Chapter 363

"Ralph seems to have a good impression of Mr. Echel. Regarding this matter, maybe you, as someone who has experienced it, can give him some advice."

Violet is the most suitable candidate for Ralph in Ralph's opinion.And, maybe the only solution, where can I find a lady who can see Ralph's bright spots without being intimidated by him himself.

Echelle glanced at the letter paper briefly, put it in his arms, patted his chest, and promised the ticket. "Leave this matter to me, don't worry, as our Lord Protector of Leweser, I will definitely repay Mr. Ralph's kindness."

Echelle turned around and followed Leweather's troops back to the forest, "By the way, don't forget about the banquet later." A proud smile appeared on his face, "Repelling the Holy Light is definitely something to be proud of. "

After discussing some matters with Mr. Irina, Lyle went back to the wasteland city of Druiya.

With Mr. Irina's environmental transformation before he left, this wasteland remained as it was before, and the scars left by the war on the land were wiped away.Except for an extra bump on the far hill where the star fell.A new mountain was formed.

As the sun moves, the shadows of the mountains are like footprints walking on the earth, advancing with Lyall's slow steps.

There is no war, and the Legion of the Holy Light shows no signs of making a comeback, so Lyle is not in a hurry at all.In fact, he was thinking that he needed time to prepare how to meet Queen Liya, and how to impress her with the resources and promises he already had.

After experiencing Linadrya's dream, Lyle can be considered to understand the actual queen, maybe the current self can really manage the relationship between Derya's grandparents.

Driya was in a riot at this time, a controlled riot.Queen Lina returned to her city with the Defender Legion, declared to her own people the betrayal of the Legion of Light, and immediately ordered the expulsion of the church forces and other related personnel in the city.

Those foreigners had never seen the scene of knights threatening the priest with spears, and they ran out like fleeing with the idea that the country had gone crazy.

Rationally speaking, this is an act of self-mutilation. The loss of friendly diplomatic relations with neighboring countries means that they have to return to their precarious life of plundering.But this is what Lina must do, to explain to her army and to the people.

"Spiritual freedom requires enduring material suffering." Looking at the knight standing under the central tower, the defender's armor attached to the rock was much tattered than before, and the attack with elemental magic power left indelible cracks on it.It also made these knights a lot more powerful.

"Hopefully it helps them."

Presenting the token left by the founder of the country, Rhett, in the respect of the Driya knights, Lyle's progress was unimpeded.

Knocking on the door lightly, the internal conversation stopped abruptly.

It was Benjamin, the knight of Driya, who was appeasing the little emotions of his Majesty the Queen.

"Little Lena, you have to understand His Majesty Rhett's painstaking efforts. In order to ensure that the plan is safe, we will keep it from you."

"I am your king! Benjamin, you are hiding it together! This is a crime of bullying!"

"I'm sorry, little Lina...a guest is coming." Benjamin heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the sound outside the door, thankful that he escaped unharmed.

Maintaining the majesty of a king, Lina calmed down, and then looked at the comer with murderous eyes.It turned into surprise in the next second.

"Lyle... sir?"

The queen who thought she had met for the first time actually called out her own name accurately. While feeling flattered, Lyle took off his hat and bowed with a humble smile.

"It's a great honor to meet you, Her Majesty Queen Linadria. I am Laerbuler, and now I am the joint envoy of the Kingdom of Leweser and the Wandering City, and I greet you."

"A messenger?" Lena didn't take off her battle armor, and Lyle could smell the foul smell of blood in the air. "Not long ago, there was a messenger sitting in my room. That one made me quite uncomfortable."

Her Majesty's demeanor was like an angry dragon poised for momentum. Perhaps she had discovered her purpose of trying to reconcile the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, and Lyall felt bad.

"Mr. Messenger, it is not the way of Deriya's hospitality to keep guests standing at the door. Come in quickly, and come to me."

Can I not go?

Complaining in his heart, Lyle squeezed out an ugly smile and walked slowly in front of Lina.

At this moment, there was only a table and a distance between Benjamin and him in front of Lina.

"Is it alright, Majesty Lena..."

With a howling sound from the huge cavalry gun, the iron gun weighing tens of kilograms lashed violently, making a human-shaped gap in the wall.

Now there is only one table left.

Lyle was sweating coldly, listening to the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside, as well as the exclamation of patrolling knights.

"It's okay for him."

"The defender's awakening has given us new strength. I have a sense of proportion. It's just a punishment for him." Queen Lena stood up from her seat, hung the spear back on the wall, and slowly approached Lyle.

"Forget about that idiot, let's talk about you, what you brought, Mr. Lyle."

Facing Lina's aggressive gaze, Lyall took a small step back. "I learned that after the banishment of the Holy Light, Deria may face the dilemma of lack of supplies, so I brought the friendship between Leweser and the Wandering City. The Wandering City is also the magical city where the Memories of Dusk exists. I got permission, and if Deria is willing, these two cities can start trade with Deria. I heard from Mr. Rhett that the forging skills of the Deria people are second to none. Maybe our business will go smoothly. Get what you need."

Lyle is looking forward to Lina's reply. This proposal is harmless to Derya, and it may be able to take advantage of the situation to repair Mr. Reid's relationship.

However, Lina Que was very calm, and she didn't immediately ask about the details of the transaction.

"You know what? Someone once told me you were like a docile stag."


Lina covered her mouth and smiled, this was the first time this feminine movement appeared on her face.

"She's wrong, you're not a stag. You're a rabbit." Lena's complex expression of excitement appeared on her face, "Do you know what expression you had when I suddenly punished Benjamin just now? Your expression froze , and then trembled, like a frightened rabbit about to hide in a hole."

"Even if you have an absolute advantage in negotiations, your personality still makes you unconsciously passive."

"Your powerful body can't hide your inner softness and...gentleman?"

"Whether in a dream or in reality..."

"You're still quite interesting, Demon God."

Although Queen Lena's size and height were not as good as Lyle's, when she stood in front of Lyle and grabbed Lyle's neckline as if to help adjust the collar, Lyle felt a lot of pressure.

She found herself.

(End of this chapter)

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