Chapter 994 Subwoofer
Maybe he hid too fast, which caught Dabai's attention instead.

Therefore, Dabai ran up to him without hesitation to find out.

After finding out that this person was not in any danger, Dabai gave him a supercilious look impatiently, and then the old god walked gracefully, turned around and went to look for his master.

And Chen Xing didn't know what kind of psychology it was, so he came to meet He Xiner with great strides.

"That, brother of little sister Lian, hello!"

Hey, that's awkward enough to say.

He Xiner had a smile on her face, but felt awkward in her heart.

The girl in front of him smiled gracefully, brightly and dignifiedly, oh, although she was wearing a strange thing to cover her nose and mouth, he could tell it from the other party's agile eyes.

"Miss Ye."

The slightly hoarse voice is very nice.

Yo ho, this person doesn't look good, but he has a pair of particularly bright eyes. Now, he has another advantage, a magnetic voice.


Indeed, looking at Chen Xing's face, it's not particularly outstanding, but coupled with his bright and energetic eyes with distinct black and white, the whole person's temperament has risen a lot.

"Hey, Dabai didn't bother you, did he?"


"That's good, that's good. Hehe, it was so cold that day, you should hurry home, I'm leaving too."

He Xiner stretched out a paw wearing a pink glove, and rubbed it on the big white head, chatted awkwardly, and hurried out of the way.

"Miss Ye."

Just as He Xiner patted Dabai's head to indicate to leave, Chen Xing suddenly stopped her next move.


"Is there a problem?"

The other party stopped her but didn't speak, He Xiner was very puzzled.

Chen Xing really wanted to say: I have a serious job now, and I can support my family. In the next year, I will renovate my family's house.

He also wanted to say: I have liked you for a long time, from the first moment I saw you, I wanted to marry you as my wife.

I will give you all the money I earn, and my heart to you. I will treat you well forever and never let you suffer any grievances.

You, can you marry me?
But when he met the other party's pure and clear eyes, he couldn't say a word.

She is a little fairy who fell into the mortal world, so beautiful~
She was so good and so noble that he was not worthy.

His heart felt like it was being torn apart, and he couldn't breathe in pain.

No, he can't give up lightly, or he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?"

The big boy in front of him suddenly frowned, looking distressed, He Xiner saw that something was wrong, and finally remembered the other person's last name in a hurry.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?"

"I like you!"


He Xiner was dumbfounded.

What's wrong with this man?
Isn't it sick and stupid?
He Xiner took a small step back uncomfortably, looked left and right, there was no one on the street.

Ah bah, there are only two people and one dog.

"you you……"

Dabai raised his head and gave Chen Xing a sideways glance, full of warnings.

But Chen Xing was not afraid of it at all, and he also knew the dog's temper, so he would not easily growl.

At this time, Chen Xing was in a turbulent mood and excited. He strode up to He Xiner and looked at her seriously with his head down:
"From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. Although I know that I am not worthy of you, I still can't help liking you. For you, I will work hard to earn money and do everything to treat you well." , I will never let you suffer any grievances..."

Chen Xing looked at He Xin'er affectionately with both eyes, every sentence, every word, was spoken firmly, like an oath.

"I, I'm only twelve, you, are you too anxious?"

The other party's affectionate confession didn't impress He Xiner, but she still had a twitch and came up with such a ridiculous sentence.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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