Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 775 The Hope of Exile

Chapter 775 The Hope of Exile

The silver-white gravel rolls into the dry cracks in the ground, and the tiny particles like ant colonies are driven by the wind to cover the cracks like earthworms.Jeremiah stood up and gave instructions to the team behind to shift direction.Without hesitation, after a short rest, the exile team continued to move forward.

Jeremiah put on the scarf again, so that his chapped lips would be less exposed to the knife-like wind. The 30 seconds of hydration seemed to be non-existent. The thirsty throat continued to protest weakly, and Jeremiah's thoughts gradually drifted away. Floating and sinking in the sound of scattered steps.

The geographical environment of Posuwa is deteriorating. A guide like him must find a convenient and labor-saving route for the team, away from the gradually expanding soft sand, which restricts the wheels of the carriage no less than the mud.The exiles cannot slow down, slowing down means waiting for death, and those "former compatriots" follow behind.Jeremiah actually began to envy those fallen demons who lost their hearts. Their cursed and controlled bodies would not worry about hunger, thirst and exhaustion.Because of these demons, the exiles were exhausted, and they were immersed in fear day and night.

And guides like Jeremiah are the most exhausted exiles.A guide needs knowledge, not just worrying about what to eat today.In order to guide the team, the people need to fully understand the land under their feet. The death of the soil, the intensification of desertification, the reduction of routes and settlements, and the sad news they get with their own eyes and palms continue to form despair that oppresses the tired nerves.Like holding a depleted oxygen cylinder, the harder you breathe, the more you feel suffocated.

The exiles will eventually disappear, and the land of Bosuwa has withdrawn its mercy.The more you explore for survival, the more you feel the end is approaching.Perhaps it was this desperation that drove Jeremiah to believe in Rosa's hope.That optimistic and positive girl, Jeremiah thinks that Rosa is incompatible with this land, and some naive and absurd ideas will bring a lovely contrast to this excellent guide.

Jeremiah believes Rosa will never come back.This is a realistic judgment made by a pessimistic guide. Jeremiah can't think of other results when he goes deep into Posuwa alone.Jeremiah liked Rosa, and this was a feeling he had buried long ago, because he once naively asked his father if they belonged to some kind of declining nobleman, the kind worthy of the royal family.His father's answer disappointed him, but it was in his expectation, as he was always pessimistic.Jeremiah hated his pessimism, because his pessimism always coincided with reality.

Do I want Rosa back.

Jeremiah interrogated his heart like this.

No, I don't want to.

He looked at the bracelet on his wrist, and remembered the appearance of those people returning, one after another nightmare, making "welcome home" a taboo word for exiles.He didn't want to face Rosa like that, who might have been gone long ago, sleeping in a cradle of flowers and honey, her tight lips pink and moist with dew.The best guess is that she left, fled the exiles, and lived alone in a foreign land where food was plentiful.Yes, Jeremiah sees the exiles as a liability, and he sees the responsibility of being a guide as torture.The more he loves that girl, the more he wants her to leave.

"That's a princess, why should she take care of a group of mud legs that drag her down."

Jeremiah knew that the best was the least realistic, and again, he hated his own judgment.He looked back at the exiles who were on their way, and the expressions of the hungry compatriots were numb.More emotion welling up than sympathy is sadness that he'll carry on with that commitment to her, with all of us, until she comes back or we stop.

Jeremiah has long since disbelieved in the gods, and he never expected Rosa to come back.

Therefore, when Rosa came back, Jeremiah's emotions were the most intense.

His eyes were wide open, the scarf covering his nose and mouth slipped off at some point, and the sand stuck to the wound on his lip, Jeremiah didn't notice it.His eyes were full of Rosa's figure. She was wearing a green leather skirt, her face was as delicate as milk, and her loose hair seemed to hide stars.She sits on the car frame woven by plants and vines, followed by rain and rainbows, flowers grow on the grass she steps on, and the green shade becomes her car cover.Like a princess who stepped out of a fairy tale, surrounded by a group of magical elves.

The brain was completely blank, and the pessimistic thoughts, the gap between the two, and even everything that was there or not were all forgotten. Jeremiah was filled with surprises pouring out of his heart, and praise blurted out.

"My God, you are so beautiful."

Rosa was a little surprised by Jeremiah's straightforward admiration. He never praised his appearance, but it didn't feel bad.Rosa smiled and secretly thanked Phantom for the travel arrangement.Although Jeremiah just kept smiling and looking silly at this time, Rosa responded to him as usual.

"I'm back." Rosa took out her bag from the dense grass, and touched Jeremiah side by side with her back. "I found a helper, these phantoms." The huge phantom nodded and said hello, with a wonderful expression The exiles realized that these were not Rosa's background effects.

Jeremiah quickly regained consciousness, but his face was still flushed. He looked away from Rosa's face in embarrassment, and said in a weak tone, "I knew you could do it."

"Yeah." The girl happily replied, and took out a full water bag from her bag and handed it to Jeremiah, "Gods exist, Jeremiah. Not only the gods who protect us, but also other gods. Do you believe it now?"

Jeremiah pushed the water bag back, and replied stiffly, "I'm not thirsty. I believe that the blessings of the royal family have shaded future generations. If it wasn't for Rosa, others would not be able to do this."

Rosa was taken aback by Jeremiah's extremely high EQ answer. She opened the water bag angrily, and stuffed it into his mouth, "Don't be disrespectful to the gods, you idiot, stop making jokes."

Jeremiah didn't answer, his throat filled with nectar, which was more attractive to his body than Rosa.

The phantom distributed food and water to all the exiles, and the numb exiles remembered to cheer at the end. They praised Rosa's name and quietly put on the suffix of His Highness.Although Rosa repeatedly emphasized that it was the phantom's credit, the crowd did not change their statement, but appended the phantom's name to the end.The phantom group enjoys the joy of helping others, and has no other thoughts. Rosa is a little uncomfortable, and can't force these excited thankfuls.

Rosa made a moving speech, and she informed everyone of her plan to climb the cliff. The high prestige she gained made all the exiles quickly agree to this idea that sounded absurd and impossible, so fast that they didn't even think about it.After Phantom assisted in the transfer of goods, Rosa asked Jeremiah anxiously: "Am I being too reckless?"

It was so smooth that Rosa herself felt absurd and flinched.

Jeremiah, who was full of food and drink, said, "You gave us hope, and we are willing to believe in you, especially when you are still wearing a princess dress." Even myself, who often sings against Rosa, almost reshaped his three views Now, the exiles are completely worshiping Wang Weiner when they see his head.

The seeds of hope were sown by Rosa and Phantom into the hearts of the exiles.

Now we only need to worry about those demon men like hunting dogs. Jeremiah is quite confident about this. As long as there are not too many encirclement or unexpected circumstances, his group will definitely be able to get there.Soon, Jeremiah's pessimism gained the upper hand again. The Demon Man's recent restlessness was obvious to all. Madness was gathering in Posuwa, and the depression before the storm made him feel heavy.

Jeremiah was ready for a loss. Being bitten by those devils, the exiles could only abandon some of them and continue to flee. The strong men cut off their wrists. This was the only way to survive. They could not resist, and the curse of the earth was threatening.

A week later, they didn't even see the shadow of the devil.

Jeremiah exclaimed that it was impossible, even though the wristbands gave warnings repeatedly, but none of the demons attacked the team.He looked at Rosa at the head of the team, and his heart beat.

"I believe in God now."

(End of this chapter)

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