Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 222 Sadness, Pain and Peace

Chapter 222 Sorrow, Pain, and Peace (The Editor's Task: 46)

In the mourning eulogy, all the singers inject the power of the soul into the singing, allowing the audience to indulge in the impact of the sound of the soul, which is a very high-level music performance.Because the pure voice of the soul is extremely impactful, it is also praised by the chaotic side as the most upscale and most effective ghost transformation ceremony, which is just an additional effect of this auditory feast.Many famous musicians are very happy to participate in this kind of soul festival, and become a ghost with music as their soul while enjoying it.This is also enough to show what kind of musical achievements Arianna has.

"Lyle, this kind of concert is too... exciting for you. I don't mean to hate you as a ghost. I just think you should appreciate the value of life more."

Seeing Arianna who was worried about herself and trying to comfort herself awkwardly, Lyall felt warm in her heart.He grabs Arianna's fingerbones, and maybe soothing these jumping little bones will soothe her heart. "Arianna, I actually want to learn Soul Screaming. Someone told me that you can teach me how to do it."

"Soul Screaming, indeed, Mourning Song can easily do this, and turn you into a real ghost by the way. If you want to learn soul science, you don't need to go to such trouble, Lyle. Sister Helena is a master at playing with souls, She can easily satisfy your wishes, and it is safer."

Lyle shook his head, but Medusa would not be safe like this, and it always felt like that woman Helena was hiding something.Her mind is deeper and she is not an easy person to get along with.

"Is it true that I can't safely participate in the Mourning, Arianna."

"Better not, Lyle, you better not get hurt at all."

"Sister, you can let Lyle borrow the backstage," Beatrice suggested. "Don't the backstage of the opera house have a quiet effect? ​​The power of the concert is weakened by the quiet effect. In this way, Lyle will at most get Migraine. Maybe the weakened eulogy is just right for him to learn the soul scream. And, sister, don't you also want Lyle to accompany you until the end of the show?" Beatrice had a smile on her face, she I just want to see Lyle suffer.

"Can I use the backstage, Anna." This seemed like his chance.

Arianna looked at Lyle in front of her, and finally agreed to him.

"Yes, Lyle, I will discuss with Mr. Molles and ask him to borrow the backstage for you, and you can listen to the mourning chants behind the scenes."

"Us? Sister?" Beatrice seemed to hear something.

"Yes, Beatrice, since this is your suggestion, I think it's best for you to be there. Not only Lyle, but I also hope that my sister can accompany me to the end of the mourning song." Arianna's tone was strong, As if stating an impending fact, she looked back at Lyle. "Protect yourself, Lyle, the perception of vampires is much sharper than yours. When Binnie can't bear the singing, I hope you will leave with her."

Arianna summoned a ghost and took Lyle and Beatrice to a backstage position, on the edge of the stands, only blocked by a curtain in the center.Because most of the singers of the mourning hymn are incorporeal ghosts, there is no problem of blocking the way. For a long time after that, Beatrice crossed her arms in anger and stared at Lyle with both eyes. .

Waiting is always tormenting, and Lyle will occasionally lift the gap in the curtain and look out at the auditorium.When all the seats were filled and the cheers lasted for 10 minutes, the lights disappeared and the audience focused on the stage.

The singing of the mourning hymn is divided into three parts, the initial sad singing, the climax of painful singing, and the final peaceful singing.

The first sad performance begins with a ghostly solo, and her voice is mellow, simulating the sound of rain hitting the ground.Soon the sound becomes dull, and grows louder with each added harmony.As the atmosphere became low, every audience became silent, the creatures closed their eyes tightly, and the soul flame of the Lich began to dim.

Just like a dead person who has just closed his coffin.In the rain, he was transported to the time-stagnant memory by the running water accompanied by sadness.

Every heart is sinking slowly, like frozen ice and snow.In the deep tomb, it can only rust and rot slowly in the coffin.All sounds die away, as the time of the dead ends.

At the end of sorrow, pain begins to breed, like a burning flame in the heart.Arianna began to sing, everyone's bodies began to tremble, their souls wanted to get rid of the bondage, and let out their voices wantonly.Death is not the end, the end of life, it should not be the end of the soul.

Howling in pain, burning in shock.Arianna's appearance is accompanied by her high-pitched voice, which draws all eyes to her. She is the flame and we are the moths.

Trembling, appearing on every muscle of Lyle, the blood riots, the flesh twitches, Nia gets out of Lyle's body and begins to take over his body, but Nia's appearance is not good at this time. The vibration of her tentacles can be felt by the tentacles blocking the outer ear. She and Lyle are suffering the vibrato of the soul like all listeners.

When Lyall's consciousness was still awake, he still had the energy to think about whether Tranquility had failed.

Then, what he saw in front of him, a human in the audience, exploded.

His skin cracked, and blood and water flew into the air along with the minced meat, like fireworks.Soon he was left with only a trembling skeleton, and in the eye sockets, the soul flame was ignited.

He became a lich.

Arianna's singing was lifted to another level, and all the liches started to vibrate, their teeth started to shake, and their bones were fighting.

Click, click.

Lyle couldn't hear the sound of the skeleton falling off, but he could imagine how the liches fell apart.Their bones fell apart and became a pile of bones piled on the seat.But the soul flame burned more violently in the air.

White smoke formed on their bodies, drawing a phantom figure along the soul flame, and the soul flame became thinner, spreading to every corner of the white smoke figure.It becomes transparent, unreal.

became a ghost.

In Arianna's singing, all the ghosts sang the soul together.

Arianna's singing part ended, she retreated behind the scenes, leaving the stage to the ghosts, came to Lyle's side, and began to investigate Lyle's situation.After getting a temporary worry-free situation, Arianna breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned on Lyle, whose limbs were floppy, to listen quietly to the final An Ning performance.

The peaceful performance is a big chorus, the singer and the ghosts present together form a soul vortex circling in mid-air, praising the tranquility after death.

 I'm tired, I slipped away, I didn't change anything tonight, the task failed, and I went to play games.

(End of this chapter)

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