Chapter 992
Don't look at Bai's, Liu's, and Wang's co-authors joking about the gentlemen, and they were so overwhelmed that they couldn't speak.

But when there is something that needs to be decided, the three of them still habitually listen to the old men making decisions.

Just like that, Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin, and Guan Xiuyuan set their tune, and continued to make a living and make money quietly.

He Xiner's suggestion of hiring people to expand the scale was rejected by the three parents, and she didn't care about it, both left and right are making money, but it's just a matter of how much.

This is also quite good, they are all their own people, talking and laughing is real and lively, if you really want to invite someone, you should always pay attention to what you say, and you will lose a lot of freedom.

Basically everything was discussed, and it was almost noon when Ye Shitian's family and Guan Xiuyuan's family were ready to leave.

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi never let go of the dead rabbit ever since they got it.

Even Ye Mancang, the elder brother, wanted to play with it, Yuanyuan was very stingy and didn't let him look at it, which made Ye Mancang stare, but was shot by her mother with a sharp knife, and instantly frightened her.

In the end, he waited until the grown-ups were done raving enough, and then held it in his hand to raze for a while, but now that he was leaving, it meant that the little rabbit in his hand had to be returned to He Xiner.

He made three of them in total, so it's not easy for him to compete with Sister Xin'er, right?

But, but he really doesn't want to let go!

This little thing is so smooth and comfortable to the touch, it is much more fun than those pink pig heads, cats and so on.

"Since Brother Mancang likes it, take it back and play with it. I'll make another one. I still have a few leathers at home."

He Xin'er had seen Ye Mancang's tangled expression earlier, Mancang's lobby brother is a straight-forward temperament, and almost all his thoughts are written on his face, so don't be too obvious.

Brother Mancang, a big boy, is so rare about this rabbit, which shows that this business has a bright future for money~

He Xiner was very happy.

Ye Mancang couldn't help but grinned like a flower, "Hey, then you're welcome..."

"Look at how promising you are. It's really embarrassing for a young man to grab something from his sister."

With a look of disgust on her face, Mrs. Bai laughed at her son, mercilessly, but didn't ask him to return the things to He Xiner.

"Haha, those pink cats and pigs before, why didn't nephew Mancang take care of them?"

"It's just that, I think it's a dead rabbit, no matter the girl or the kid, there is no one who doesn't like it."

After this joking, the big guy became even more excited, wishing he could start doing it now.

A general meeting of shareholders started with high interest and ended with confidence, and everyone was happy.

Ye Laiyin brought his daughter-in-law, daughter and Dabai, and sent the two families to the gate of the house, and agreed on a date for the next year's treats, before saying goodbye happily.

It was noon, and although the sun was shining brightly above the head, the temperature was extremely low. Without the help of her daughter, Mrs. Wang quickly made a simple lunch by herself.

As usual, Ye Xusheng still didn't go home.

He Xiner wondered, why is the eldest brother so busy?

How about going to Zhang's house?
He Xiner, who was eating next to an empty stool, was originally in a low mood, but suddenly, a very strong thought popped up, and she couldn't press it anymore.

Hey, don't you just go to Zhang's house?
It's not that she doesn't know the way, so there's nothing wrong with her.

Just go!

After making up her mind, He Xiner's spirits were lifted, her excited eyes sparkled, she quickly ate her meal, teased her little cousin, and after the whole family finished eating, she helped her mother clean up, she couldn't wait He went back to the house and changed into a jacket and skirt.

Then he picked out a moon-white rabbit fur cloak and covered it tightly.

Hey, brother Zhang likes white clothes, baby, this is what he likes, haha...

(End of this chapter)

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