Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 237 A former friend

Chapter 237 A former friend

The witches' gathering was in a dense forest, which was confirmed after passing through the hazy fog.Istara is instructing the sisters to build the pillars of the tent, which are two tall logs, and the distance between each other should be maintained at 20 meters. If the error exceeds one meter, the rooms of several sisters in the witch tent will not be unfolded or will be blocked. tear to pieces.Wen Li looked at the little girls who sat on the thick wooden stakes and watched the arrangement of the elder sister. They did not receive the same preferential treatment as Murray, so they could only sit on the wooden stakes with their hands on their chins.There are such log piles everywhere, and it is clear that this place used to belong to dense forest, and it was not cleared until recently.

"Ms. Wen Li, our preparations have been completed, and the contact with the neighboring witch group has gone smoothly." Istara came to Wen Li with a wax leather ledger, and behind her were those who were preparing to set off with missions. witch.

"It's my luck to have you here, Istara." The praised Istara lowered her hat with her hands, and the blush on her freckled cheeks was covered by the broken hair squeezed by the hat.

"Master Wen Li, I will manage the camp for you, so please rest assured to do what you want to do, sir."

Wen Li stroked Istara's cheek, smiled, and floated away like a breeze.

The Vengeance Witch's camp was on the other side of the assembly. When Wen Li moved up the path, looking at the steep terrain, she realized that this witch's assembly was on the mountain, at least a flat area halfway up the mountain.The fog was not caused by witchcraft, but the condensed water vapor at high altitude.

"Vengeance witches still like towering places so much, maybe they are more suitable to be crows."

"Good analogy, Wen Li." Just ten meters away, a wet witch dressed as if she just crawled out of a medicine bottle responded to her.Her clothes are like a layer of ground, with some grass and small mushrooms growing on it.Her skin has a luster similar to oil, her facial features are round, and her eyes have a kind of turbidity that has lived in the mountains and forests for a long time and lacks the atmosphere of civilization.But at that time, the light spots that appeared in the fundus from time to time made people wonder if it was a kind of camouflage.She was like a witch, or rather a witch, out of a fairy tale.In fact, the role of the witch is indeed based on her. She is Longevity, the oldest forest witch, the woman who lives in the mountains and boils potions in fairy tales.A long lifespan has turned into wisdom, which is what Wen Li looked like when she first met her.Wen Li once wondered whether Long Jiewenni would live longer than herself, in fact it did, and now she has died, but the elder is still smiling.

"Long time no see, Longjiewenni." Almost all existing witches have received her favor, and among the witches, Longjiewenni has always been a kind old man.

"Has it been a long time, Wen Li, the last time I saw you, it was like yesterday to me. You are still so radiant, and time has not changed you, Wen Li."

"Longjiewenni, remind me, I am dead now."

"Oh, Wen Li, you've changed." She was like an old man who heard that her children were going to move out when they grew up, holding a walking stick with old fingers interlocking. She looked up at Wen Li, pursing her wrinkled lips. After a moment, "So, you can't give me a hug now, can you?"

Wen Li smiled. She opened her hands and hugged the little Longjiewenni in her arms, "Of course not, my lovely Longjiewenni, as long as you don't think I'm cold."

Longjiewenni put the crouching Wen Li into her cloak, as if nature itself embraced Wen Li.

"You are still the Wen Li I know, child. What happened to Cinderella made me think that I lost another friend. I was very scared when I heard the news of your resurrection. I was afraid that death would make everything worse. But, my dear, you haven’t changed in my eyes. You haven’t surrendered to death, Wen Li, your soul is still hot.” ​​Before Longjiewenni could finish her sentence, she coughed and pulled herself from the cloak. He took out a small bottle of pasty medicine from his lower pocket and poured it into his mouth. The cough finally got better.

"But your body is really cold enough."

A little joke brought the two back to the past, and they walked up the mountain together.

"Longjiewenni, are you also here to ask Sesera? About the purpose of this gathering."

"Questions remain in the hearts of every witch mother. This sudden gathering attracts everyone. I received a notice from the Vengeful Witch. Let's go back there to gather, every witch mother." Long Jiewenni looked at Wen Li , "It seems that the little quarrel between you and Sessela is not over yet. It has been ten years."

"That's not a small conflict. Our will and goal have run counter to each other. We don't agree with each other. There is no possibility of reconciliation."

"Really?" Long Jiewenni looked at the bright silver pattern on the back of Wen Li's hand, "It seems to me that it is a little awkward, and there is no essential difference between your pursuits, and they are all for the better survival of witches. In the future , there will definitely be an opportunity for you to go back to the past, after all, your connection has surpassed blood."

"I don't like your point of view, because Sessela is just a self-righteous female crow."

The two finally found the big black feathered tent, which stood out in a lush coniferous forest.Long Jiewenni has already started to pour herself a bottle of medicine. The altitude here must have reached an incredible height, and the thin air is a challenge for this long-lived person.

"Come in quickly, Wen Li." Long Jiewenni had already got into the tent, and the cold wind blowing outside was not enough for her.

There is another world in the tent. Many lighted candles have to be hung against the black background, but the lamp stand is also in a bad cold color. The center is the hall, with spiral stairs on both sides leading to the rooms on both sides. The corridors are full of vengeance. The witches are watching the matrons of the various witch groups sitting in the center.

Here, Wen Li is quite familiar. She looked directly at the location in her memory. On the solemn throne made of stones, there was now a basket.

It was the cat's nest, Wen Li smiled knowingly, but the cat named Willa Liz was not there.

Sesera sits first on the right hand of the throne.Her image has not changed, saying that she is a crow, there is nothing wrong with it.She was wearing the big fur woven with feathers, and a headband made of black pussy feathers peeked out from her waist-length hair.The bridge of her nose is high and straight, which has broken the balance of the original delicate facial features.The thick smoky makeup made her look ten years older, with a malevolence in it.In fact, Cesera is indeed a narrow-minded woman.

Sessela stood up from her seat, she was slender, under the big fur, with slender and tall limbs, and elegant curves, she became the most outstanding among the witch mothers, and her sarcasm was also the same.

"Longjiewenni, what did you bring in? We are not mushrooms you cultivated, nor are we carrion wolves or vultures. We don't eat corpses."

(End of this chapter)

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