Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 223 Learn to let go

Chapter 223 Learn to let go
The riots in the audience made the opera house boil for a while. It is hard to imagine that everyone present is a participant of a high-end concert.

"Gentlemen and ladies who want to return to the original race, please piece together your bone structure on the seat or activate the resurrection device. The resurgence magic of the opera house makes your ghost have a certain degree of recyclability. Please don't make noise, Stay where you are, and if you still have a cognitive barrier to ghost form, we will provide an assistant for your resurrection."

A transparent spirit was hovering on the ceiling of the opera house, his voice was thick and deep, with a sense of reassuring relief.Lyall learned that it was Mr. Moles, one of the leaders of the opera house, an artist and manager.

"For brothers and sisters who want to join us, please go to the second passage to the compartment to find the administrators of the Secret Council to change your identity records. Later, we will guide you how to live as a ghost in the Wandering City, At the same time, my ensemble welcomes new talented musicians."

"Ments and ladies who have been resurrected, please carefully check your body parts or the functioning of each part of the organs. You must know that after each mourning eulogy, one-twentieth of the audience will be forced to become us due to various negligence. For this reason, our opera house has to be one of the top ten accidental death rates in the Wandering City. This is a very serious blow to our reputation. If you really like music and mourning choirs, support us, Please take responsibility for yourself."

"Oh, of course, my Lich friends, this reminder does not include you, I know you are my most loyal supporters, the Ghost Lich family..."

"Oh, and also, zombie friends..."

"Ooze friends..."

Then there was a long list of undead creatures, just like the name of a dish.

"Mr. Moles has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he is a perfectionist." Arianna whispered in Lyle's ear, and after the trembling in her ear ended, Lyle finally heard her voice.At this time, her palm was warm again, became soft, and there was a heartbeat. Arianna put on a disguise to feel the excitement.

"Have you learned the soul scream, Lyle?"

Lyle felt his body carefully, it was like a car with sticky honey stuffed in every pipe, only one trailer step away from being scrapped.Lyle felt very lucky, at least he didn't explode on the spot like a flesh and blood firework, thanks to Nia.

"Nia?" Lyle found his little one on the ground, she was like a half-melted rubber.

"It's okay, Nia." Lyle stretched out his palm and touched Nia's soft body.Like popping a balloon, Nia stretched her body violently, and the tentacles of the grid formed a large net in the air. Nia clasped her hands in front of her chest, her head held high, and with the ear-piercing squeezing sound, her body A crack appeared under the mask and helmet, and the fragments flew, revealing a lip, and between the two lips was an abyss, from which soul screams were gushing out.

Nia opened her mouth and learned to scream from the soul.

Nia ate her little dessert with her lips, instead of stuffing it directly into her stomach as before. Although her eating was as gentle as a girl's, her sharp teeth made food residues all over her tentacles.

Arianna turned her head, "If Lyle has more cute things in his mind, I believe Nia will be much cuter."

Arianna expressed her dissatisfaction, and Lyle could only smile awkwardly, "Don't worry, Nia is still young, and she will go through the teething period, probably every day in the future."

"Since Nia has learned the soul scream, Lyle, have you learned it too?"

"No, I still can't, Arianna. Mourning is really effective. Maybe I let go of my defenses at that time, and now I will learn like Nia."

"No, Lyle, I have seen your physical condition, you have reached the limit of what you can do. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Why are you obsessed with learning the soul scream? The final exam of soul science is not to make soul stones Is it? Lyle, Soul Scream has little to do with making Soul Stones. Your non-study has nothing to do with your graduation grades."

"However, all my friends know it. This is just a fairly basic ability."

"Lyle, you are a human being, and you are a special one. I can understand your desire to do everything well, but don't forget who you are, and don't abandon yourself for perfection." Arianna hugged Lyle, The chin rests on his shoulder. "Just like me, Lyle, I know that no matter what I do, I will never surpass Sister Helena. If I try to become like her, I will suffer more frustration and pain. I was like you before , wanting to become another Helena is not a lofty belief, but just my own sense of competition. Being Helena's sister is a very stressful thing, until I learn to let go, I just need to do well Just be Arianna, be the Arianna who loves Naslan, loves her sister, loves music."


"Excuse me, Mrs. Arianna, who loves sisters. As your sister, I was forced to participate in an activity that destroyed my ears just now, so I have a little hearing loss. My dear sister, can you repeat that touching passage Tell me about your confession? About your self-identification." Beatrice rubbed her ears and watched Arianna puff up her cheeks.

Arianna rolled her eyes, "My good sister, 'My pranks on you, I entrust all my love to you.' Whose life motto is this, I just use it flexibly. You don't expect me to Be bullied by you for a lifetime, right?"

Beatrice stomped on the spot, turned and walked towards the door.

"The night is coming, I'm going to my own bar to get drunk, no one should come to me, you can cuddle here like a fusion monster until the end of time!"

Looking in the direction Beatrice left, Lyle expressed his apology.

"It's okay, Beatrice."

Arianna smiled helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, when a person gains something, she loses something."

"The one who lost was Beatrice?"

Arianna kissed Lyle lightly on the cheek.

"It's time that's lost, time to spare yourself. I'm sorry, Lyle, but Benny needs me more than you tonight."

"Of course, Anna, you have helped me enough today, go find Beatrice, and don't let her get drunk."

"Then I can't do it. I can only make her less harmful to the surrounding environment when she is drunk, and send her home." Arianna finished her clothes and bid farewell to Lyle.


"what happened?"

"If you really still have lumps in your heart, I heard that witches can use magic to imitate soul screams. You can try again."

 So I put it down last night.

(End of this chapter)

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