Chapter 656
After putting on his shoes, Fu Yunlang stood up slowly while supporting the old man's arm, "The female witness hanged herself this morning, but her husband, wife and family gathered the necessary personnel within half an hour, including the plan and props. They all prepared early and came to the yamen to ask for an explanation. As usual, from receiving the shocking news to gathering together to discuss a consensus, in order to preserve the reputation of the two families, they would come to the yamen to ask for an explanation even if they committed crimes. Along the way, they would have to prepare special things Rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves don't last for three to five days, and the plan will never come.

But it only took them half an hour to complete all the preparations. It can only be said that someone planned this matter early in the morning.

It was Hu Shuli who forced the female witness to death, and he was also the chief culprit who led to the misjudgment of the case.He himself is a member of the Hu family, and the Hu family in Teng County not only has a large number of members in the county government, but is also the leading family in Teng County. The major families and gentry in Teng County all respect him.

The most likely candidates for inciting two families to come to the Yamen to protest in an instant are the Hu family.

Hu Ke, the county magistrate, is not only the county magistrate of Teng County, but also the head of the Hu clan.This matter is determined to have nothing to do with him. "

Speaking of this, Old Man Fu echoed suddenly and said: "No wonder when those people rushed into the yamen, Hu Xiancheng ordered to stop the guards who were holding sticks and were about to charge forward. If he was in the yamen to cooperate with outsiders, those gangs would cause trouble." Dare to go against the sky like this, even dare to attack the county magistrate, if it is normal, who would have the courage to do such a thing against the sky?"

Fu Yunlang nodded, his expression became more solemn, "Since they can make waves and cause such a big mess, there must be a way to calm this chaotic situation as soon as possible."

Hearing this, old man Fu nodded again and again, supporting Fu Yunlang while helping him tidy up his scattered hair, "Young master, you can think about it, we are not familiar with the place here, and even a trustworthy helper is not good enough." No, there is no way to chase that little official from the Hu family who ran away. If you can’t find him, the troublemaker will only make things difficult for you. The old slave saw that old man Hu was very good at talking in Teng County, and he was the one who made it up again Yes, he must have a way to settle this mess."

Fu Yunlang's movements suddenly froze, he turned his head, his soft peach eyes were full of sadness, his lips moved slightly, and he slowly uttered a few words, "Old man, the hardest word is to endure, Yun Lang... "

Old Uncle Fu's tears fell instantly, and he held Fu Yunlang's hand even tighter, "Master, those who know the current affairs are heroes, bear with the calm for a while. If we keep the green hills, we won't be afraid that he won't have firewood."

Fu Yunlang raised his hand and used his sleeve to wipe away the old tears on the old man's face, "Yun Lang understands, starting today, Yun Lang will endure until the end, until everyone thinks that Yun Lang is useless and has no fighting spirit to do it." Anything." His eyes suddenly froze, and he became as sharp as a knife, "Till the day when everyone puts down their guard and shows their feet again!"

Old Man Fu nodded his head heavily, "When the fire starts again, we must burn this group of people to nothing!"

After tidying up their clothes and hair, the master and servant went directly to the courtyard where Hu Ke, the county magistrate, was located.

The first time I saw Fu Yunlang, Hu Ke, the county magistrate with a white goatee and a slightly raised chin, stood up quickly, and walked a few steps to the door, "Oh, Mr. Fu, why don't you come out soon?" Rest? Everything is fake, only our own body is real. If you don’t pay attention to rest when you are young, the root cause of the disease will not be cured later.”

Facing the hypocritical face of this old fox, Fu Yunlang was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped out.But he had to bear it, he could only lower his head, mobilize the stiff facial muscles, restrain the anger in his heart as much as possible, grab Hu Ke's hand, and cut to the point directly in a low voice, "President Hu, it's all Yun Lang Your negligence caused today's chaotic situation. You have always been highly respected in Teng County, and have always been the most popular among the people. Now the majesty of the county government that Yunlang is about to lose needs you to go out and restore it."

Hearing this, Hu Ke took a half step back in shock. After being stunned for a moment, he repeatedly waved his hands and declined: "What is the matter with Mr. Fu? The officer failed to control the situation with Yang Dianshi in time, and even made someone bump into you. It is already Mr. Fu." It's a sin. How can I afford such a big gift from you now?"

"Doesn't Prime Minister Hu believe in Yun Lang's sincerity?" Fu Yunlang raised his head again, looking at Hu Ke with sincerity in his eyes, "Prime Minister Hu is willing to step forward to calm the mood of the people, and Yun Lang is willing to do whatever Yun Lang is asked to do. As long as To ensure the safety of Teng County, Yun Lang is willing to start from today, only Hu County Prime Minister Yang Dianshi is the leader. Before Yun Lang was too young, he didn’t understand anything. As long as there is no trouble, Yun Lang is willing to follow suit and let nature take its course The Huang Lao faction will never interfere in the affairs of Teng County again, and only hope that Teng County can restore its former prosperity and peace."

Hu Xiancheng was so frightened by these words that his face immediately turned pale, and he grabbed Fu Yunlang, "Master Fu is too serious, how can this old man bear it? Don't worry, as long as there is something that this old man can contribute to , I will definitely go all out. Even in the current situation, it is difficult for me to deal with. But even if I have to risk my life, I will definitely try my best to mediate and deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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