy people, like those aristocratic families, the servants of the family are all servants, born as slaves, life and death are in the hands of the master.

Then, the famous mansion naturally has servants, there are servants who have sold the death contract and turned into slavery, and there are servants who have the contract of living, and they can leave when the contract expires.

But ordinary people like their family are probably not qualified. They can hire servants for money, but it is definitely not the kind of master-servant relationship that can hold each other's life and death. It is just a nanny for money.

But she wasn't very sure about this, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

Therefore, He Xiner said euphemistically, "Well, well, our family doesn't have any big business or business, so it's too ostentatious and too eye-catching to suddenly buy some servants?"

Old Yetou's heart trembled.

He still remembers that more than a few decades ago, there was a family in the neighboring village, which was originally an out-and-out peasant family. The family was so poor and had nothing, but they gave birth to a very smart son, but it was not A scholar, his family has no money for him to study.

That kid seems to be the same age as him, in short, about the same age.

Alas, speaking of it, he is no longer a boy. If he lived to this day, he would be an old man.

Said that the man was a boy, because it was not too late for the man to die.

Back then, the fate of that family was so miserable that no one in the neighboring villages knew about it. They had secretly paid attention to it for many years, and for him, the memory was very deep.

Speaking of which, what did the family do wrong? It's just that his son is too smart and good at making money.

When the kid was 14 years old, he started earning money from home. After that, his business grew bigger and bigger. He even bought a house in the town, and the whole family moved to live in the town.

At that time, there was no one in the surrounding villages who did not envy him.

But I also heard that the reason why the family moved to the town was because they were fed up with the poor relatives who came to beat the autumn wind every day. The family was small in population but rich in money. The blood sucking was unbearable, so the whole family moved to the town.

I thought that I could live a leisurely life in the town for a few days, but I didn't know that a big disaster was yet to come.

All in all, it was because the man was born in a farming family with no foundation. Even though he was a natural business genius, he had no power or power. To him, such a huge family business was like a child holding gold. Not to mention, the whole family was killed and silenced, leaving no one behind.

Afterwards, the family's property was also divided up by several relatives, but no one gave money to the family for the family's funeral. It was their village chief who suppressed them. The family had no choice but to buy a few thin coffins and hastily buried them in Xishan. head.

At that time, old Ye Tou had just married and had not yet separated from Ye Dahai. His father said with great emotion at that time that it was too difficult for poor people to get ahead. It's not that they are crushed to death when they are said to be crushed to death.

If the peasant family wants to succeed, the only way out is to study!

Who would dare to bully someone with fame?
It was because of this sentence that Lao Yetou came to his mind, and he wanted to give up a scholar, change the lintel, and honor the ancestors, but counting on the success of the few acres of Susukida at home, it can barely be enough for the nobles in the family. Son studying?
Later, God gave him a chance, and only then did he have money for his eldest grandson to study.

Because of He Xiner's words, those long past events came to mind again. For a moment, Lao Yetou was a little dazed, and his expression was a little dazed, as if he was lost in thought.

"Father, father..."

 Ahhh, that damn typo!

  The title cannot be modified, ahhh!

  "The only way out is reading"

(End of this chapter)

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