Chapter 989
Before old Qian could think of something to order, Ye Laiyin took the initiative to ask Wang to deliver the things he bought to his mother, which made old Qian overjoyed and even dissatisfied with the second room.

In the future, he still expects to get more benefits from Erfang, so how can he lose face again.

From the beginning, Ye Laiyin didn't care about anything, he just felt sorry for his daughter-in-law and daughter, and made his mother angry.

After buying everything back, can he really hide it and not give it away?
Ye Laiyin is a real farmer. Even after two years of business and accumulated some money, he has not changed his mind. He is still the simple and unpretentious man. Therefore, he has nothing in his heart Think about buying people or hiring people to do housework.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bother to bother with those incomprehensible women, and just hire someone to do the work for the Wangs and his wife.

In any case, now that Ye Laiyin had a goal, he paid special attention to it. When he went to the town to deliver food, he even went to the dental store to find someone.

It's just because of the New Year's Eve, there are not many people looking for a job here, and it hasn't been settled for a while.

It's freezing outside, and it's cat winter season for the farmer's family. There is nothing else to do except eat and drink. Lao Ye's family also harvested all the garlic yellow, kept some for their own food, and exchanged the rest for silver.

Today is the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, a small year.

Taifeng Building was closed, and Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin went to the town to deliver bean sprouts to several regular customers before dawn.

"Boss, go home and call my sister-in-law and girl Yuanyuan. Come to my house later and show you something nice."

It was also because of the suspension of Xiao Xuyang's treatment, the mule cart driven by Ye Laiyin and the two of them went back and forth very quickly, and it would not be long before Chen Shi had already returned.

When the mule cart arrived at the entrance of the village, Ye Laiyin couldn't help it anymore, and grinned, "Mother, it's time to go to Guan's house now, and I called the three of them."

"What good thing is so mysterious?"

Ye Shitian's eyes sparkled, he didn't want to wait for a while, and said excitedly in a thick voice, "Don't play tricks with me, hurry up and have a sweet talk, did girl Xin come up with another good idea?"

Hearing this, Ye Laiyin smiled even more, "Don't say it, don't say it, my daughter won't let it be said, you will know when the time comes."

"Oh, did you do it on purpose? Isn't this seductive? It makes my heart itch. This is uncomfortable."

"Hey, I've been itching for days, and my wife is covering her tightly, so I won't show it."

"So you haven't seen it before?"

"It's not."

Thus, Ye Shitian regained his composure, and kept urging, "Hurry up, hurry up, give this bastard a whip."

"Hey, I'm afraid my elder brother will hit me."

The two brothers were in a good mood and were arguing about the lawsuit. After a while, they arrived at the alley of Lao Ye's house. Ye Shitian hurried home with his own pannier on his back.

Ye Laiyin shook his head amusedly, and hurried home to unload the frame.

Although he knew what his daughter was going to do to pretend to be a dead rabbit, but he really didn't see the appearance of Lao Shizi.

Mrs. Wang hid in the west wing room and hid from him to do work. They said that seeing the finished product directly would give them a deeper feeling, and they also said that he should look at it from the perspective of a buyer as a buyer, so that they could know the real buyer. idea.

It was the first time he heard such a statement, and Ye Laiyin was stunned for a long time.

Well, the daughter's principles are one set, and he just sticks to it.

In this way, Ye Laiyin suppressed his inner curiosity and waited patiently~

Fortunately, the two of them didn't keep him waiting for too long.

Today I finally saw that Lao Shizi pretended to be a dead rabbit. Ye Laiyin was a little excited, quickly unloaded the frame, fed the mules and big cattle, and walked back to his house with big strides like the wind. .

(End of this chapter)

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