Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 834 Undead Natural Disaster

Chapter 834 Undead Natural Disaster
He pushed open the cold iron gate, and the damp moss covering the railing made his fingers tremble uncontrollably. He took a deep breath, looked nervously at the turning hinge, and stepped into the area gently, without making a sound. internal.Wrapped tightly in the robe, the cold wind blew the hem of the clothes, and he timidly took light steps, his thin back was a little panicked.

Like a thief walking on tiptoe in the middle of the night, a little wind and grass will make him tighten his body and pull down the brim of his hat nervously.He looked left and right, observed the desolate and flat place around him, held his breath, turned sideways, walked out of the deserted land as if walking through a crowded crowd.

"It's so cold..."

"It's so cold..."

He muttered gloomily, dragged his shivering body, and walked towards the cabin in the park with bright windows.The closer he got to the light, the more his body shook, as if he was really frozen.He walked to the window, leaned against the mottled and cracked wooden wall, hunched over, and began to fumble for something in his clothes.There was a small sound coming from the wooden house, as if a mouse was jumping up and down inside.His movements continued to speed up, and before the sound became louder and the string snapped, he found the thing.

A small glass bottle with a stain on the brown body covering the label completely.He tapped a few times with his fingertips, then gave up.When the bottle cork was pulled out, there was a "boo" sound, which was unexpectedly loud. The "mouse" in the wooden house seemed to have heard the movement and became quiet, and he began to panic again, so panicked that he forgot to tell him , spilled the liquid in the bottle to the edge of the window, and shook it a few times, almost throwing the bottle in.Then, he squatted in the corner, making irregular gestures and began to pray nervously.

"Efforts to take effect quickly..."

"Efforts to take effect quickly..."

There were noises and slight vibrations in the room. It seemed that the big rat had been poisoned.

He breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that he was about to collapse on the ground, and the edge of his robe was already stained with mud.Standing up while leaning on the wooden wall, only the wind was still howling arrogantly. He opened the window and stretched his slender arms into the wooden house.

"...good night, sir."

He stole a portable oil lamp, and the bright yellow flame was blocked by the lampshade. He carried the lamp in the dark, as if he had found courage.He walked a few steps deeper into the garden, striding proudly, like a victorious general.

As soon as the wind blew, the flames in the leaking lamp began to shake, and he was beaten back to his original form, holding the lantern nervously, holding the lantern in his arms with his clothes, and walking forward with his head in small steps.

"it's too cold……"

"It's so deserted..."

He was still muttering, his voice was a little louder, and the panic gradually dissipated, and what was pouring out of the cemetery now was more uncomfortable emotions, accompanied by the cold death force, and the frost and mist in the dark night.

His figure became tall and slender in the dense fog, as if the thief had turned into a master.Pick up the withered flowers, put the lonely stalk back into the bouquet, and in a short time, the petals on the phalanx are frosted.Righting the toppled stele, the spreading frost seemed to be singing.As he stepped on the gravel, the bright yellow flame in his lantern turned an eerie blue-green, just like the cold flame in his hood.

"The tranquility of precipitation, the coldness of eternal sleep..."

"It's so deserted..."

"There will be no friends of mine here..."

"This is not a good place to recruit students..."

Sighing, the mist he exhaled blew away his tightly closed cloth robe, the light shone on his skeleton, without any flesh, and the lich with the lantern stood in the center of the cemetery.

"I'm sorry to meet you in this way..." He bowed and bowed, facing the row of tombstones.

"I am a spiritualist. I am here this time only to disturb your sleep." In the lantern, a silk-like thick mist overflowed from under the strange flame, drifting in the cemetery, they penetrated into the soil, and the ghosts of the dead Fingers as hard as knocking knocked on the coffin, and the cemetery began to stir, and the spiritualist was still complaining in the center.

"I am often active in mass graves, and wastelands where all kinds of corpses are scattered. With excellent professionalism and skilled spirit skills, I like this job and take pride in extraditing the dead. Because they hope so, I always Think of it as an act of kindness.”

"I should never step into this gloomy garden. The air here is dead, full of melancholy and regret. You must be buried in front of your family with the priest's eulogy on your back. You must have given up your attachment and died peacefully. To be honest, I prefer a noisy atmosphere, like the academy I work for, the place where wraiths howl. Waking up the dead, this is a matter of your choice. I don’t like to force, but reality always forces me ..."

The soil was loosening, and there was a knocking sound in the soil, which became more and more violent. Soon, the first hand came out from the ground.Then there are countless hands, the cemetery is "alive", it is waking up.

"Things are different, Sleeper."

"An ancient god climbed onto the land, and He brought a flood of cleansing. We need to struggle, we need to resist, we need strength. Think about it, when the god comes, no one will be spared. Your children, you The surviving bloodlines, everything that allows you to sleep peacefully, will be overturned in the tide."

Stick your head out, lift your body out, open the tomb, and climb up the tombstone.

"In the name of Andrei, the rest of the dead, you will be requisitioned by us."

"Your dead bones, your remnant souls, will become the power of the dead, the battlefield of the dead."

The spiritists held their lanterns aloft, pale flames blazing, and in each raised head their souls were ablaze, howling with enslaved bones, and a thick fog enveloped everything, shutting death in the thick fog.

"Stand up, bones!"

"Every bone and strand of your soul will be put to good use, and your death will be exchanged for the vitality of living creatures."

"The living shall live on at the sacrifice of the dead!"

"Get up, dead man!"

"Fight for the Immortal."

"Fight for the children, fight for the living."

In every human settlement, similar undead riots are being staged. People hide in their homes uneasy, watching the bones of relatives and friends form an army of the dead, and go to the distance.

When the light goes out, death begins to dance.

(End of this chapter)

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