Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 365 Winners and losers

Chapter 365 Winners and losers

"Lyle, go and invite Mr. Ralph over, he's about to miss the most lively part of tonight's feast!"

Echelle roared like cold wind on top of Leweser, but was quickly drowned out by laughter again.

The huge tree platform is covered with firefly hanging bags, and the dance steps of dozens of Leweser rangers trample the wooden boards under their feet loudly.

Lyle trembled a little when he walked, feeling that the whole world was vibrating.

In the end, Eichel couldn't hold back, and danced cheerfully, moving from the other end to Lyle's side amidst the cheers of the crowd.

"Don't forget, our plan." Echelle winked, and set his eyes on Ralph who was watching the moon on the window sill.

After he handed Violet's love letter to the wild king, he finally said tonight that he would take action.

In order to ensure that Ralph could be hidden from it, Lyle did not know the details of the plan.According to Echelle, Lyle is just a glass bottle, and what is contained in his stomach is definitely not a secret.

Lyle expressed concern about Eichel's current situation. Hungry Flesh has undergone earthquake resistance tests, but it is definitely not so strong. I really don't want Leweser to jump himself out the next moment.

It was a bad idea to try to make Ralph uncomfortable and down with the vibrations and jolts, Lyle could hardly feel his legs, and Ralph was still acting like a normal person.

"He's a born ranger."

Lyle rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the compliment, but he's more than just a Ranger."

Echelle shrugged, "I'm going to let the Lord Protector attend the banquet, Lyall, we have to find a way to get him down."

Lyle showed great approval for this plan, "Good idea, as far as I know, Uncle Ralph can't drink."

"Yes, so the difficulty is... how to get a prudent man to hold a glass."

Looking at Echelle's straight gaze, Lyle understood what he meant.

"Are you going to swap me and my uncle for one?"

"Human beings have the mentality of blind obedience. When a person falls, he also has a tendency to fall. I am now a dead person in disguise, and I will not get drunk."

"So, there is only one option left."

"But I clearly saw His Royal Highness Keira also..." Under Echel's bear-like gaze, Lyle closed his mouth.

For Ralph's happy life, I just gritted my teeth and sacrificed once.

With a heroic sense of mission, Lyle held Echel's hand, "Your Majesty! I leave everything to you!"

"I swear in the name of Echelle Leweser, I will protect the happiness of the Lord Protector just like I protect Leweser!"

"I, go!"

Everything was ready, Lyle walked towards the man with a bounce.

Nia would never miss the delicious food at the banquet, but she couldn't be noticed by Ralph in her original form.

Fortunately, Leweser has a strong ability to accept new things, which is probably related to the ranger's preference for hunting strange creatures.Nia was locked in a small room, and four of the most professional chefs used uninterrupted food to limit her range of activities.

She should be very happy, even if she said goodbye to Lyle temporarily, she just waved her spare tentacles.

If you have food, you won't be clingy anymore.

Leweser entered into the carnival of victory, Delia sank into the tranquility of victory, and some people were tasting the taste of defeat.

In the nearest state church.

The mellow man looked sad, looking at the group of silent knights, his light dimmed while he was troubled.

"Captain Algernon, look at what the judges have done!"

"Master Rafal, we are only doing what we are supposed to do."

"Is your so-called duty to destroy two human nations?! Don't you know the impact of your actions?! The relationship between the Holy Light and the kingdoms is already on thin ice, and now, you bastards want to put the ice on the ice." Cut open the face. Think about what other countries will think? The Holy Light has begun to encroach on us!"

"First, they are heretics who don't believe in the Holy Light, and they are fundamentally different from the human nations. If they are not owned by the Holy Light, they are the enemies of the Holy Light. The behavior of our judges is not wrong in the dogma! Second , Rafal, you are too weak. The soft policy you have implemented will only make those villains who stand on the sidelines die, and we will remind them that they have to set the Holy Light as the reason for their only belief."

Before Algernon finished speaking, the guards around felt his contempt for the leader and took a step in a neat step. Frey stopped their further movements.

"Now is not the time for infighting."

Algernon snorted coldly.

"It is the responsibility and obligation of our judges to eliminate potential threats. Or, Mr. Rafal, do you still naively think that all human races are one, and all are people of the Holy Light?"

"Human beings are the children of chaos, discrimination, and strife. Our task is to establish order in chaos, our order."

Rafal sighed.

"Times have changed, Algernon. Now, what the Light needs is not conquest, but defense. Three of the four leaders are gone, and our strength is passing."

"Then we should do this even more!" Algernon roared, "Don't say you can't feel it, the wheel of fortune is starting to spin, the banners of the times are changing, and emerging forces are emerging one after another. We need power! Judges, we need new leaders ! New Angel!"

Rafal narrowed his eyes, "No wonder, you have to submit a war application..."

The way paladins promote themselves, their feats and glory, and the annihilation of heresies are naturally one of them.The judge intends to use the nutrition of the heresy war to nurture the legion, and use the power of war to give birth to new angels.

"Algernon, are you going to be promoted to the seventh rank?"

"One more step."

Rafal had a little admiration for the leader of the Judge Legion. He might be the most inspirational one in the Holy Light Legion. You must know that the existing angels are basically supported by Raymond, and Raymond himself is cheating.Those who have experienced it are very aware of the difficulty of promoting the leader of the Crusaders.

A legionnaire who worked hard to get promoted.

Either way, wrong is wrong.Moreover, they still lost. If it wasn't for Rafal's rescue, there would definitely be fewer survivors of the judges.

"All members of the Judgment Knights are guarding the sanctuary of Debyvan. They are not allowed to leave the sanctuary without the permission of the angel or the pope!" Rafal did not emphasize the consequences of violating discipline. Because violation means degeneration, and their beliefs will bring punishment.

"Your will," replied Algernon curtly, preparing to leave.

"Wait a moment."

A stream of light pierced the ground in front of Algernon, and a bright light burst out from the inside of the dark sword body.

"Dark Light Sword... Are you humiliating me? Rafal." The holy sword that once belonged to the leader of the judges, the angel of fire, St. George, can only be controlled by the strength of the leader of the crusaders.

"This is the holy sword of the judge, and it is returned to you now."

"You'll be useful someday."

(End of this chapter)

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