Chapter 657 The So-called Truth
"It's just Mr. Fu." After expressing his loyalty and innocence, Hu Ke raised his eyes to stare at Fu Yunlang, with a meaningful dark light in his eyes, "Even if the old man tries his best to restore the current situation, he may not succeed. Let's talk about the ugly words first, if it really fails at that time, Mr. Fu should not punish the crime of the subordinate officials."

In Fu Yunlang's eyes, Hu Ke's expression was completely cheap and obedient.

Treacherous old fox!
Fu Yunlang was so angry that he almost crushed his back molars. Afraid that his hatred would leak out from his expression, he quickly lowered his head, concealed the expression on his face, and said in a low voice: "Where is Hu Xiancheng? As long as you come out of the mountains, you will be able to solve the problem smoothly."

Hu Ke stroked his goatee, bent his eyes, laughed twice, and said nothing more.

After leaving from the county magistrate, Fu Yunlang also had a sullen face and didn't say a word.

Later, in the affairs of the county, he never expressed opinions different from others.

Just like what he promised Hu Ke, from that day on, he really imitated the Huang-Lao school's way of governing the world, and let everything go his own way with regard to people and things in the yamen.

Unexpectedly, the series of chaos caused by the case of extorting confessions and humiliating witnesses were all calmed down under the personal auspices of the county magistrate Hu Ke.

Not only that, the instigator of the Hu family's small official was also successfully arrested by Hu Ke and brought to justice. Although he was already a corpse, he was brought to justice after all.

It turned out that the little official surnamed Hu fell in love with a woman in a brothel, and was anxious to raise money for her ransom.Because the Hu family's family style is very strict, not to mention marrying prostitutes, even indulging in places such as romantic places and gambling halls, can be cleaned up and removed from the family tree.So it was very difficult for the little official to do it inside and out, and he couldn't find a way out for a while.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that Fuzhi County, which was in urgent need of talents, was looking for trustworthy staff, so he behaved well, and wanted to extort more money from both the plaintiff and the defendant during the process of solving the case, and scrape more oil; Secondly, according to the past practice of the Yamen, as long as you help the county magistrate solve a major case, you will normally receive a personal reward from the county magistrate.

So in this case, he first asked the victim's family to ask for a large amount of hard work.The plaintiff's parents swore that they would use all their connections to solve the case.

For the suspect, he did not ask for double the money as usual, but used lynching, under the banner of the county magistrate, to use various tortures on him, in order to plead guilty quickly and close the case quickly, and make a great contribution quickly. .

Finally, for the most important witness in the case, he took a small amount of money to instigate him to implement the ambiguities in the testimony.

But to his surprise, although the witness is a widowed wife, she acts very principledly, worships Buddha more devoutly, and believes in the cycle of cause and effect.

Although the suspect who is her neighbor often bullies her neighbors and is not a good person, he did not do this case.If she killed a person for nothing just for a small amount of money, she would never feel at ease in her life.

So she not only sternly rejected the money from the petty official surnamed Hu, but also sternly warned him not to waste his life like this.

However, it was this sentence that planted a huge disaster for herself.

The petty official who had come to this point didn't allow his previous efforts to be wasted, so he stepped forward and slapped the woman in anger.

The woman struggled angrily, not only scratched him, but even cursed to go to the Yamen to expose him.

The little official was completely enraged, he knew that in order to make a woman completely tame and obedient, he had to hold her deadly.Coupled with the angry state that he almost lost his reason at that time, he broke the chastity of the woman by taking advantage of the situation.

Afterwards, as he expected, although the woman wanted to commit suicide, but because of the reputation of her children and her family, she still agreed to give false testimony under his coercion and lure.

It's just that what he never expected was that when he calmed down afterwards, the woman still chose to commit suicide.

After getting the news of the woman's suicide, the petty official surnamed Hu fled from the yamen immediately.There was also a series of chaos behind.

After learning the whole story of the case, Fu Yunlang still didn't express any opinions.Then he just didn't care about anything.He also doesn't want to join forces with others, and doesn't handle cases, but just sits on the sidelines and lets his subordinates investigate the case.He sat quietly on the magistrate's seat, secretly waiting for the time to come.Gradually, the various forces in the Teng County Yamen thought that Xinzhi County had finally been subdued by them, that they had lost all their vigor and that nothing could be done again.

So even if Fuzhi County didn't really get along with them, they still had to be happy not to offend the river.

It's just that they didn't know that Fu Yunlang secretly sent someone to Yanzhou Mansion not far away to ask Yin for help.

Having said this in one breath, Fu Yunlang finally stopped.

He was panting slightly, his cheeks flushed.

Those pasts were like a huge scar on his body. Although it was exhilarating to uncover all of them in one breath, the flesh was still attached, causing him to be torn apart, the pain unbearable, and his mood unable to calm down for a long time
(End of this chapter)

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