Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 489 The Stone of Ending

Chapter 489 The Stone of Ending
Two meters, after facing the bell ringer, the visual oppression brought by the tomb guard is much smaller.Words and deeds are also much smarter than the bell ringer. The tomb keeper has his own thoughts and even his own theories, although all of these rely on his own evil.

Crows are circling in the air, and there are no birds in Degonris. Those quacking birds pull out black fog behind their wings and tails. They are entities of dark power condensed. On the refurbished graveyard, a black shadow sank into it.

Gravekeeper, using his power.

"Death and birth are two extremes, and withering and sowing are also two extremes. As you say, I am a hard-working gardener. Now, look at what I have harvested."

The piled tomb was dug up again, and pairs of black sharp claws protruded from the inside, and roaring roars appeared throughout the cemetery.Around the three of them, monsters from the tomb emerged from the ground, twisting their ugly bodies like tree bark, and the cemetery was full of people.

The gravekeeper stood in front of Ralph with his arms folded, his shovel stuck in the ground, and his one eye looked at Ralph mockingly.

"You're a lot like me, man."

The same black dressing style, the same way of communication, and the same momentum.It's not that Ralph's aura is similar to the monster's, but it's exactly the same, or even slightly surpassed.

"I will bury you again, and when you emerge from the ground, you will become my best servant." The gravekeeper arranged the ending of the three at random, "I thought of a good idea to dismember the woman. After the transformation, you eat this woman bite by bite."

"Hehehehe, don't worry, Miss Silvert, you will be fine."

The endless monsters became the confidence of the gravekeeper. He recklessly detailed his plan, and his appearance was exactly the same as that of Ralph at the beginning.If it hadn't been confirmed for the blood relationship of the Buller family, Violet might really think that the gravekeeper is Ralph's twin brother, a brother made up of all of Ralph's shortcomings.

Facing the threat, Ralph took out a small sandalwood box, his expression relaxed, and his gloves moved along the pattern on the box.

"I have been called a monster many times by Lyle and Kevin, behind what they thought I was. Tong Yan Wuji, I think so, so in order to help them grow, my education is very attentive."

The box was opened, Ralph reached into it, and took out a relatively long and narrow special bullet.The stone-like shell seems to be stained with a layer of active black mud, and the appearance of the Philosopher's Stone is much dirtier than imagined.Because this stone represents the death of the alchemist and his hatred of his unwilling fate.This is the death stone that ends all things.

Ralph stuffed it into the barrel of the gun.

"But when I saw you, I realized how bad it must feel to have a monster like me."

Raise your gun, aim.

"I hate it to the core. My nephew can be called a monster by my nephew, and only I, Ralph, is enough for a person like me."

Ralph smiled, the smile that brought the dead cemetery into winter.

"Say hello to Ba Jin for me, Gravekeeper."

The bullets flew out, making a small sound.

The Dragonfire Alchemy Musket didn't show much of its excellent performance as a musket on the Philosopher's Stone bullet. It was just a frustrated booster, "throwing" the Philosopher's Stone at the gravekeeper.

Compared with other bullets, the black bullet flies slower than expected. It may be that the slippery surface slows down the impact of some gunpowder. Those things like silt make this final bullet a dark arrow, silent , as in death.

Three living corpses blocked the flying trajectory. They were meat shields found by the grave guards.

The bark-like black skin was in contact with the black bullet, and two similar colors collided together.

The Philosopher's Stone melts into the body of a living corpse like a drop of water.

Well, not into, but through.

The Philosopher's Stone played its role the moment it touched the corpse, and the living corpse touched by it melted.

It was like inserting a candle into the cream of a cake, without hindrance, the Philosopher's Stone bullet pierced through three living corpses, and then continued to rush towards the gravekeeper at an unabated speed.

Surprise, sparked in that malevolent one-eyed eye, and when the bullets approached, it was too late to dodge.The gravekeeper can only pick up the shovel as a defensive action.

The bullet hit the long shaft of the shovel with a bang, and made a sound at the moment of impact, miraculously changed its trajectory, and finally pierced the gravekeeper's shoulder blade, leaving a hole the size of an index finger on his left shoulder.For the two-meter-tall gravekeeper, the small hole was not as big as the tear in his clothes.

The gravekeeper heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Ralph again.

"You did surprise me."

Ralph put down his musket.

The cemetery keeper laughed strangely.

"It's too late to surrender now, I'm going to dig a hole in your stomach and fracture your spine in two. It's okay, you don't need it anymore."

Facing the threat of the grave guard, Ralph did not turn back.

Ralph is very tolerant to the dead.

"the second."

The three living corpses that had been pierced by bullets had already crumbled into dust. The grave guard with his twisted smile rushed towards Ralph with a shovel in hand.The tomb guard who was jumping didn't realize that his body had turned into a mess of sand.For the first second, his legs stayed in place and turned into ashes.In the second second, his lower body disintegrated in the air, and his upper body continued to fly.In the third second, it shattered, and the flying shovel was caught in Ralph's hand, and a long and narrow sword fell to the ground amidst the dust.

"The second piece." Sylvester held the blade carefully in his arms. The two blades of the Cursed Sword were not sharp. The tip of the sword was also the only place on the sword that was still shining.

Entering the cemetery, the gravekeeper appeared, Ralph shot, and the gravekeeper died.Excluding a large section of Ralph's wicked description, the process of hunting the gravekeeper is so simple.The Philosopher's Stone, the Death's Stone, creates wounds and kills when touched.The two ladies were still stuck in the past with the rapid development of events, and nothing was done, and the gravekeeper was dead.

"It's so powerful, the Philosopher's Stone." Silvert's respect for Ralph and the Philosopher's Stone increased a bit.

Ralph looked at the shovel in his hand, thoughtful.

He took out his pocket knife, cut off the bark of the shovel, and followed the wound where the bullet from the Philosopher's Stone had collided.After a little effort, a golden walking stick was taken out of the shovel.

"This is the scepter held by the priest of the church, and it is a sacrificial vessel for forgiving the penitent."

"Trophy." The cane disappeared into Ralph's coat.

Walking out of the cemetery, the slightly more beautiful scenery made the three of them feel much better.

Sylvester took the initiative to walk to Ralph's side.

"I want to express my gratitude to you and Mr. Bajin, and thank you for all your help to Degonris. Maybe I am still a naive nobleman who doesn't understand anything in your eyes, but Degonris will have a better future."

Ralph didn't continue his education, he seems to be in a very good mood now.

"Nice determination."

Violet held Ralph's right arm tightly, and the flower goddess of Narania was smiling sweetly.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I have found a way, a solution to all the woes of Degonris."

(End of this chapter)

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