Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 490 Despicableness is the advantage of human beings

Chapter 490 Despicableness is the advantage of human beings
Lowshtal Castle.

The corrupt aristocratic atmosphere is mixed with a strong smell of blood. Lyle's eyes are hidden in Beatrice's hair, and his blood-red pupils are staring at the bloodstone chalice in the hand of the statue in the middle of the hall.

The carnival with the Luo Shutar blood clan has been going on for about seven days. Through Nia's disguise and Beatrice's assistance, Lyle has been recognized by the blood clan as one of his own.As they were now, they were eating, hugging each other, and sinking their fangs into each other's necks.Lyle even suspects that the self-healing ability of vampires is developed by themselves. They eat at least three times a day and cut each other's skin with their fangs. Blood addicts will even crush each other's spine in such an embrace, causing more Hurts, screams and cheers echoed in the carnival.No matter what kind of voice it is, it is further expanding each other's appetite.

Lyle and Beatrice also pretend to feed each other to disguise, with only Lyall doing the faking.He was already numb to Beatrice's sharp teeth, if it wasn't for Nia's support and coordination in his body, Lyle might not have survived.

"The ceremony arrangement is ready." Lyle and Beatrice swayed and danced in circles like other eaters in the hall. "As an important blood sacrifice, Kallen will definitely appear at the ceremony, which saves the work of finding her."

Beatrice's cheek rubbed against Lyle's shoulder, and in the two gaps that were bitten by the vampire's fangs just now, dark and wriggling tentacles grew, squeezing Beatrice's teeth out.Nia strictly controlled every part of Lyle's flesh and blood, not allowing Beatrice to suck any more, even though Lyle's blood could regenerate infinitely.

"Beatrice is a glutton!" The tip of the black tentacles swelled into a small meat ball and tapped her cheek lightly.

A smile appeared on the vampire's face, and she pressed the tentacles down with her cold face.

Beatrice's gaze swept among the vampires, gauging each other's strength by their vampire status.A vampire is a dark creature with a strict hierarchy, which is also reflected in the feeding behavior.High titles will get the best companion and food, beauty and strength, which are relevant in Lhashutar.

The humming sounded behind his ears, and Lyall smiled.It's a lovely habit of Beatrice's, when she's in a good mood, to make funny noises from her nasal passages, like a cat's purring.

"There will be no major problems. Except for the Duke of Delaris, my strength will not be inferior to anyone here. Your blood has given me strength, dear Lyle."

"My pain has paid off. However, will the Luoshutal blood be a little weaker? I mean, the power gap between the Duke and his heirs is so large." According to the oppression given to him by the Vampire Duke, Lyle It is judged that he has at least level seven strength, which is one level higher than Mr. Julong, although the actual combat power of the Bone Fighting King may exceed the standard by a lot.But in the hall, most of the vampires would not bring them too much oppression. The Marquis did not have one. At the Earl level, he only saw Joshua and Beatrice after sucking blood.

strength gap.

"Blood is the power of vampires. Delaris is not as selfless as he said. How much power do you think he will give to his children, one percent? One thousandth? His blood is just an introduction to open our own The key to power."

In other words, Beatrice became an Earl simply because of her blood-sucking behavior towards Lyle in the past few days.The so-called blood of the gods is the blood of Sheriu, and Lyle himself is equivalent to a blood-sucking artifact, which is naturally healthy.

"I'm looking forward to a fight, Lyle, are you sure the request for help has been sent?"

"Of course," Lyle took Beatrice's hand and spun around the dance floor, blinking, "wait patiently and expect surprises."


A hundred meters away from Degonris, two figures were lying in the cave, looking at Degonris and Blood Castle.

"Mr. Unnamed, have you not eaten for a long time?"

The simulated celestial body pulls the water vapor in the air, distorting the light around the two, and constructing an optical camouflage camouflage with the leaves.

"Is there? I am a spellcaster, all I need is to devour the magic power." Wuming took out a small box from his pocket.

"Want a cookie, Kevin."

"Thank you, Mr. Unknown, I'm already full." Looking at the box, Kevin had a bad feeling in his heart, "Mr. Unknown can make biscuits? What kind of flavor?"

"The smell of ashes, I bought it for experimental research, and it's not a waste to eat it for you."

In front of Wuming, Kevin's exuberant curiosity was also suppressed a bit.He turned his head and looked ahead, focusing on Degonris.It was right to let Mr. Ralph come over. He had already blown up a tower. Although the movement was much quieter the next day, Kevin would never think that the wolf had rested.

True, as it is now, the firelight east of Degonris points to yet another rampage by the wolf.

Kevin smacked his lips.

"Mr. Ralph is going to destroy Degonris? What I wrote in the letter is to lift the seal."

Mr. Unknown continued to write observation notes on the side. Although he was happy to continue like this, he still expressed his concern as a fellow Lich.

"Kevin, when will we start saving Mr. Epidemiologist?"

Kevin squeezed his chin, and shifted his gaze to the shadowed castle.

"Wait a little longer, the time has not come yet."

The fire ignited by Degonris lit the light spots in Kevin's eyes.



The third hunt is over.

Ralph sets the Degonris Library on fire.

This time their target is the librarian in the eastern library.

It was another destructible terrain, and Ralph didn't hold back.

Knowledge is power, and knowledge brings warmth.

When Ralph and others pushed open the door of the library, what appeared in front of them were the bookshelves covering the entire field of vision, neatly arranged and spotless.There is such a magnificent library in this barren land, and Violet, a wealthy businessman, was a little surprised.

The townspeople of Degonris are now struggling to survive, so naturally nothing will visit this library.But his bookshelves are neat and tidy, not even a single spider web can be seen in the corner, and the flames on the candlesticks are arranged symmetrically, reflecting the neat books like treasures.

Someone often cleans the interior, and there are no outsiders, so the one who cleans up these books is obviously the librarian.

What the enemy loves, Ralph destroys.

Alchemy gunpowder exploded at the door, several bookshelves crashed to the ground, and the burning books turned into fireballs, and the fire was still spreading.

Ralph held the torch, and the two of them stood at the door, watching the library start to burn.

Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk...

The hurried footsteps did not cover up the slight voice, from the wall, a figure jumped down from the ceiling.

The librarian, was drawn out easily.

His limbs were slender, and his twisted joints scrambled along the walls, swift as a waterfly, but his long, bent legs were more like a spider.The torso is thick, and the abdomen is completely swollen with water into a gourd shape. The insect-like mandibles tore the corners of the mouth, leaving a hideous smile like a clown on his face, although he looks like a crying clown now.

He didn't attack Ralph, but threw himself on those books to put out the fire, and screamed piercingly from his terrifying mouth.

"Do you know what you did!! These books are older than your great-grandfathers!! Arsonists!! Savages!!!"

Faced with moral condemnation, Ralph sent the bullet of the Philosopher's Stone.

"My great-grandfather has turned into ashes, why don't you old people do the same."

Then, the librarian dodges, out of sight so fast that the librarian can easily dodge the bullet.

Such a swift monster could easily thrust its short, blade-like forelimbs into Ralph's body, but now he was fighting the fire.

Ralph heaved a sigh of relief, and took a large torch prepared by Violet.

Under the horrifying gaze of the librarian, he threw all the torches on the surrounding bookshelves.

Ralph took out several small boxes from his coat, which contained dark Philosopher's Stone bullets, all of them.

"I have enough of these things." Adjusting the alchemy gun, Ralph stuffed a large number of Philosopher's Stone bullets into the barrel, "Are you ready to dance, librarian?"

The roar of the dragon fire continued, and the flying fragments of the Philosopher's Stone formed a rain of destruction.

The library was burned to the ground.

As they left, Sylvette happily held a sword hilt, and Ralph held a glowing Bible.

(End of this chapter)

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