Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 774 Spiritual Harmony

Chapter 774 Spiritual Harmony
Lyle thought of much more than that, he wanted Phantom to cut off the connection with the past, and wanted Phantom to find himself and preserve himself in Bosuwa.Lyle also needs to take into account their personal emotions. He thought that he is not the nanny of the phantom, but their leader. The corresponding identity of the phantom is not his master but his subordinates. The subordinates have their own responsibilities and obligations.

This reminded Lyle of the conversation with Ash the Frost Prowler. Vol practiced his loyalty to Nathlan in his own way, using a behavior that seemed insignificant to Helena, but he was allowed to, Persevere with your own will in the purgatory of Bosois.

Wall is to Naslan, just like the phantom is to himself.Phantoms aren't weak, but their innocence makes them a bit cringe-worthy in terms of behavior.If you can't fight, you can't fight, then run away, then hide.Sometimes this is even the best solution to protect yourself.Lyle thought so, and the balance of thinking kept tilting as the weight of words fell. This time, Lyle realized that he was really thinking from the perspective of a member of the Phantom.

"Master, Phantoms should do what they want, with the support of an effective security plan." He can help in a subtle way, using Lyle Buhler's power to sift remove real risk factors.

【The princess returned to her kingdom with the help of the elves, and finally lived happily ever after. 】

Foreseeing the outcome similar to the ending of a fairy tale made Lyle feel happy, and Nia, who was united in one heart, clapped her hands happily, making a sound like a happy baby seal.

The Book of Omniscience lifted the spine of the book, Lyle's smile infected the calm old man, a sense of familiarity arose, and the promised phantom suggested submissively, "Let all the phantoms listen to your heart, Lyle, they will be in your heart." Satisfied in warmth."

Psychoanalysis, the spiritual network connecting the phantom group, Lyle has been offline for a long time, because their emotions are always maintained in a warm and tolerant atmosphere, just like bathing in a pool of sweet honey.Tasting is excellent, indulging too much.Most of the time, Lyle doesn't need this feeling, and the nerves that jump to the abnormal level don't need to be guided but need to be suppressed.

Today's phantom network is dark and cold, like a lump of icing sugar that has been wet and melted in the rain. They have been hit hard by Lyle's words before, and a depression of self-doubt is contagious and seeded in the soul.How to make the Phantom collectively shut itself off with a few words.

Maybe his tone was a bit harsh, and Lyle felt guilty, but in fact, this accusation was at best a drizzle in the after-the-fact summary of the Necromancer Figure Club, and the communication skills cultivated in Andre were like a dimensionality reduction blow to the phantom group.

[My love for you has blinded me, and I am sorry, my fellow citizens.After talking with the Book of Omniscience, I accepted his opinion.The Phantoms should do what they can to help anyone.Since Rosa Yeshe came to ask for help, we can't turn a blind eye, [Mason], [Snake], [Xi Ji], you lead your friends to help the exiles, pay attention to safety, and be careful on the road.Apologies for me and for the frightened Miss Rosa. 】

Lyle gave up some unfriendly details and beautified his own tone. This was not due to vanity, but because Phantom was more likely to accept good results.They always judge others by themselves, thinking that everyone is friendly, tolerant and understanding, let alone their own leaders.To put it bluntly, after Lyle joined the Phantom Clan, they regarded Lyle as a saint, and some of the previous unhappiness were small setbacks that the saint must go through before he fully realized.

The paradise was completely alive, and the excited phantom pulled Rosa away. Rosa, who didn't understand the spiritual network, was a little flustered looking at the mighty mimetic phantom.A few phantoms remained, which surprised Lyall who was staying in the empty atrium.

"Everyone has their own responsibilities," Wall Monster and Mumu maintained their original vitality, just like when they met Lyle for the first time, "Our responsibility is to protect the paradise and give every traveler who comes to the paradise a Apple, or a joke.)”

Lyall easily shared their joy, his four-lock ability improved.Psychoanalysis comes from ethnic groups, and there are many ways to improve abilities.Improve the strength of the group, improve the skills of the group, or increase the group's recognition of themselves.

Psychoanalysis·Enhancement: The high recognition of phantoms gave Lyle the same spiritual perception as them.Instantly invades the subject's mental network, and perceives abnormal emotions and minds.When the full extent of the subject's mental state is known, mind control becomes very simple, although, the Phantom has never attempted to enslave the mind.

A spiritual storm is howling in the paradise, and the cirrocumulus clouds in the sky are still bright and warm red, but no one can feel the warmth in this genial scene.The nature harmonized and beautified by the phantom is chilling to the bone, and the abnormal thinking and feeling are like experiencing a hallucination.

Lyall felt a connection, a thin but tight network on top of the phantom network of his spiritual control.

Cthulhu Network.

The high and mysterious consciousness is like a dazzling morning star in the chaotic ocean of the subconscious, echoing in the distance, lonely and eye-catching.

A dim star buried in the tide.

A parasitic lone star, fragmented.

In addition to these two, Lyle's consciousness is connected to Nia and Omen, becoming the most proud existence in the entire network, and they know each other across time, space and barriers.

"Triton and Sheriu..." Lyle whispered.

"Fools and thieves..." The ominous omen made no secret of its malice.

"Eating and eating..." Nia did the same.

(End of this chapter)

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