Chapter 986

The distracted old Yetou finally regained his senses, and met Ye Laiyin's concerned eyes directly, feeling a little guilty, his old eyes flickered, avoiding his son Chengming's gaze.

"What's dad's idea?"

"Cough, cough, what the second girl said is right, we farmers are not happy to buy people, so we don't have to make people laugh."

"Another one is too eye-catching, and it is easy to cause trouble."

Old Yetou paused for a moment. Although their family will not move to the town, they should not make too much publicity. As long as he thinks of the miserable end of that family, his heart will be as heavy as a big rock, and he can't breathe.

It's also because the past two years have been so smooth, he was careless and had those unwanted thoughts.

Thinking back to the meeting the year before last, the villagers were so greedy because of the wild fruits, they all wished to swallow his old Ye's family alive. If the eldest grandson hadn't been capable, he would have been bullied that time...

Now that the family has built a big house, it is quite eye-catching, I don't know how many people's eyes it has offended, but fortunately, the grandson is successful in his studies, and he has a big white, so he can still hold the place.

But if you show off again, it's hard to say, it really irritates people, who knows what troubles will arise.

Those outsiders or landlords and gentry in the town are all contacts and wealth slowly accumulated by generations. Only when they have a certain foundation can they stand firm.

Thinking about their old Ye's family being poor for several lifetimes, and in his life, they have cut off contact with their brothers, so they can be said to be single-family, with few descendants, so there is nothing to say about the eldest grandson. After adding a little grandson, but still a...

Thanks to the good relationship between the second child and nephew Seta, the two are good brothers, and if there is any problem at home, the other party can bring the brothers and nephews at home to help.

When the house was first built, it was thanks to those boys from Mancang.

After all, there are still few people!
Just like that, Lao Yetou was distracted again.

"Huh, what's not eye-catching, I can spend my family's money as I like, and my old lady should enjoy the blessings when she's old. Those poor ghosts love pink eye disease, it's their fault, they have the ability Earn money by yourself..."

"To shut up!"

Just as old Qian became more and more excited as he spoke, Lao Yetou suddenly came back to his senses, and shouted in a deep voice with a dark old face, "What else can a broken mouth do besides provoke disputes?"

"Don't say that life at home is only a little better than before, it's not that rich."

"Even if you are a member of the town, there is no one who calls people poor. If you are full of poor people, what good is it for you except to offend people for nothing?"

"I don't like you a long time ago. When dealing with people in the village, I wish I could point my nostrils at them. See if you can do it. Why don't you go to heaven?"

"If you really have the ability to go to the sky, it's fine, but you can't fly up, don't you have to stay in Yejia Village?"

"They all live in the same village, so who is more noble than the other? Who do you have to show a score to, an old bastard? Offend everyone and make everyone angry, and your life will be smooth. ?”


Her grandfather's sentence after sentence, it's just slip, slip, slip!

He Xiner almost laughed out loud again~

Before Old Qian could finish her sentence, she was crackled by Lao Yetou like setting off firecrackers. She was so annoyed that her eyes turned black, and she almost died.

This damn old man is not paying attention to her more and more. He doesn't give her any face in front of the big family, but he is so mad at her!
But after two years of experience in countless battles, she can't beat the dead old man, and the old man has made up his mind and won't change easily.

But now that she is old, how can she really cook for a group of juniors?

So, old Qian, who had been domineering and domineering all his life, learned a new skill when he was old, and pretended to be the old Bailian.

(End of this chapter)

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