Chapter 995 Did You Know
"You agree? I can wait until you grow up! I will earn a lot of money, and I will definitely marry you into the door..."

He Xiner's incoherent words made Chen Xing, who had been entangled for so long, almost jumped up excitedly, his already bright eyes were even more amazingly bright, the expression on his face was out of control, his smile was as bright as the sun, and his expression became even brighter. Excited.


Big misunderstanding!


"In the next year, I will renovate the house at home. Just tell me what you like. I heard that you have a fish pond and a gazebo in your yard..."

"no no……"

"Don't worry, although my ability is limited, I will definitely not let you be wronged. No matter who it is, if you don't want to live with my mother, we will separate after we get married..."

He Xiner was really in a hurry, she was cut off by the other party excitedly, what's wrong with this person?
At this time, Chen Xing was like a demon, his dream for a long time came true, like a dream, his heart was so agitated, he wanted to laugh, he wanted to scream, he wanted to run to the top of the mountain and shout loudly!

But he can't scare his little fairy.

So, he kept talking, talking, chattering, tossing and turning, repeatedly emphasizing that the other party would not be wronged.

He was really afraid that that incomprehensible mother would scare his little fairy away~

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Seeing that the person in front of her was so excited that she was about to lose control, He Xiner felt her scalp go numb.

So, it is not fragrant to lie on the kang head and sleep late in the cold weather?

Why do you have to make things difficult for yourself and run to the street to find trouble.

By the way, she is going to find the eldest brother.

"Brother, calm down and listen to me."

He Xiner was really angry, and if he continued to ramble like this, her reputation would be ruined.

The girl who was always smiling, bright and lively on weekdays, now frowns slightly, with a serious face, clear eyes, indifferent and alienated, her whole temperament has changed.

Surprisingly calm.

It is obvious that people are in front of them, but they are thousands of miles away.

Chen Xing, who was on the top of his head, suddenly stopped talking, his bright smile disappeared without a trace, his heart was worried, his eyes were gloomy, and his mouth was full of bitterness.

Is he delusional after all?

"I'll pretend I've never heard these words today, and I hope you won't say them again in the future."

Chen Xing's face turned pale in a flash, he stared blankly at He Xiner's eyes, bit his lower lip stubbornly, trembling slightly.

What are these things?

"That, that, love at first sight is always seeing...cough, cough..."

She almost blurted out.

Originally, there is no such thing as love at first sight in this world, it's just love at first sight, but this can't be said.

On second thought, when she first met this person, she was only ten years old!

ten years old!

ten years old!


She actually fell in love with a ten-year-old little loli!
He Xiner's whole body is not well, and she wanted to comfort her with some kind words, but now she's not in the mood.

"Brother, I have never done anything to misunderstand you, right? If someone listens to what you said just now, my reputation will be completely ruined, do you know that?"

Chen Xing fell into an ice cave, his heart was so cold.

At this time, he should openly apologize and leave in a grand manner, right?

But I can't bear it.

Maybe there will never be a chance to talk to her again?

Whether she wants to scold or hit her, it's up to her, as long as, as long as she takes one more look...

The bright eyes of the young man were dimmed now, and there were tears welling up faintly, but he stubbornly forced them back.

With red eye sockets and a tightly bitten lower lip, he looked like he was about to collapse after being deeply shocked.

He Xiner...

(End of this chapter)

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