Chapter 996 Why You Run
How come there is a sense of guilt for letting down an innocent girl?

You must not be soft-hearted for a while, leaving endless disasters.

"Young people are impulsive, and I can understand it, but this is by no means an excuse to hurt others. You can't ruin other people's lives just because of your temporary enthusiasm."

Ruin a life!
Every word fell heavily on Chen Xing's heart, and he felt his blood surging, and his mouth was fishy and sweet.

He Xiner secretly sighed.

The young Mu Ai was also right.

First love is beautiful, innocence, ignorance, youthfulness, shyness, joy, sweetness...

First love is also sad and bitter...

For a while, the two were silent.

After all, she couldn't bear to hurt someone deeply, He Xiner lowered her head and thought about it, and said softly, "Think about what I say carefully, and don't be too impulsive in doing things in the future."

Enough said, do it yourself.

Hope you find a girl you like soon.

Don't be so fraught with frightening people, do you know what is "the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker"?
If you really like someone, ask a matchmaker to come and propose marriage!

It's just that He Xiner didn't say these words, but only took a deep look at him. The sadness in the young man's eyes made her feel uncomfortable.

You say you can't be more reliable?
Find a girl your age to like.

I want to fall in love with this baby, this baby is still a child.

Hey, not right.

It's not a matter of size, the baby is not familiar with you, okay?
I don't even know the baby's temper and personality, but he is so passionate, and he is not greedy for the baby's prosperous beauty!

He Xiner first praised her appearance in her heart, and then deeply despised the other party.

Then, regaining his cold heart, "Brother, I've made my words very clear, I hope you won't misunderstand me."

"Farewell, never see you again."

"Dabai, let's go!"

The girl's voice was cold, crisp, and resounding, piercing deeply into Chen Xing's heart like an ice blade, cold and stinging!
The bitter cold wind howled, the snowflakes were flying all over the sky, and the sky and the earth were vast.

At some point, dark clouds covered the sun, and heavy snow like goose feathers slanted down. Chen Xing, who was standing still, almost became a snowman.

The body is cold, the heart is cold, and the hot tears rolling down on the face are even colder...

A certain serious person with a serious face and a small face walked with Dabai in a very dignified manner. After he walked out of the other party's sight, he let out a sigh of relief and ran away with his legs up. .”

At this time, in the Zhang family, Ye Xusheng and Zhang Dongqiang were wearing thin and strong clothes, they had just fought a real battle, they were sweating a little, and they were sitting drinking tea.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, Big Brother Zhang, I'm coming in!"

Before, when someone was causing trouble at her house, He Xiner had been to Zhang's house, so she was familiar with it.

"Why does this girl seem to be running here?"

Zhang Dongqiang was stunned.

Ye Xusheng, on the other hand, stood up and greeted him without saying a word.

The door of the room was opened from the outside, and He Xin'er and Dabai rushed in with a haha ​​of wind and snow.

"Xin'er, why are you here? Are you okay? Is it cold? Why are you running?"

"Wow, Brother Zhang's house is as warm as spring! How did you do it? Didn't you see the brazier?"

The two were talking almost at the same time, one with a concerned face pulled her to look carefully, the other with a curious face rolled his eyes and looked around, not on the same channel at all.

Dabai wandered to Zhang Dongqiang's side, and rubbed against him affectionately.

Zhang Dongqiang patted Dabai's head lightly, looked at the two talking about Chicken and Duck with a half-smile, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want a cup of tea, little girl?"

He Xiner...

"I'm not a little girl! I'll be thirteen next year, 13 years old? Do you understand?"

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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