The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1003 Li Yizhang's Secret

Chapter 1003 Li Yi's Secret Words

"What is the Dao Heart Stone?" Chu Shinian asked curiously.

"The Dao Heart Stone is something that can test whether you have violated the Dao Heart, such as telling lies, giving false testimony, doing things that are self-righteous, but refuse to think that you are at fault, etc. It is also impossible to snatch other people's artifacts and make them your own during the stone test."

"Even masters of magic can't violate it, so I'm afraid this heart stone is not as simple as just testing the authenticity." Chu Shinian said in surprise.

"By the way, you guessed it right again this time. This heart stone should be condensed with some avenue fragments and fused into special stone materials. This kind of stone should also be related to creation and business contract avenues. This strange stone It is not produced by my God's Court Great World, but a strange thing refined by the creatures of a big world far away. This kind of strange thing has no other benefits for the creatures in the big world, except for the commercial interests of protecting the creatures. The benefit is very large.

Since our Shenting Great World got it, the business order has become much more orderly. "

Li Yi explained to him a lot of interesting facts about the Department of Creation and Dao Xinshi, which surprised Chu Shinian, but he didn't quite agree.What business order is much more orderly.He doesn't believe that in order to protect their own commercial interests, those big forces won't mobilize those threatening new things to wipe out the roots?

For example, the lower realm now imitates so many various pills from the upper realm.In other words, as long as there is a difference in one medicinal material, it is another prescription.Can the alchemy forces of Shenting Great World let go of these new prescriptions?

These people who have created new prescriptions, I am afraid they will not let them go.Together with their relatives and clansmen, they will not be spared.After all, Li Yi also said that if the founder dies, the heirs will still enjoy the benefits of the creations created by their relatives.

It can be imagined that when the current world merges with the Great World of Shenting, it will be a piece of chicken feathers, how will the Chu family make a mess of words.

"Are there many great worlds that have contacts with the Shenting Great World?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"There are more than 100 nearby. In fact, most of them are attached to us or directly attached to us. There are only a few big worlds that can really threaten us. But don't underestimate the ones that are attached to us and attached to us. in our big world.

It is said that it is attached to our big world, but in fact, most of the other big world forces are behind it.It is said that it is attached to our big world, because the size of the world is too large, there are too many creatures, and the ups and downs of some creature races change too quickly, it is very likely that a certain big world belongs to us a hundred years ago, and a hundred years later They were born with the intention of becoming independent. "

"Ah?" Chu Shinian looked at him in astonishment.

"Time passes at different speeds. For our big world, it is only a hundred years. For some big worlds, more than 3 years have passed. For more than 3 years, if you calculate it according to the [-]-[-] year generation of mortals Calculated by people, how many generations are there. How many outstanding people can be produced?
As long as the population base is large, there will be too many outstanding talents who can appear.Many intelligent creatures, such as the Yaozu, actually reproduce much faster than humans.A litter of cubs is held in a few years, and a litter of five or six cubs is considered small.Some can hold one or two litters a year, and some have a litter of ten or so cubs.If you calculate the time of more than 3 years, how many powerful monsters can be produced? "

Chu Shinian plotted secretly and was completely speechless.

"What's even more frightening are some insects. They are like reproductive machines. If you don't pay attention, something serious will happen." Li Yi taught Chu Shinian some common sense about Shenting. "So don't look at us in the great world of God's Court. Human monks occupy the mainstream, but we are not omnipotent, and we are often burned out for all kinds of messy things."

Chu Shinian immediately nodded in agreement.

"What I told you is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that the will of some worlds breaks away from the world and turns into a human, or a monster race, or some other creature. Void giant beasts are also possible.

They originally possessed a terrifying foundation of will, and after being transformed into young creatures, the growth rate with the help of the foundation of the previous life is simply terrifying.Because Zeng Jin is the will of heaven and the will of the Dao, their comprehension of the Dao is simply terrifying.The more they grow to the late stage, the faster the cultivation speed will be.

Now in the universe, there is a great power and prestige, among the ancestors who suppressed the great world of the heavens, several of them were reincarnated from the will of the world. "

Chu Shinian was surprised when he heard this, "As the will of the world, why do they want to reincarnate? Do they have to leave the world where they were born?"

"Because the world is the same as living beings, there are also birth, old age, sickness and death, bad luck and disasters. Some world wills are not willing to die, and reincarnation is the best way to escape from the original world. Some powerful world wills, as early as their own reincarnation, give I have left behind a lot of backhands, and when my cultivation base is getting higher and my memory is restored in the future, I can get the backhands I left behind to hit a higher level of Taoism, and even make preparations for my future ascension."

"Is there really a God Realm and Immortal Realm in our current universe?" Chu Shinian asked again in amazement.

"It is said that there are, but none of the guys who flew up have returned, so I don't know the truth." Li Yi pretended that I was the boss, which was very funny. "But junior brother, don't be too ambitious. Let's advance to the Yan Dao realm first and become a six-level monk."

"Yeah, but I heard that it's very difficult to advance to the Dao of Derivation Realm. Among the [-] great monks of the Nascent Soul Realm of the fifth realm, there can't be a great monk of the Dao of Derivation Realm of the sixth realm." Chu Shinian said.

"Promoting to the Dao of Evolution Realm requires not only cultivation, but also the preparation of some promotion resources, which is quite difficult. The most important thing is that it needs to consume a lot of luck. Our sect has a lot of luck in a certain period of time. If you are promoted, others cannot be promoted. Do you think it is difficult in this Yan Dao realm?" Li Yi said with emotion.

"Difficult!" If it needs to consume the luck of the sect, it is really too difficult.The key is to compete to the death, right?
"What about those monks who are short of luck and can't be promoted to the Taoist realm? Will the sect ignore them?" Chu Shinian suddenly thought of this question.

"Naturally, it's impossible to ignore it. It's almost the last step, so how could it be ignored?" Li Yi's eyes widened suddenly. "Why would the sect give up on them? I heard that luck, in some areas of some worlds, can actually appear in the form of physical crystals."

(End of this chapter)

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