The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1001 We are also people with a family library

Chapter 1001 We are also people with a family library

Before Chu Shinian and the others came back, representatives from other forces came.

Everyone found Taohua together, "What's going on with you here? How did building a camp turn into digging a pit?" At this time, many temporary camps had already been established.

Even the tents have been repaired a lot.

"When we were digging the roots, we found something in the ground, but we were not sure what it was. We wanted to wait for the elders to come back and have a look." Taohua said with a smile.

"What?" someone asked hastily.

"I'm really not sure what it is. If we can be sure, we'll talk about it." Tao Hua said.

"Then let's go down and take a look?" the left-behind disciple of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect said immediately.

"It's done, everyone can go down and have a look." Taohua simply led them to jump into the deep pit.Then everyone saw the metal in the ground together.It's quite bright, with a lot of runes engraved on it.

"Anyone who understands runes? Come and see what kind of rune array this is?" Someone called out.

"I'll take a look."

"I am coming too."

"Uh... I don't know this kind of rune. This is not the current popular rune system."

"Uh, it's a bit difficult. These runes are not one kind, but many kinds of runes are nested and engraved into the metal texture."

"Anyone see what it is?"

"Some seem to be solid formations, and some are anti-corrosion... and... not sure..."

Just when they were almost on top of the excavated metal, Tong Jian and the others hurried back.

Seeing Tong Jian and the others coming back, Tao Hua hurriedly led people to greet them.

"What did you find?" Tong Jian, Lao Wu and other big monks asked hurriedly.

"A metal wall was excavated underground, which seems to be a wall of a secret vault." Taohua said.

Boom... The great monks of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect who rushed back after their team rushed towards the big pit like a madman.

Tong Jian's complexion changed drastically, and he practiced tacitly with Old Wu and other great monks of his own sect, and directly prevented the opponent from jumping into the pit.Forcibly stuck the opponent in mid-air.

Several pieces of ropes, or whips, or magical instruments of freezing space fell on the big monk, making his beard and hair swell, and the corners of his eyes tearing apart. "What do you want to do, don't you still want to occupy the ancient secret vault of my faction?"

"Before you all agreed to explore together. Why did you find something good just now, and you became the one to occupy you?" Tong Jian said angrily.

"But that's the sect's secret storehouse!! It's the reserve resource storehouse of our Absolute Beginning Sword Sect." The big monk was so angry, who would have thought that he would find an entrance at random, which turned out to be the sect's secret storehouse. If he knew, he would definitely It is impossible to let people from Guanghan Jianzong come in.

"Aren't you sure yet?" Tong Jian said.

"If it's really confirmed, can you not take the contents inside?" The other party said angrily.

"We discovered this entrance. If our two sects were not an alliance, what did we do to let you in?" Tong Jian said angrily, "If you didn't come in, everything here is ours."

"Let's not talk about those who have or don't have one. There is no doubt about the importance of the Zongmen's secret library to a Zongmen. If you dare to open it casually, you will be fighting against the Taichu Sword Sect." The big monk said angrily.

"After all, it is the secret vault in the ruins. It is said that whoever discovers it will own it. Well, the little shrimps below us can't decide anything. I think it is better to confirm whether it is the secret vault of your original sect. If so, the secret vault here How to distribute the things is up to the superiors to decide." Tong Jian thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter that there is no point in fighting. In the end, how the superiors above will decide and how we will work."

After hearing that, the big monk calmed down a bit.


Hearing that someone dug up the tree roots and found the sect secret vault, other teams ran back one after another. When they came back, they found that the ground that should have been a temporary camp had been demolished.

A huge amount of soil was removed, and a huge deep pit was completely cleared out.The bottom is all light gold spiritual metal.Just poke a hole with a dagger, and there is no trace of the hole that can be recovered in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on here?" The big monk surnamed Gu asked Tong Jian and the others in confusion.

"It seems to have dug up the sect's secret library of the Taichu Sword Sect." Old Wu said with a smile.

Ah puff! !
The big monk surnamed Gu looked shocked, "We can dig out this kind of thing?"

"Accident, accident." Old Wu said happily, "This is not when his little daughter-in-law stayed to build a camp. Who knew that digging a tree root could dig out such a thing. Peach Blossom, Peach Blossom, come quickly, Tell us how you found out there's something like this in the ground?"

Taohua was still learning from someone who was studying formation runes, but was called over by Mr. Wu halfway.She looked helpless, "It's just a suspicion. I can't be sure that it's the secret vault of the Taichu Sword Sect. Besides, it's the secret vault of the sect. What if the contents have been taken away?"

"Even if it's empty, it's good. Can it be cheap to build spiritual materials in the sect's secret storehouse? In the end, our secret storehouse was demolished, and we can still harvest a large number of spiritual materials." Old Wu said with a face of sophistication.

"That's right, that's the reason." The great monk surnamed Gu also smiled. "It seems that we are lucky. Anyway, we all came in. If the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect wants us to hand over the secret storehouse to them, it is impossible.

There must be a share. "

"It has to be a big cup of soup." Mr. Wu said with a very experienced smile.

"That's right, that's right." Great monk surnamed Gu nodded in agreement. "Little girl, tell me how you found the anomaly? When people build a temporary camp, they just remove the tree and leave the roots. Why do you think of digging the roots?"

Tao Huaxin said, this one is also very careful.He could even infer from the remaining traces around him that he had dug the roots first.

"When our family members cut down a big tree for the first time, I felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the root. But I don't know exactly where the problem is. I also wanted to ask someone to dig up the root of the tree. Is there something underground? At first I thought there might be some spirit mine. It would be good to refine some spirit gold." Taohua explained her behavior.

"That's right, that's right, I usually do the same thing." The big monk surnamed Gu said to Taohua very appreciatively. "If you have any doubts, ask Qin Chu, maybe there is a treasure that you can find?"

"But who knew that a piece of spiritual gold was finally dug out, and a large number of runes were engraved on it. When I saw the layers of formations, I guessed. After all, we also have a family and a family library .”

(End of this chapter)

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