The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1002 Creation Division and Dao Heart Stone

Chapter 1002 Creation Division and Dao Heart Stone

"Then what do you think of those formation groups that are similar to the family treasury?" the big monk surnamed Gu asked.

"Those formations are composed of very ancient cloud seals, yang talismans and yin talismans. I know a little about these runes, and they seem to be related to seals, spirit sealing, absorption, and absorption. There are also some A combination of temperature control and dust removal.

Think again about the rich aura here, but there are no geniuses and treasures born. It is obvious that something has cut off the aura, making it difficult for them to reproduce and advance. "Peach Blossom explained her thoughts.

"That's why you concluded that the thing below that is a secret vault."

"Yes. I think so." Taohua said.

The big monk surnamed Gu was very satisfied with Taohua and said, "Tong Tianxing's lineage pays more attention to combat power, and the skills he explored are more inclined to fighting. If you enter the sect, you can worship under my lineage. Our lineage The pulse is more focused on array swordsmanship and rune swordsmanship.

This jade tablet is for you. If you enter the sect, you can directly worship me as your teacher. "

Taohua smiled and accepted the token, "Thank you, Senior Gu." But Taohua didn't take it seriously.At the beginning, Wang Dao really wanted to accept Chu Ligui as his apprentice, and studied him diligently, and finally decided to accept Chu Ligui as his apprentice.

She was favored by Brother Gu only because she was Chu Shinian's wife.

Brother Gu accepted her because he probably wanted to have a good relationship with Chu Shinian.But when it came time for Chu Shinian to return to the sect, if she really wanted to worship someone, she would only have to get Tong Tianxing's consent.After all, her identity is sensitive, if she doesn't want to be a hindrance to Chu Shinian's future, she must make a choice and sacrifice.

Brother Gu was even more satisfied with Taohua's calmness.

This girl was not dazzled by his promise, and she was able to maintain such a calm state of mind, which is considered a good temper.It is more suitable to embark on the path of Taoism!
Before the big monk surnamed Gu jumped into the pit, he let Peach Blossom go back.As soon as Taohua returned to her tribe, she discovered that Chu Shinian had returned from the bottom of the pit.

"What's the matter?" Taohua asked in a low voice.

"Did Uncle Gu ask you for something just now?" Chu Shinian asked her almost in unison.

"Senior Gu came to me to ask how I judged that the thing below was a secret vault. I told him how I guessed it. After all, I have some understanding of Yunzhuan, Yinfu and Yangfu." Tao Hua explained to Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian laughed and said, "It's definitely a secret storehouse below. Because a special wall has been excavated, and there is an inscription on it from the Sword School of Absolute Beginning. It is said that this is a secret storeroom."

"Then how to open the secret vault, do you know if there is anything in it?" Taohua asked.

"How far the secret vault has been opened, I don't know what's in it. And the most important thing is, how do you divide your things inside? I heard that it has been reported to the principals of each family. I believe someone will come down again soon." Chu Shinian said.

"It's not easy going up and down." Tao Hua said with emotion.

Chu Shinian wanted to laugh when he heard that.

"Speaking of which, there are indeed some tricks in the ruins of the early days, which have alarmed the sect several times." Ma Liang, who came after the death, happened to hear the conversation of the young couple, so he interjected.

"Yes." Chu Shinian nodded.

"I don't know what else is in this secret vault?" Ma Liang thought curiously.

"Wait, we'll know when we open it anyway." Chu Shinian thought.

This wait is ten days.The Chu family has repaired the new campsite, but the new campsite was built on another small hillside that was originally full of big trees more than 500 meters away.

Obviously, there is no secret storehouse underground on this small hillside. The roots of the big trees are deep and leafy, and no one mentioned digging the roots anymore.

After all, a big monk has already probed here with a special magic weapon.

"I heard someone came in today?" Li Yi sat on the specially sewn soft and thick cushion at Chu's side without any image.Under the mat is the characteristic floor couch of the Chu family.It is only half a foot high, cool and heat insulated, and can maintain a constant temperature inside the tent.

The most important thing is that you can sleep directly as a bed when you put on a mattress. The tents in other places are made of wooden beds and Lingyu low couches, which feel a little worse than this spacious ground couch.

"I heard that your house is so short that you can't sell it?" Li Yi said enviously while touching the smooth and textured couch on the ground.

"It's just a couch. There are only five spirit stones for a hundred square meters." Chu Shinian said speechlessly.What's so envious about this?
"I heard that your family sold more than 3000 square meters of sofas at once." Li Yi said.

"That's less than two hundred spirit stones." Chu Shinian said weakly.

"Cough cough cough, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat. This shows that your Chu family can do business. Besides, after selling two Bailing stones, after everyone returns to the family, maybe your Chu family can receive tens of thousands. There are even orders for ground beds of hundreds of thousands of square meters." Li Yi said.

"That's impossible. Everyone has bought some now, and they can make copies by themselves when they go back. Even if the quality is not as good as ours, but as long as they can be used, there will be a sale. The work they can do, they Why come to the Chu family to place an order? Wouldn't it be better to earn all the money yourself?"

Li Yi was very speechless after hearing this, "I forgot that this is not the world of Shenting, and all new things here can be imitated at will."

"Well, I've also heard that for new objects in the Great World of God's Court, as long as they report to the Creation Department of God's Court, they can obtain exclusive ownership rights. Others who want to imitate similar things must obtain the authorization of the creator."

"That's right. As long as it is an imitation, it will be severely punished." Li Yi said. "However, if we weave something new that is similar to other creations, but it has not been reported, the new creator only needs to register with the Creation Department again, and he will be exempt from punishment.

For example, Danfang, as long as it is not exactly the same, is two Zhang Danfang.However, those big forces that have researched new alchemy formulas generally registered similar alchemy formulas in the Department of Creation.So this kind of loophole is not so easy to find.

A couch like yours is a new gadget. If your home is registered with the Department of Creation, others will have to obtain your permission and authorization to manufacture objects with similar structures. "

"Is the Creation Department of your Shenting interesting?" Chu Shinian asked curiously after hearing Li Yi's introduction.

"Where is it interesting? You will know when you get in touch with it. The Department of Creation is not easy to mess with. And if it is not your own new product, it cannot be registered in the Department of Creation. There is a Dao Heart Stone over there. People who enter new things must swear to you that they are new things created by you, and then Dao Xinshi is responsible for testing them. If this new thing is not created by you, Dao Xinshi will directly attack you.

One touch will throw you out the door. "

(End of this chapter)

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