Chapter 872

At the same time, the other end of Teng County.

Wen Xiaoyun, who was in a coma, only felt pain like a needle prick in his temple.

She snorted in pain, and finally regained consciousness, but suddenly found that her body was not under her control at all, as if being pinched by someone around the waist, it was up and down and swaying non-stop.

The weird range of motion is really indescribable.

An extremely terrifying cold feeling climbed up her limbs instantly.

Wen Xiaoyun was so frightened that she just wanted to open her eyes and see what was going on around her.

The shaking of the body suddenly increased, and Zi Huang bit her tongue fiercely in a hurry,

His eyes opened suddenly, and in front of him was a piece of dirty brown long hair, which was constantly blown over by the wind, surging like waves.

Wen Xiaoyun closed her eyes again in disbelief.

Hallucinations, this must be hallucinations hallucinations.

The host, Wen Zhuyun, told her long ago that this world is an objective world of materialism, without any monsters and ghosts, and it is unlikely that there will be such a giant long-haired beast that is beyond common sense.

With all her strength, she tentatively opened her eyes again, trying to see the situation in front of her more clearly.

She clearly remembered that it was late at night when she was sent out of the yamen by Yin Nuo, but now it is broad daylight, there must be something wrong.Finally, she opened her eyes again with difficulty, but not only did the brown hair not disappear, but it became clearer.

I was actually bitten in the mouth by a huge beast!
That thing is covered with long brown-gray fur all over its body, and its sharp fangs are as thick as a baseball bat; its fist-sized yellow-brown eyes are shining with terrifying golden light, which is even scarier and more frightening than a hellhound!

Wen Xiaoyun almost fainted from the fright.

But at the critical moment of life and death, self-help is the first priority.She didn't care about anything else, she stretched out her hand to grab the ivory-thick mace, and touched her body with the other hand.

Surprisingly, after touching it a few times, I didn't even get out the pocket.

Wen Xiaoyun finally discovered one thing, that is, the clothes on her body were not the ones she wore at night.

Her heart went cold for an instant, and subconsciously, she hurriedly touched her hair again.

With this touch, she touched another thing.It was slender and hard, much like a metal hairpin.

Wen Xiaoyun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he had the idea of ​​escape in an instant.

Without any hesitation, she pulled out the hairpin abruptly, turned her hand and stabbed fiercely at the giant wolf's eyeballs!
Unexpectedly, the giant wolf was surrounded by a golden light like a protective cover.

Wen Xiaoyun was horrified, but she didn't let go of her strength. No matter what accident happened, she couldn't accept her fate and wait for death.

As long as the silver hairpin in her hand doesn't get bounced off, she will try her best to stick it down!

During the power stalemate, the giant wolf's eyeballs suddenly trembled from a distance, Wen Xiaoyun clenched his teeth, the veins all over his body burst out, and he was on the verge of collapse.

Just at the critical moment, the world in front of Wen Xiaoyun's eyes was suddenly covered by darkness.

The surrounding jungle, the giant wolf in front, and the silver hairpin in his hand all disappeared in the darkness, never to be seen again.

A man's low voice suddenly came from a distance, "Nothing at all... Chaos and void..."

Wen Xiaoyun instinctively closed her eyes and pricked up her ears, trying to hear more clearly.But the man's speaking speed was getting faster and faster, so fast that almost all the words were stacked together, Wen Xiaoyun's head seemed to burst in pain when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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