Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 238 Bearing the Body Kurona

Chapter 238 Bearing the Body Kurona

Vengeful witches have a very strong sense of community, as does their fanatical pursuit of a harsh sense of honor.This is one of the reasons why they can indulge in revenge.But now, the unity of the Vengeful Witches was manifested in the ridicule of their opponents. Before Sessela could finish her sentence, the surrounding witches followed their witch mother and laughed like crows in a wheat field.

Wen Li didn't express anything superfluous, as if hearing mosquitoes buzzing in her ears.Her eyes were cold, and she looked directly at Cersei, who was staring at her.

"Cercela, Wen Li is the witch mother of the Death Witch. She was originally a member of us, and now she is naturally qualified to listen to our meetings. What's more, her being able to enter the gathering with the Vengeful Witch does not mean that the person behind you Is it the inspiration of the throne?" Longjevani pointed to the cat's nest on the stone throne, reminding the change in the Vengeful Witch.

Cersei looked at Longjiewenni's bent back, and the malice in her eyes did not emerge after all.She looked at Longjiewenni fiercely, "Her existence will not bring about any change, Longjiewenni, you can't stop me."

"I don't want to stop you, dear Cersella, I just hope that your plan will be more perfect, and you can hear more with both ears."

The Council of Witch Mothers is the summit meeting of witches, the only difference is that they are witches, they are good at insight into people's hearts, and they understand each other, so everything discussed here is more straightforward.They seek help directly, rather than burying their desires in a web of woven circles and waiting for the person they're talking to to fall in on their own.Although private grievances continued, they maintained absolute goodwill during this meeting, because the current environment did not give them the leisure to intrigue.Sesera, who had entered the witch mother state, even reached several mutually beneficial agreements with Wen Li.

But the mutual aid session of this witch gathering was very simple. Everyone had thoughts in their hearts, and they were all watching the proud and reserved Sercela, waiting for her to mention her real plan, the bright future of the witch group that was depicted.

Cersei, who had closed her eyes, opened her eyes, and her gaze swept across everyone like an unsheathed blade.

"You are all looking forward to it, I can feel it, just as I take the group to fight back against those who hurt us and look at the corpses of those tortured sisters, I can feel it."

"Witchcraft, a power that belongs to us alone, has changed us. We are no longer locked in a house by men, or used as playthings. It has brought us dignity as an independent life, even beyond death."

"I am very disappointed. Some of our compatriots regard this blessing as a curse. They will feel uneasy because of their own witchcraft. They hate themselves like this. I know that you all have such inferiority complex more or less. You I feel that we are different, we are freaks, we were originally women, we should take care of our husbands and children, stay in our own three acres of land, pray to God, and pray that our husband is a qualified support.”

"You are wrong! Bastards! We were created by the gods and born free! We are not anyone's vassals! We are also noble and only souls! I am very proud! I am proud of being a witch! Compared with warmth A quiet home, I chose the wilderness of natural selection! Because the threats on this land are telling me all the time, my existence is worth more than 25 pounds of meat, and I am living for myself!"

"I'm not the first to speak out, and I won't be the last. Even if we don't exist, witches and witchcraft don't exist, women will stand up and speak out for our god-given rights."

"The country needs a king, the town needs a lord, and so do we witches. If we want to be united, we must have a strong leader, our mistress."

Sessela paused for a moment, "Of course I'm not the candidate. Although I'm happy to do that, I don't have the courage to lead witches. I'm not strong enough."

"You should know the final witch project. The most ancient and solemn witchcraft. An altar, a body with great potential, a powerful force. We will bring our leader, the mistress of all witches, and she will lead Let us build our own country." Sesera looked at the silent Wen Li with a smile in her eyes, "A country that will not be destroyed."

The tip of the mountain broke through the clouds, revealing a sharp corner.There is no dense fog here, although it is still cold, the unusual light in the distance corresponds to the sun, giving a warm color to the black column carved with grotesque patterns in the center of the prototype altar.The girl knelt and sat directly under the black pillar that made people feel chilled just by looking at it. She was wearing a light black feather weaving cloth, and the feathers rustled by the cold wind.She prayed towards the weird stone pillar, devoutly like a nun.

A cloud of shadow climbed up the girl's back, and her hat was slapped off by her claws. The short dark blue short hair was blown up by the wind, revealing the girl's immature face, a beauty embryo.

"Cute Krona, did you miss me?" The shadow turned into a cat, and Vera Liz lay on her shoulders, replacing her scarf with her own tail.

Kulona turned her head, and the worry in Shui Ling's eyes had turned into tears.

"Miss Willa Liz! Woohoo, I can't find you anywhere, I'm so scared..."

Seeing the girl crying like pear blossoms and rain, Willa Maomao felt a little guilty about her sneaking away.But after all, it is a cat, and there is nothing wrong with meow who wants to pursue freedom!
Vera Liz stretched out her little meat ball to wipe her tears. She had tried to lick it with her tongue before, but the barbed tongue made Krona cry even louder.Her skin is as immature as a baby's. I really don't know how a vengeful witch living in the wilderness maintains her skin.

Vera looked up at the black pillar, her solemn breath pressing down on the cat.

"So I couldn't find us, so Kurola came to the pillar and waited? It's so high and cold here."

"Krona doesn't know what else to do. The only thing she can rely on is the stone pillar brought by Lady Willa Liz. If you pray, you might be able to hear it."

Vera looked at the citrus eyes that reflected her, and the silly girl really did.

"This pillar is not a god who responds to requests. It is just our adult pillar. In our home, as long as there are children who grow up, such a pillar will be erected. We moved here just for fun."

The black cat jumped off Krona's shoulders, pressing down on the hem of her clothes and dragging her down the hill.

"Are you going back? Lady Vera."

"Let's go to the fair and play."

"No! Lady Vera! Lord Cesera said that we are the hope of the witch! We have an important role! We should recharge our batteries here at the altar."

Vera Maomao tilted her head, and the serious Kulona looked so boring. Even when she was crying, she was cuter than she is now, just a little more troublesome.

"Kulona, ​​we who are with you day and night, and Cesera, the vengeful witch, who do you listen to?"

"Um... Cersei..."

"Hmm~~~" Willa Maomao made a long sound, and her mouth also shrunk.

"It's Lady Vera Liz, Krona listens to Lady Vera!"

Cats don't like that. She falls to the ground, on all fours, writhing like a caterpillar. "We don't care, I'm so angry, the most important person in Kurona is not us, let's stop playing with Kurona, we have to cry too, woo woo woo."

Now it was Krona's turn to panic, she was at a loss, and finally agreed to Vera Liz's request.

"Then let's go to the fair for a while and come back before the sisters come to us. We must."

"Hmm." Vera Maomao smiled, silly girl, be happy later, if you can still find North, I will also turn it into South.

(End of this chapter)

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