Chapter 364 Self-Cognition
"I really want to say that you have misunderstood the person." But Lyle knew that the defense was useless, and those eyes that were close at hand told him how firm the Queen's will was.

"I won't admit my mistake."

The determined words made Lena Deria feel handsome, but this was not the reason for Lyle to obey her.He struggled and came to a fact.Defender Lina's force value far exceeds her own, although at this time, in the eyes of others, it may be an ambiguous scene of men and women flirting.

Actually, the lion is carrying the chicken.

"There's no pretense to what you're doing, you're the same in reality as you are in dreams. It's not difficult to connect the two."

Lina let go of her palm. After the initial period of excitement, she seemed to recall the queen's reserve, and with appreciative eyes, she naturally prepared to tidy up Lyle's collar.To appease the subjects is a compulsory course for the queen.


The reality is often not as we wish, in the face of the power of the brave queen, Lyall's collar becomes a broken piece of cloth flying in the air.

The high neck turned into a V-neck, and the pale skin on Lyle's collarbone seemed to have an icy temperature, freezing the smile and atmosphere on the Queen's face.

Claire clutched his chest, took a big step back and stood in the corner, between the portraits of the two generations of Deryya's former kings.Looking at the majestic man in the portrait, Lyle thought silently.

Mr. Rhett, I hope you understand that it's not my fault.

The silence lasted about ten seconds, and Queen Lena continued with a vibrato.

"When...Of course, the reason why I recognize you is, mainly, the intuition of women."

"Grandpa Rhett came back because of you, and Deria won the victory, and now, you are here again, bringing Deria's future."

"I don't believe in such things as fate, before that dream."

"So, Demon God, what price do I have to pay?"

Nia's tiny tentacles wove into a web, filling Lyle's neckline, and finally, it was not so embarrassing.

"Repairing my relationship with Mr. Rhett is my only hope."

"I probably understand, for the sake of my country, I will accept your advice." Lena took her footsteps again, and the thumping sound on the floor was simply a scourge to Lyle.

There is no way I can retreat, and this queen is like a smiling devil, approaching step by step.

"I don't believe that someone will selflessly sacrifice themselves for others. Mr. Lyle, I think it is necessary to give you some 'goodwill', in order to make De Ruiya more profitable, in an adult way."

On that face was the childishness of a girl and the maturity of a ruler at the same time. A body odor that blended sweat and blood beat on his face with his breath, and Lyle couldn't help swallowing.

That face, with slightly dry lips, is being enlarged in the field of vision.


Two black tentacles guarded the last five centimeters, pinching the girl's expression into a pouting mouth.

Nia got out of Lyle's chest, stretched her limbs in the air, and lay on Lyle's head with a bulging face.

"Nia is angry! Don't bite Lyle!"

The tentacles whipped in the air, expressing the owner's irritability, and the sound also awakened Lyall's thinking, and pulled a short distance away from the sluggish Queen Lina.

Queen Driya had never seen a creature like Nia before, and her eyes were full of surprise, looking at the twisted creature that only appeared in grotesque nightmares.

"what is this?"

There was an obvious humming in Nia's voice, "Nia won't tell you!"

Lyle patted Nia's tentacles, but the girl moved the tentacles as if she was awkward.

"This is Nia, it's my talent, it's also my..." Half body?Or daughter?Lyle was thinking about his words, and Nia had already given her answer.

"Nia is Lyle's master!"

"Huh? Why is it the master!" Lyle spoke out for the unfair treatment he had received.

"Hmph! It's supposed to be!" Nia stretched out her fingers and began to count.

"Lyle wants to feed Nia, play with Nia, and tell Nia a bedtime story!"

He had indeed done the first two items, but when did he do the last one? Lyle looked at Nia who had turned around, and his own doubts intertwined with the naturalness in her big eyes.

When Nia was sleeping, speaking of it, when she entered her own shadow, she also entered a state of rest.In this way, these so-called bedtime stories are actually my own mutterings to myself. In this way, it seems that there is such a thing.

"Do you remember what story I told you, Nia."

Nia's tentacles were tangled together, and she was caught in a tangle of thoughts.

"A thousand and one shining ways to die?"

"Spinawheel and Forty Explosions?"

"Hungry flesh and blood health regimen guide?"


Nia is indeed a good child, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Well, what you said is correct, but! Why is this a master-servant relationship? It's obviously your guardian."

"That's not true! Nia is an evil god! She is Lyle's master!" The tentacles began to wrap around Lyle's head, wrapping it into a big black rice dumpling.

The evil god eats the blood of the sacrifice, the evil god listens to the prayers of the servants, and the evil god feels the praise of the apostles.

It seems... It's really a master-servant relationship.

After Nia's childish troubles, Lyle's relationship with a certain queen was also interrupted. After witnessing Lyle's closeness with the unknown creature, Her Majesty Lena seemed to let go of that weird obsession and entered the state of a national leader .

Under Nia's hostile monitoring, Lyle and Lena reached a series of agreements.Including the three wandering cities, the trade exchanges and political and diplomatic affairs among the three ethnic groups of Druiya and Leweser.Just drawing up the initial plan, Lyle is just an emissary.

"Don't forget Mr. Rhett, he loves you very much, but he is not good at expressing it." Leaving the last sentence, Lyle was about to leave.

"Lyle, you don't seem to belong directly to Wandering City."

"Yes, I'm from Andry College."

"Then, can the forces behind you also help us? De Ruiya is waiting to be done, maybe we can communicate more."

Lyle looked weird.

"You don't want it, Your Majesty, we don't serve you."

Wiping off the cake crumbs hanging from Nia's mouth, Lyle turned around.

"Andry is a Lich Academy, and we serve the dead, those who don't want to stay in the grave."

Lyle breathed a sigh of relief after walking out of the Driya Tower and into the dark streets.

It was so dangerous that I almost betrayed Arianna.


The black slime slowly spread from behind, turning into Nia's appearance, like a wronged child who did something wrong.

Lyle pinched her rubbery cheeks, feeling her spirit gradually relax.

"You seem to dislike Queen Lena very much."

"Nia hates her."


"Because she doesn't like Nia." Lyle recalled the scene when Nia first appeared. Linadrya was surprised and... resisted when she first saw Nia.Even though Nia has begun to take human form now, in the eyes of ordinary people, she still looks like a monster.

Staying in Andre for a long time made Lyle ignore the eyes of the outside world.Nia can't get the favor of the outside world, and neither can she.

The human individual named Lerbuler has a fault with [normal].

But none of this matters.

Nia cares about what other people think of her. When she grows up, she cares about how others feel about her.

"If you stay with someone who doesn't like Nia, Lyle won't like Nia either."

Lyall held the not so lively Nia in his arms. She was very big, and she was about Lyall's size.

"I will always like Nia, more than I like myself."

"You lied, Nia is Lyle, liking Lyle is liking Nia, liking Nia is liking Lyle."

Lyle put his arms around Nia and laughed in the darkness without light.

(End of this chapter)

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