God arresting adults slapped in the face again

Chapter 873 The Secret in the Phantom

Chapter 873 The Secret in the Phantom
Wen Xiaoyun just wanted to cover her ears, and she didn't want to listen to those spells that gave her a headache that almost split open.

But for some reason, she was eager to find out the true content of the spell, as if she had known for a long time that the content of the spell was very important to her.

Just when she was conflicted and wanted to split herself in two, the voices overlapping and crisscrossing in her ears suddenly became clear.

Wen Xiaojun bit the tip of her tongue hard, trying to use the pain to force herself to wake up.

She was finally able to hear the following sentences clearly,
Some people are saying, "There is nothing in the original, the chaos is empty,

Hunyuan established the world, the earth and water are strong and windy,
Now it is the end of the catastrophe, and it is moved by the three disasters.

Finding the source and saving oneself is difficult for all beings,
Whirling sea of ​​bitterness, do not wake up from east to west,
Worship the righteous Dharma, sit and practice the mind of God,
Pick up a little bit of light and go to the Golden Palace together. "

After reading all the words, Wen Xiaoyun's eyes were spinning and dancing in her mind, her eyes opened suddenly, and a dim yellow light appeared in the depths of the darkness, and a man's figure appeared indistinctly in the light and shadow.

Wen Xiaoyun narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully checking the image in front of him.

The man's figure became more and more clear, and the face, hair accessories, and clothes gradually showed real details.

The man looks extremely beautiful, with fair skin and picturesque eyebrows and eyes.If you look closely, you will find two points of resemblance to the white duck.

Wearing a long-winged veil crown and a chic and handsome uniform, he sat on a tall horse and drove the horse along an official road in the forest with a smile on his face.

There were a total of four beaming yamen servants before and after.

From the looks of it, it should be a number one scholar who has just received official clothes and is going back to his hometown to announce the good news.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't understand why there was such a picture in front of him.

Her existence is not in this picture at all, and it is obvious that this scene is not reality.

Could it be that guy Wen Zhuyun suddenly realized that he wanted to take the risk of being wiped out by the Space-Time Administration, so he came to give her a little trouble, showing a little picture related to the case?
Thinking of this, Wen Xiaoyun hurriedly looked around.

She actually discovered something important.

That is the location here, clearly the place where she and Yin Nuo were ambushed by Su Xuexin yesterday.

It is also the place where the entire army of the Teng County arrest squad was wiped out.

Wen Xiaoyun gasped unconsciously.

There are so many coincidences in this place, so it must not be a coincidence, there must be some ulterior secrets and secrets behind it.

Just when Wen Xiaoyun became more and more curious, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared from the direction above the mountain road, rushing like a gust of wind towards the Zhuangyuan Lang below.

Zhuangyuan Lang and his party discovered the abnormality immediately.

The four yamen servants fled in all directions instinctively, only Zhuangyuan Lang pulled out his saber from his waist and pointed at the black shadow rushing directly in front of him.

Wen Xiaoyun frowned severely.

She suddenly saw clearly the true face of that black shadow, it was the giant hungry wolf that was holding her in its mouth just now!
That monster didn't look like a normal beast in the world, but more like a vicious dog from hell.

Such a terrible scene scared Zhuang Yuanlang really hard.

However, he still reacted immediately, slashing fiercely with his sword while dodging sideways.

This move of his was not a random attack without purpose, but a fatal blow aimed at the weak point of the hungry wolf's head.

In this way, even if it can't kill the hungry wolf, it can still hurt its vitality.

But what people never expected was that the giant wolf's fangs were extremely sharp, and with a sideways flick of its head, it broke Zhuangyuanlang's sword.

(End of this chapter)

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