Chapter 658 So It Was
Although the narration of Wen Xiaoyun in his mouth is far from as many key details as in his memory.

For example, he didn't mention the place where old man Fu and his master and servant broke down and cried.Although they sound like brothers, the relationship between the two is there after all.If he said it all at once regardless of his image, he would have no face in the future.

But even if he said it briefly, he still brought back all his bad memories. This feeling really made him uncomfortable.

After listening to Fu Yunlang's speech, Wen Xiaoyun looked down at the letter from his aunt Huangfu Lianyi again.

In comparison, what my aunt said was much simpler.

In this part, my aunt only said two sentences: "Yun Lang is not only your father's student, but also a young talent who is highly valued by your uncle. When he encounters difficulties, your uncle definitely has no reason not to help him."

Wen Xiaoyun:  
Why did she suddenly have a bad premonition?
There are still some words in the back, Wen Xiaoyun temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, and continued to read, but his face changed suddenly.

The letter reads:

"However, the real purpose of sending Yun'er and Nuo'er to Teng County this time is not because of Yun Lang's request for help.

Also because someone anonymously handed your uncle a letter the night before the Bailong case was closed.

Not only did it point out your true identity, but it also showed that they were the ones who helped you fend off Jin Yiwei's pursuit.In Nanzhen Fusi, the order to exterminate Wen's family was cancelled.

Your uncle, though shocked at first, doesn't believe it.But he had no choice but to accept this fact until he saw the official document of Nanzhen Fusi attached to the letter.

The letter also threatened your uncle that if he did not let go of the Bailong case in his hands and obeyed the transfer order to leave Yanzhou Mansion, he would restart the Wen family extermination order they pressed. Not only would he continue to chase and kill you, but he would also make the Yin family a part of the Wen family. , and chased and killed Miemen together.

Yun'er, when you see this, don't misunderstand, your uncle and aunt are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.It's just that he died in vain, and it doesn't benefit the case or the Wen family's grievances at all.Avoiding the edge and opening another path to the truth is the right way.

And going to Teng County is another way out that your uncle found.

The following words, Jun'er, you must keep in mind, destroy the letter after reading it, and never leave any handles in the hands of others. "

Seeing this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Wen Xiaoyun's back.

When the truth of the Bailong case is about to come to light, Yin Qianhua's sudden change, and the truth about their husband and wife leaving Yanzhou mansion in a hurry will finally be revealed!

This has always been the biggest doubt in her mind, not only her, even Yin Nuo, the only son of the Yin family, hardly knows about it.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly lowered her head and continued to check, "Yun'er, the most important reason why your uncle sent you and Nuo'er to Teng County is because of an old case related to the life and family of Lord Wang, the magistrate of Yanzhou.

Not only Nuo'er was involved in that case, but your uncle was also very concerned about it.But they failed to touch the core part of the case, and were sealed up forever by Wang Zhifu.

Wang Zhifu only thought that he covered up the case very well, and no one in this world could be suspicious.So under the weight of the more complex and extensive Bailong case, he relaxed his vigilance a bit and let your uncle send you to Teng County.

Of course, this is also a deal between your uncle and the mysterious power hidden in Yanzhou Mansion.

He put aside the Bailong case, obeyed the transfer order and set off for Beijing immediately, while his son and nephew were sent away from Yanzhou to avoid all dangers and develop elsewhere.

It's just that your uncle can't clearly name the inside story of that old case.

He only knew that by bypassing the Bailong case and attacking Wang Zhifu from behind, he could get all the truth. "

(End of this chapter)

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