Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 773 The Obsession of the Dead

Chapter 773 The Obsession of the Dead

Mars mingled with the dust, and the night sky was a cloudy gray.The dust cloud in the sky is like a hanging curtain, projecting the dots of fire on the ground.Night is less suitable for sleeping than day, and black is only a background board for rendering fear.Every breath carried a heavy smell of smoke and dust, and the dry and cracked ground under my feet brought a strong sense of discomfort to walking.Only there is no hot lava river and the smell of sulfur everywhere, otherwise Lyall would think that he has come to the plane of hell.

"Posuva is hopeless." Lyle shook his head, his impromptu walk made him feel bad.Nia was perched on her back, her upright body stretched out its tentacles, like a cat with fur.Surrounded by "people", the natives of Posuwa are disheveled, with distorted faces, panting heavily, staying not far away, in groups of twos and threes, like jackals.The black breath wrapped around them, and the maliciousness gathered together sent a chill down Lyle's spine.

[The malice of the sleepers has controlled them, don't be afraid, they are not much more powerful than robbers. 】Shadows hovered upwards over Lyle, looking like those entangled malice, but darker in ominous color.

"I'm not afraid, it's just my body's instinct that the hairs stand on end," Lyle attributed the abnormality to his human identity, and walked to the paradise as usual, "I can understand their sudden increase in number, after ordering Wall to stop [eating] , I was mentally prepared for an even more abnormal situation.”

Noticing the gap in strength, the jackal left in disappointment. Lyle stroked Nia's mimic head, and fed a piece of puff pastry to Nia curled up on her head.

[Let it be driven by good intentions, and it will not bring a good ending. 】

Lyle shrugged, watching the ominous omen slowly dissolve into the shadow.

"It's just my caprice, maybe as you say, but I don't care, the phantoms won't be disturbed, because they're in Paradise."


"Here's a guest, Lyle."

Mumu's voice surprised Lyle.

"Rosa Yeshe, an exile, hereby pays homage to the Lord of Phantoms."

Rosa's appearance made Lyle's eyebrows twitch, and Lyle forced a smile to express his welcome.

"My people, I beseech the Phantom for help."

Rosa's plan made Lyle completely cold-faced, and the indifferent attitude made other phantoms feel strange, and it also made Rosa feel uneasy.

"Leaving Paradise, escorting a group of exiles from the west of Posuwa to the southeast cliff?! Crossing the entire Posuwa? Are you crazy? The lunatics outside can even beat out their own brains. How dare you think of a matchmaking at this time? A group of people climbed over the cliff." Lyle's face was flushed, and the fists waving in the air seemed to be hitting [Mason] at any time.

"You have no ability to resist, do you think I will let you face a group of thugs? Don't even think about it!"

[Snake] slowly moved into Lyell's sight. Her curving body was as tall as five Lyells. She was still aggrieved like a child, "But Rosa needs help, our help."

Lyle snorted coldly, and the sound made the [Snake], who had plucked up his courage, shrink down a circle again. Only then did Phantom realize that their leader was fundamentally different from Phantom at certain times.He would be angry, he would refuse, he would ignore the lovely and poor Rosa with arrogance, and remind Phantom of the gap in ability between the leader and Phantom.

"I'll do it. I'll help this lady who's visiting Paradise." Lyall said clearly over all voices. "I'll escort her group and help them cross the cliff."

Lyall stared at Rosa, his eyes could not be called friendly or resentful, as if he was looking at a mirror indifferently.

"I am a Necromancer, or what you would call a Necromancer. I can manipulate corpses, control an army of the undead, and order bones to build bridges, or fill ravines. My protection will keep your pack safe and sound , except for a few frights."

Rosa knelt on the ground, and maintained this posture from the very beginning when she faced Lyle until now. She still remembered what she said about Lyle's identity, and she treated this boy who appeared to be about the same age as her, with fingers covered with embroidered copper chains, with trepidation.

"Thank you for your help, and follow your instructions."

Rosa's cooperation made Lyle feel a little relieved. Lyle, who just came back from the outside, of course knows what the hell is going on outside.Although he didn't understand the reason for the sudden increase in malice, he understood that it was definitely not a good time to go out.The thought of Phantom, who had no intention of fighting back, being in the same place with those lunatics, and the sense of belonging and responsibility after joining the Phantom Clan, set Lyle's heart on fire.

Solving the problem neatly, Lyle realized that his words and deeds just now were a little impulsive. Although he intended to comfort the phantom with a downcast expression, Lyle returned to the secret contracter's tower alone with a strange feeling.

A butterfly flapping its wings can cause a storm, so what about the evil god's idea?

Unbeknownst to Lyall, the land is saturated with the malice of the Sleeper, which will cling to the body of the villain.Once upon a time, the greatest villain in the land of Bosuwa was the ghast from Nathlan, the slayer of the tireless battleseeker Vol.He tirelessly vented his malice, and he also assumed the greatest malice of this land. It is because of his existence that the evil deeds in the rest of Posuva will be weakened and eliminated.These insane consciousnesses were gathered to create a purgatory in the center where good and evil shunned.The wraith who lost himself regained his sanity because of Lyle's order, and the malice that entangled him broke away because of the mystery of the evil god's larva and returned to the earth.Now, these malice have found new servants, a group of crazy ordinary people.

All these are caused by Lyle's thoughts and will be corrected by his actions.Fate is like an invisible hand, leading the hatchlings who don't know the truth to move on.Regardless of the process, the ending must be corrected. This is fate, and this is the correction of eternal existence.

"Lyle." The flipping pages called his name, [Book of Omniscience] climbed up from the pulpit, the curved spine stood upright, the father of phantom, the former secret contracter, looked at Lyle with a distressed expression.

"Master, you should stop them." Lyle couldn't help complaining, "Paradise, you understand the meaning of its existence, this is the sanctuary of the phantom, because Posuwa is hell to the phantom. They can't go outside Survive, so you will be in Paradise.”

"That's an opportunity, Lyle." The old voice was urgent, because the urgency was still a little loud. "They used to be sinners. I removed their evil thoughts, but I couldn't remove their sins. Only the most unforgivable villains will come to my laboratory and become Bosuva's experimental subjects." The phantom is Artificial goodness, there's something ironic about their predecessors being the most dangerous criminals in Posova.But now, every time Lyle looks at them, he can only think of smiles, the gentleness of [Snake], the stubbornness of [Mason], the cuteness of children and the enthusiasm of all phantoms.

"Rosa Yeshe, once the royal family, if the phantom helped her, it only takes one time, only one time! The phantom can be separated from the sinful past life, the sinners are redeemed, and the royal family pardons them..."

Lyle frowned, "My teacher taught me, or Andrea's law requires us to distinguish individuals before and after the soul mutation. Different personalities should not bear each other's burden. Phantoms are innocent Yes, they themselves are a redemption, they don't have to, and they don't need to atone for themselves."

"But I need, I care." [Book of Omniscience] looked at Lyle, "I am different from Phantom, I am a book, a recorder, I know my past, I know the purpose of Phantom, Paradise Project The Phantom exists to help Bosuva and save Bosuva. This is the original purpose. I admit that in the process I was moved with compassion, and these beautiful individuals extracted from criminals moved me. I I no longer regard them as experimental subjects, but as my heirs. I know their past, the cold evil deeds recorded in my body and their current appearance are always intertwined before my eyes."

"Lyle, I hope that my child is perfect, I hope that the phantom is perfect, no one or anything can accuse my heir, even if it is a lost history, even if it is a dead obsession."

What makes Lyle feel sad is that these thoughts and feelings are all simulated [previous lives] recorded on paper by the [Book of Omniscience].Phantoms are the best imitators. Their souls are incomplete, and their spiritual defects make them yearn for something urgently, eager to know their life experience, eager to help others... Because they have "memory", [Book of Omniscience] will be sad at this moment.

Separate the Phantoms from their past lives, allowing the Phantoms to become spiritually independent individuals.

Help that girl and forgive their sins.

Feeling bad about being persuaded.

(End of this chapter)

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