Chapter 990 It's So Fun
In the main hall of the west courtyard, two braziers were set up to make the room warm. Two pots of blooming wintersweet were placed on the Duobaoge, exuding a very light and sweet smell, setting off the warmth of the room.

At this moment, both Wang's wife and mother were not there, and it seemed that they had just gone out not long ago, and the iron kettle on the small red clay stove was gurgling and steaming.

Ye Laiyin changed his clothes as quickly as possible, washed his hands and face, and before he could sit down for a cup of tea, Ye Shitian came to the door with the three of Mrs. Bai in a hurry.

Ye Yuanyuan wore a thick cloak and covered her tightly, but she was not afraid of the cold.

Bai is a married country woman, like Wang, who never uses a cloak. Even though she is wearing a thick jacket and lacquered fleece, she is still shivering from the cold. True evil."

"Sister-in-law, come and enjoy the fire."

Ye Laiyin stood up and greeted him to make tea, Ye Mancang hurriedly took the kettle, and poured water to make tea in a familiar way.

"Where is Xin girl?"

The impatient Ye Shitian was in a hurry to find someone before he sat down.

"Maybe I went to Guan's house, don't be in a hurry, sit down and have a cup of tea first."

As soon as the words were finished, Guan Xiuyuan, Bai Shi, Wang Shi and Guan Cuizhi pushed the door open with smiles on their faces.

After that, there was a lot of fuss, people taking off their cloaks, warming up, washing their hands, pouring tea, hey, when they all settled down and sat down to drink tea, they found that Kahe Xiner hadn't arrived yet.

"Second aunt, where is Xin'er?"

"I am coming!"

Almost at the same time as Ye Yuanyuan's voice came to mind, the door opened again, and He Xiner brought Dabai in with a smile, her hands were hidden in her cloak, and she was a little bulging.

"Hey, what good things are you hiding? Quickly show it to us big guys, don't keep it secret."

As soon as He Xiner appeared, Ye Yuanyuan swooped over, closed the door carelessly, and stretched out her little claws to grab things.

Seeing this, Guan Cuizhi hurried over to close the door, the cold wind was blowing into the room, it was strangely cold, the door was open to freeze to death.

"Hey, I have nothing to do these few days, my mother and I made three dead rabbits, let everyone come here today, just to look at these rabbits..."

"Ah! Ah! So cute, soft and slippery, so fun!"

"Oh my god! This fluffy is real rabbit fur!"

"This is that Lao Shizi pretending to be a dead rabbit?"

"I think this thing is more interesting than those puppets."

"This little thing looks interesting."


The cute rabbit who pretended to be dead, once revealed its true face, caused Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi to scream crazily.

Then, the dead rabbit quickly attracted fans with its cute and invincible appearance, not to mention Bai Shi and Liu Shi, even Ye Shitian, Guan Xiuyuan, Ye Laiyin, and Ye Mancang were also very interesting.

The rex rabbit fur specially selected by He Xiner has even and fine fluff, pure fur color, glossy color, rich fluff, high fluffiness, and is not easy to shed. It is the most expensive rabbit fur in the fur shop.

A rabbit is made of a whole piece of leather. The fur is moist and shiny, and the handle is delicate and smooth. With black crystal eyes, red agate nose, and long soft and fluffy ears, it is so cute!
"Sister Yuanyuan, Sister Cuizhi, if you want to buy this dead rabbit, how much money do you think is suitable?"

He Xiner smiled like a villain who seduced children, with a scheming look on her face.

"It's so fun, I want ten taels of silver too."

"Yeah, I'll buy it for ten taels of silver. This little rabbit is too rare. How did you come up with it?"

The two were still very excited, their eyes were shining brightly holding the dead rabbit, and they couldn't put it down.

"I don't dare to think about ten taels of silver. It can look like that Hello Kitty. If you sell it for five taels of silver, we'll make a lot of money!"

Ye Shitian rubbed his hands excitedly, giggling, like a fool.

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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