Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 664 Tired of the Green Dragon

Chapter 664 Tired of the Green Dragon

"Oh, so the dragon's humanoid form is just a chameleon-like camouflage, so you change your appearance into the appearance of Erasong... I thought it was a unique trait caused by the blood gene. Ke Laudia, I'm a little surprised."

The emerald dragon put her left hand on her hip, and made an angry expression with the cute face of the slightly younger green dragon priest, with a smartness that Erasong never existed on her face.The smart girl let out a breath, and took Lyle's words.

"As you can imagine, we can adjust the appearance of the humanoid form. I haven't seen Boer's disguise yet, but both Al and Krystal have made some slight adjustments to the appearance of the father king. You can probably You can see their blood relationship from their faces, as for my appearance... the stupid dragon priest's face is also very beautiful, isn't it?"

When young dragons perform mimicry, they will choose the best camouflage based on the living environment. Other young dragons don’t have these concerns, so they choose their appearance at will. On Claudia’s side, there is an extreme godmother with that face Seems to be the best choice.And Claudia doesn't seem to care about her humanoid appearance, maybe it's her wisdom to please Susanna with such an appearance.

Claudia raised her hand to pinch her chin, squinting at Lyall.

"Haven't you met Immelt? Why do you still have misunderstandings about the dragon's appearance? She hasn't adjusted her appearance?"

It was only then that Lyle remembered the red-haired dwarf form of the red dragon. At that time, he didn't care about it because he was too concerned about the consequences of Mr. Dragon's rampage. In fact, he should have thought of it a long time ago, because Immelt has two forms that can be switched at will.

Claudia tilted her head to look at her toes, put her hands behind her waist, "Lyle, how is Immelt doing? We haven't been in touch for a while."

"She has become the national idol of the dwarves. She used too much force and acted violently a while ago. The review should be passed on to your father." Lyle had a smug smile on his face, "I feel that Immelt should pass Not bad."

"What about you, Claudia?"

The green dragon's lips parted slightly, and the voice stopped before it became words. Claudia glanced behind Lyle, lowered her head and did not speak.

The hand knife tapped the back of Lyle's head lightly, and Susannah turned around like a dancer, leaving the two of them behind.

"I'm going to see why Ira Songen hasn't come back yet, Lyle, take care of Claudia and don't think about bullying her. Ah, I forgot again, in the dream, she is the only one who can bully you. "

There are only Lyle and Claudia left here, in the dream area full of sculptures by Ira Songen.Lyle smiled knowingly at Claudia, and walked to the edge of the white stone foundation of an Erasone fountain.

"Your godmother was a gentle person, at least with you."

Claudia sighed, and sat down next to Lyle.

"Because of this, I don't want them to hear some things in my heart, and I can't make them sad." A distressed maturity appeared on Claudia's face, her eyebrows were knitted together, and the surrounding dreams turned into melancholy dark blue.

"Ha, so it's okay if I hear it, and it doesn't matter if I'm sad!"

Claudia rolled her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up to show that Lyle's joke was working.

"Well, because you are Lyle." Claudia stepped on the stone steps, buried her face in her knees, and made a sound softer than the wind. "Lyle, I'm tired of the dream druid's work, and my own mission. I'm sorry, but that's what I think in my heart. I was given a mission from birth, and I was expected by my godmother to practice hard. There are expectations, but I just find it boring. The dream druid job is easy for me, and I am not excluded by the ethnic group like Immelt once cried, but... I am just tired of it."

Claudia raised her head slightly, revealing a pair of watery and reddish eyes from the gap of her messy long hair.Her voice was trembling, "Are you disappointed, will my father scold me, gift and nurturing, you support me with all your strength, but I... let you down. When facing Suzanne, I have no face to say These words... I didn't intend to say them, but when I saw you, my mouth turned into a gargoyle and kept flowing...I'm sorry to say such disappointing words."


In the silence, Lyall's profile turned into a terrible door in Claudia's eyes. She was afraid of the way he turned, and even more worried about what he would say next.

In fact, Lyle was replaying other images in his mind, which was the time before he was admitted to medical school.

Dark and cramped room.

A wooden table.

Ralph sat on the only wooden chair, and Ralph stood across from him, looking down at him.The cramped and uneasy atmosphere almost made Lyle breathless, and the presence of Ralph made Lyle think that he had come to some kind of interrogation room.

"I opened the door."

"Thank you very much..."

It was still drizzling outside the door, and this autumn was extraordinarily cold. Lyle attended his parents' funeral in a daze, and returned home with this man who called himself an uncle while receiving memories.The family members who had only vague impressions appeared in front of him, and this guy named Ralph also exuded a terrifying aura that was definitely not an ordinary person.

Ralph's panic was identified by Ralph as the blow of his parents' death, and the wolf's movements were slow, like gently stroking a bubble.

"Would you like to move to my house, I have a house on the other side of Cassandelle."

"No... no need, this side is fine." Who would go to the evil spirit's lair?

"...What are you going to do in the future, Lyle."

At this moment, Lyle only thought of prevaricating Ralph, without thinking too much, he said those words according to the memory of the original owner.

"I want to study medicine, and my father had expectations for me."

"Medical school..." Ralph recalled the documents he checked in the security department before. Regarding some bad signs in the medical school, Ralph didn't pay much attention, "Do you like medicine?"

"My father said I'm suitable for this, and I will like it in the future."

"Stop it, Lyle."


"If you don't like it, don't be brave." Ralph took off his hat, and it was the first time that Ralph looked directly at those shining eyes hiding in the shadows, "My brother has expectations for you, but that It shouldn't be your burden. When you were still in your infancy, I saw my brother's love turned into my first expectation for you."

"I hope you are a happy child first, this is my brother's first wish... and mine."

"...I will consider it carefully, Uncle Ralph."



Lyle almost forgot that the five baby dragons are actually less than half a year old, and their rapidly developing form can easily make everyone ignore their nature as children.No matter how fast the intellectual development is, the growth of the mind comes more from the accumulation of time.

So, Lyle turned his head with a smile and looked at Claudia.

"Okay, then I won't be the guardian dragon of the dream elves. If you don't want to be, we won't do it."

"Huh?!!!" Claudia's exclamation almost shattered Lyle's eardrum. "That's not good!"

"If you don't like us, you can change to another group. There may be a lot of hidden dragon families, and we can always find something you are interested in. To be honest, I also think that it is a bit too much for you to bear the expectations of a family from birth. It's heavy. Your boredom is also partly due to us. I will go back and talk to Teacher Julong, believe me, that daughter of the dragon will definitely forgive you."

"The idiot dragon priest will cry..."

"But didn't you want to cry just now? Irason's tears are worthless."

Claudia found out that Lyle was not joking, and she panicked instead.

"That...Lyle! Actually, I don't hate the job of guarding dreams that much. After all, I'm very good at it. I just... sometimes feel bored..."

Lyle's eyes lit up.

"I see, let me tell you earlier, I am the best at making things interesting! But let me experience your boredom first, so that I can prescribe the right medicine."


(End of this chapter)

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