Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 665 Dream Kingdom ondream

Chapter 665 Dream Kingdom ondream
The sound of killing made the smoke and dust more dry. This is the Emerald Dreamland, but there is no dream in this area.The once lush and colorful vegetation was blown into white ground by lethal spells. While the pale magic power and emerald green vitality pulled the boundary, the roaring giant bear collided with the dead wood golem.The pointed ears on both sides gritted their teeth, and the spell bullets and arrows turned into a rainstorm in the air that they couldn't dodge.

"Betrayers, you have defiled your homeland!"

"Stupid people, your rotten life will fall into death!"

In the druid's camp, the giant bear who charged into the battle was pierced through the arm by Hines' withering spear, and a herd of night sabers and jackals slammed into the willow golem and rescued the injured leader.

Under the healing power of nature, Archdruid Charles Nightingale's wounds healed, and it took more time to neutralize the corrosiveness of the withering magic power.

"General! The bastard of the Blightcaller has come up with a new trick!"

"Let the Druids of the Claws attack the enemy line, and the guardians of the woods will be responsible for responding! Also, don't call me general, this is an exercise, and I am the Vanguard Officer Charles."

"Obey, General!" The messenger boy turned into a falcon and flew out, and it didn't take long to hear his screams.

"General!!! Our scout was killed by the ranger sent by the Queen, and the Queen's Eye is casting a full range of arrows on both of us!!!"

"Kaylo Nikana!! Damn the queen licks the dog!!!" The irascible druid transformed again, and the sprinting giant bear flew up the camp and rushed into the center of the battlefield again.

The giant bear and Heins, who was standing on the golem, looked at each other and switched their attacks at the same time. The two sides changed their attack target to the ranger phalanx on the hillside not far away.

Standing at the highest point, Kylo Nikana kicked down a small stone at his feet, and looked at the two sides who were approaching with disdain on his face, not in a hurry, and under the command of the captain, the ranger of the Queen's Eye bent his bow and set an arrow , Breathe calmly amidst the shock of the earth.

"We are the oldest and most powerful warriors of the dream elves, let those arrogant people witness the authority of the queen! Even if the enemy is our compatriots."

"Shoot the arrow!" The finger-thick arrows swelled in the air against the wind. They were life branches cultivated by druids. When the arrows fell into the impact square, they had grown into giant trees thick as water tanks.The elf, who couldn't dodge in time, was entangled by the roots and stuck into the ground along with the giant tree.

Spells, martial arts, sword light, and sharp claws roared in the battle group, and the roar of the explosion could be heard from far away.

Lyle leaned on the recliner, watching the three-way melee that was smashed into pieces in the distance, and he was amazed.

"It's really ruthless." Lyle had only seen such a scene in the Heiyuan Arena, and it was a free and easy output after the safety of his life was guaranteed.

Claudia sat on another carved pine chair, pointed to the chaotic battlefield and said: "This is one of the abilities of the dream druids. Weaving dreams provides a venue for these elves to conduct military exercises. Usually it is a battle, but Acquaintances who have a good relationship with the archdruid will also hold tea parties here, and it is also the venue for some festival celebrations. The power of dreams is very convenient."

"Isn't this fun? Claudia, you don't think about participating in these war games, I mean drills?"

"No." The green dragon held his chin, stretched his right hand forward, and made a grasping movement in the air, as if he wanted to hold the battlefield in his hand, "I am a dream druid, and this is a dream. As long as I Think, I can slap them all to death, as long as they are dream druids, they won't care about these small troubles. And we have more urgent work to complete."

Claudia waved her hands in the air, and the soil and rocks under Lyle's feet shattered, revealing a deep crack. The familiar darkness made Lyle understand the green dragon's movements.She created a tiny gap in the Emerald Dream, and on the other side, the gap between dreams, where nightmares breed.

Delicious eggs are knocked open a gap, annoying mosquitoes and flies are attracted by the delicacy, they scramble to rush in, bringing the evil touch deep into the dream.In front of Lyle, the power of nightmare emerged from the crack, growing in the air like a bubble out of the water.The ugly black mud-like monster opened its mouth wide. It faced Lyle, froze for a moment, and turned its head to Claudia's side.

Before the nightmare's first roar could be heard, the green dragon patted his palms, and the ugly monster was torn into powder in the dream.It was born for about a second, and only the black debris that disappeared in the air could prove its existence.The black powder formed a dense fog, which quickly disappeared, and Lyle felt a cold feeling in his heart.It was as if a pot of cold water had been poured into my heart, and the cold air rushed from the soles of my feet to the top of my head. It was not a very good experience.

"The main job of the dream druids is to eliminate nightmares and relieve the pressure of erosion on the Emerald Dream."

Lyle frowned, and Claudia in front of him didn't have a good expression, "Even if you kill Nightmare, will you be affected by this negative emotion?"

The green dragon nodded. "We can remove most of the hazards of the nightmare, but this negative energy radiation is like a stubborn disease that cannot be removed. In the dream, our emotions are open and diffuse, and we are more likely to affect and be affected by the surrounding. Every Dream druids need to face these, and we don’t release too much nightmare power each time, so the emotional impact we receive is also within an acceptable range.”

Lyle pinched his chin, "Is this why you are tired of the way of dream druids?"

"Susanna and Ira Songen will comfort and encourage me. Their existence is very important to me. All dream druids also insist on their responsibilities because of their mission or other beliefs." Claudia's eyebrows drooped, her mouth He murmured unconsciously, "What's really scary is that you have also seen the darkness beyond the dreamland. The power of nightmares is infinite. We insist on sticking to our hard work, but for the sea of ​​subconsciousness of the evil god, even a single flower The waves don't even count."

"Dream druids' work is never ending, and they can't let go. No, it's not work, it's torture, eternal torment."

"Eternity, wouldn't that be nice?"


Lyle took Claudia's palm and pulled the frustrated green dragon girl to jump in place, "Eternity, infinity, isn't this awesome?"

In the dream, emotions are highly contagious. Lyle's sincere joy swept away the haze on Claudia's face. She turned passive into active and turned Lyle into a spinning top. "I do not understand what you mean!"

"Stop, stop, stop!!!" Lyle knelt on the ground with nausea and retching, and it took him a long time to recover.

"Brother Lyle, have you thought of any solution?" Claudia squatted in front of Lyle, staring at her with big shining eyes. This glance indeed got the true biography of the fish-dragon priest.

"Claudia, do you know about virtual reality?"

"Let's play MMORPG games in our dreams."

(End of this chapter)

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