The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 997 Burning the Earth Dragon

Chapter 997 Burning the Earth Dragon

The elegant and handsome Mr. Ruyu smiled evilly, dragging his long tone, and the word "oh" was delayed for a while, so the joke should not be too obvious.

He Xiner had already withdrawn her scrutiny, staring jealously at the pet who was intimately interacting with others.

"Okay, you know how to throw yourself into someone else's arms in front of my sister. Don't you like my sister? Are you going to abandon my sister?..."

Ye Xusheng...

Zhang Dongqiang...

This girl is an actress!

Dabai, who was accused of empathizing with someone else, was quite proud of himself. With his big head held high, he ran back to He Xiner's side happily, and kept hugging her into her arms, playing coquettishly and cutely, using all kinds of means.

"Haha, this is my sister's darling!"

Zhang Dongqiang couldn't stand it anymore.

Ye Xusheng also had hot eyes intuitively.

This stupid dog has a thick face!
"Cough, cough, is Xin'er busy?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just want to come and see Brother Dao, you two look like you are so busy, why don't you come home during the day and night?"

He Xiner patted Dabai's head to make it stop for a while, and with the help of the big hall brother, she took off her cloak and gloves and was busy with work.

"There is no brazier in this room, why is it so warm?"

Hey, someone is still thinking about this.

Zhang Dongqiang chuckled lightly, "Burn the earth dragon."

"Hey, I should have thought of it a long time ago. Why didn't we think of this idea when we built the house? We should lay the ground and install a fire wall. Even if it is cold outside, the house can be as warm as spring, and there is no need to be cold haha .”

He Xiner beat her chest and stamped her feet angrily.

Ye Xusheng couldn't see her like this the most, and coaxed softly, "You have a kang and a brazier in your room, neither is it cold, don't be annoyed~"

"Hey, even though that's the case, it's not as comfortable as the Earth Dragon!"

Zhang Dongqiang hadn't seen He Xin'er for a long time. Seeing that she had grown a lot taller and looked more handsome, it's just that her temper didn't improve much!
The little girl has never been so reserved and tactful~
It's a little clever ghost full of whimsy and whimsy;

She is a young girl full of vigor and high spirits;

She is a child with a bright smile and a pure innocence...

Thinking of something, Zhang Dongqiang's eyes were as deep as an ancient pool, and the faint smile on the corners of his lips gradually became colder. He narrowed his eyes slightly, picked up the teacup, and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

Dabai didn't know when he came over again, snuggled up to Zhang Dongqiang's feet, lying obediently on the ground, closing his eyes and dozing off.

"Brother Zhang, can I have a look at the books in your collection?"

Just when Zhang Dongqiang was a little distracted, Ye Xusheng had already fetched water for He Xiner to wash her hands, and poured hot tea for her to drink.

Seeing that the two of them had nothing to do, He Xiner was not uncomfortable at all, and began to look at Zhang Dongqiang's study. The long bookshelves were full of bookshelves. He Xiner became curious and couldn't help it. He leaned forward and did not forget to be polite.

"Look, if you like anything, just take it."

"Haha, thank you Brother Zhang first."

He Xiner smiled heartily, not hiding her good mood.

Ye Xusheng glanced at Zhang Dongqiang, and then glared at Dabai at his feet. Why does this person and dog look a bit obtrusive?
Dabai sleeps with his eyes closed, unable to see, see, see the provocative gaze of the bad boy.

Zhang Dongqiang returned him a teasing look, this kid really disliked him, and he didn't even look at whose house it was.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, they are all obscure books, what's the fun in reading them?"

Most of the books on the shelf are historical records, and then the Book of Songs, Zhongyong, Daxue, etc. There are also some books on poetry and prose. He Xiner casually flipped through two books, hey, I couldn't understand them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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