Chapter 993
The entire Yejia Village is a frozen world, covered in silver and beautiful.

The roofs, treetops, and roadsides are all covered with thick snow. Even though the sun is warmest in the afternoon, the dirt roads in the country are still frozen hard.

He Xiner was dressed in a moon white rabbit fur cloak and a pink mask, covering her tightly, leaving only a pair of big jet-black eyes exposed, swirling around, looking at the surroundings with great interest. everything.

Under the eaves of a family's thatched roof in front, a string of large and small ice skates are hung. Under the sunlight, they are clear and crystal-like, and they contrast with the thick snow on the roof. artistic conception.

Of course, in this freezing season, people who live in thatched huts probably don't like heavy snow.

This is also impossible.

He Xiner withdrew her thoughts and sighed softly.

The farmer's family counts on the future of the land to live, and their lives are tight, but they have no way out. After all, everything needs capital.

Turning to think of making a living with my own wild fruits, it is naturally worthless.

There are not only some valuables in the undulating mountains, not to mention high-grade medicinal materials such as ginseng and ganoderma, but wild fungus and fungus. There should be a lot of them. When her father went to the mountain to pick wild fruits, he picked a lot of them. What about wild mushrooms?

I really don't understand those people. When they heard that the wild fruit of her family made money, they rushed to it like a swarm, but they turned a blind eye to the wild mushrooms and fungus all over the mountains and plains.

Could it be that those things are worthless?

Hey, He Xiner guessed right. The wild mushrooms that can be seen all over the mountains are really worthless, and it's hard to tell whether they are poisonous or not. Even if they are picking, they only pick the ones they know, and the range is much smaller.

He Xiner seldom went out, so she didn't know that there were many people who picked wild mushrooms and fungus, they just kept them for their own food, and they didn't exchange money.

After thinking a little too much, He Xiner also lost interest in admiring the snow scene, she tugged on the cloak on her body, and said loudly, "Dear boy, don't run away by yourself, wait for sister."

Originally, Dabai had been following her silently, and he didn't know what he found, so he rushed out of her side in a blink of an eye, and ran to the tallest big locust tree in the village in the blink of an eye.

Is there someone there?

He Xiner immediately became vigilant, her heart raised in the air.

Taking a deep breath, He Xiner stopped in her tracks.

Sure enough, when Dabai ran to the big locust tree, a figure walked out from behind the thick locust tree, with a tall and thin figure, like a boy.

The sun was too bright, and it was reflected by the snow, He Xiner couldn't see the man's face clearly from a distance.

But judging from Dabai's non-yelling behavior, this person should not be a bad person.

Thinking about it this way, He Xiner felt a little embarrassed, maybe she was basking in the sun there, but was kicked out by Dabai.

Thinking of this, He Xiner raised her foot to greet her, wanting to say sorry.

And the man strode towards her.

After getting closer, He Xiner realized that this person knew him. Isn't that the elder brother of Xiao Lian's sister?

It's actually my cousin.

Today is the new year, Chen Xing deliberately rushed home from the county town for the holidays, and when he was about to enter the village, he found He Xiner who was almost integrated into the snow scene behind him. Although the two were very far apart, Chen Xing knew that Walking slowly, the person looking left and right was He Xiner.

What's more, there is Dabai obediently following her, it's hard for people not to guess.

The person whom he had been thinking about for a long time suddenly appeared within sight, and Chen Xing was in palpitations.

It was freezing cold, and no one in the village walked around except the two of them.

I haven't decided whether to greet her lightly or find an excuse to say a few more words to her when I meet her head-on, but my body reacts faster than my brain, and I have already hid extremely quickly.

Maybe subconsciously, he just wanted to hide in the dark and look at her more.

(End of this chapter)

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