Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 835 War Mobilization

Chapter 835 War Mobilization
Mr. Scholar passed through the portal, and he appeared in his room. The magic lock chain held the books blown down by the wind. This secret room is full of his research and memories, but unfortunately there is no time to enjoy the tranquility now.Pressing the switch, the door of the secret room opened, and the noise resounded in the hall, giving him the illusion of returning to the secret council hall of the Wandering City.But it was just an illusion, in that high tower, his appearance would calm the commotion, but here, he was just an ordinary Lich.

It was a rare sight for people from the literary club to stand together with members of the executive committee.They were protected by Andry's enforcers, giving war speeches in Andry's walkway.Mr. Scholar was carried away by the magic power, but the chattering and clear words with provocative nature still reached his ears.It is a good thing that the Literature Club is very concerned about the evil god war.

"Research? Behind closed doors? What are you delusional about? Go and say goodbye to your experimental consumables! Because you will be integrated forever, there is no boundary between experimental objects and experimenters!"

"God will forgive you! Put your pelvis on someone else's spine! This way you can share the same butt, which is great, and the waste is cut in half!"

"Ah yes! People are all dead! The merciful Creator will welcome you to search for bones in his body with a smile, and maybe invite you to live in his stomach, because he does not secrete digestive juices and needs Most of your rotting feces act as probiotics."

"Oh! Too bad! Mr. Raymond is now hostile to us! Could it be that he used to put his arm around your shoulders and sleep with you on the lawn and count the stars? Or are you the lucky ones who haven't been gilded? We The Boss is gone, guess what we think, awesome, we can smack the ass and still f*ck Andrea! Now you guys have a chance to kick the butts of the big guys so hard, they're still pissed I have to thank you."

"The Holy Light is dead! We want to have a carnival! Spread the plague, conquer death, and blaspheme God! Andrei, we actually want to obey the nature of the race and do business! I think Mr. Dean should set up checkpoints on the edge of the battlefield, such a happy party You have to pay to get in!"

Accompanied by the hustle and bustle, there are overwhelming leaflets, and the winning casino will be opened at the same time. The odds are tentatively set at 1:1. Bet on your life. We will not provide betting channels for the evil side. After all, Triton will not pay you bonuses .

Mr. Scholar felt the restlessness in the entire Andry College. Without the suppression of the holy light, the liches started to waver.He greeted several familiar students and walked through the corridor into the courtyard.The permanent portal was cancelled, and its location was moved. A large round table was placed in the center of the courtyard. There was only one person sitting on the edge of the black cursed wood round table.

Mr. Dean sat at the first place. He waved to the coming scholar, and began to work hard again, like an old farmer busy harvesting.

Holding the harvesting tool, a gleaming bone scythe.The terrible weapon, [Suffering Harvester], can feel the sting of the soul just by looking at the light of the blade.

Beside him was a dog on a leash, barking wildly. [Andre Lich's Crown], the power of the clan is playing, the power of the Lich Lord affects everything around, and the wild magic power weaves a beast-like body.Andry's symbol was now like a mad dog, sometimes climbing up the top of the scythe and barking, sometimes plunging into the pile of bones and smashing the skulls to the ground.

Beside Mr. Dean was a pile of skulls. They were stacked into a hill, higher than the tip of Mr. Dean's hat, completely submerging the soles of his feet.He smiled and picked among the pile of skulls, like picking walnuts, slowly took down the sickle, and pointed the shining tip of the knife against the skull that was burning with soul flames.

"Have you considered it? Mr. President?"

"Mr. Dean, you promised us that we have the right to choose."

The dean nodded with a smile.

"Yes, you can choose, choose to participate in the war, or choose to become a resource for combat readiness."

"This is not what we imagined!!!"

"Hehehe, Andrei will of course follow my imagination. Your club is disbanded, Mr. Consumables, you can choose to flee, but my hound will take you back." The soul flame in the skull was attracted by the sickle, accompanied by the shooting With soul-stirring screams, his soul was harvested and his skull became an empty shell.

The dean turned his head and greeted Mr. Scholar.

"Anle, Mr. Scholar."

"An Le, Dean."

"Is there something wrong? My friend, the real crisis has made the undead a little restless. We need to get together now." Mr. Dean snatched a skull from under the tentacles of the Lich Crown.

"Residents of Wandering City, other races, complained to the mystics that there has been rampant theft in their ethnic cemetery recently. The remains of their ancestors were lost. Some witnesses said that someone saw his grandpa's grandpa naked , Line up at the portal in the dark seven area..." Mr. Scholar saw the crown of the lich running in front of him, spreading its tentacles in demonstration, like a blooming rafflesia flower.

"Tsk." It was so soft that Mr. Scholar thought that the voice was an illusion.Mr. Dean smiled and took out an application document from his pocket, "Mr. Scholar, I am planning to apply with you for the right to use the dead corpses of the temporary population in the Wandering City during the war phase. According to the law of Andrea, burial A corpse more than 50 years old will lose the ownership of his body, just like the writings left by the dead... The dead belong to the dead, just as the lich belongs to Andrei."

I don't remember that they signed Andrea's application for hospitalization during their lifetime. They probably never dreamed that they would have to abide by the law after death, and it wasn't the law written by their own family, the scholar thought.

"I can't agree to your application. Wandering Success will guarantee the autonomy of every ethnic group that joins. And we don't accept post-subscription tickets."

The Headmaster laughed and tossed the papers aside, while the Lich's Crown tore the waste paper into shreds.

"I understand, that's why I sent those ghouls. I fully respect the neutrality of the mystics. My friend, I won't make it difficult for you. Andrei is willing to take responsibility for all incidents of missing corpses. Please inform them, We are willing to use legal means to resolve ethnic disputes after the war is won."

Mr. Dean's laughter didn't stop, nor did the screaming of the skull in his hand.

"Mr. Dean...I join the war..." Before his soul was drained, the dean heard the last words.

"Too slow." Throwing his head aside without hesitation, "Your ideological awareness shows that you are more suitable to be cannon fodder... Your club is gone."

Mr. Scholar tilted his head and stared at the dean with strange eyes.

"They are usually willful, and this time I should be willful again."

As a dragon priest, Mr. Scholar is a clear advocate of the war, and his position is consistent with that of the dean, so he said comfortingly: "You are right, Andry College is not a democratic organization after all."

"Yes, we are a family business, and Andrea is a big family that loves each other."

Mr. Scholar coughed twice, his superficial skills were still not in place.

"We're a family, I'm the head of the family, and they have to listen to me until I'm dead."

"Correct, pertinent."

(End of this chapter)

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