The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1004 The Crystallization of Luck for Toothache

Chapter 1004 The Crystallization of Luck for Toothache

"Can luck be formed into a solid crystal?" Chu Shinian almost bit his tongue.There is also a pagoda-shaped treasure of luck over the ancestral hall of their Chu family.Could it be that the last thing will also form an entity?
"The luck can be formed into a physical crystal? What about the rumored treasure of luck? Brother Li, have you ever seen what it looks like?"

"Glass crystal. I heard that a Nascent Soul peak cultivator in Baihua Palace is consecrating a large amount of luck that was born in the vicinity of this world by using the aura of this world to revive and consecrate a treasure of luck. It is said that it is A rare glazed wine cup." Li Yi said.

"Glass wine cup?" Hearing this, Chu Shinian immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.It seems that this thing has nothing to do with me? !

"Well, I heard that if she succeeds in the sacrifice, it will not only be a great help for her to advance to the sixth level, but it will also be extremely beneficial to their Baihua Palace. It is said that her luck is very powerful. "

Chu Shinian suddenly felt even worse.

But the point in his heart is not good, and it is not good to tell Li Yi directly.So Chu Shinian asked again. "Then under what circumstances will luck condense into physical crystals?"

"Well, generally speaking, when a world is about to perish due to other unexpected reasons, or in some special secret place or special strange thing, luck crystals will condense. I heard that luck crystals are generally They are all sinking under the origin of the world.

Once the world starts to die, it will continue to condense and crystallize luck. "Li Yi told Chu Shinian.

"Then if you think you interfere with the life and death of the world, wouldn't you be able to obtain a lot of luck crystals?" Chu Shinian suddenly had such a weird idea in his mind, and he blurted it out.

"It's true that this happened. I heard that the big bosses of the once prosperous Sanyang World did this kind of thing. Then something happened to them. I don't know exactly what happened, but since then, Sanyang The great world began to decline.

However, no matter how they decline, they are also old-fashioned big worlds, and their background is much deeper than our Shenting big world.They began to explore outside the world to collect resources several 10 years earlier than us. "Li Yi said.

"Nowadays, they are the ones who often have conflicts with our Shenting Great World. You don't know that our sect and Taichu Sword Sect are now forming an alliance in a newly discovered big world, which is to compete with several big forces in the Sanyang Great World. It's just to fight for the dominance of that big world." Li Yi finally said something that Chu Shinian was rarely interested in.

"Brother Li, tell me, I heard that another line of our sect has been conquest in a big world, is it the big world you just mentioned?"

After hearing this, Li Yi smiled and said, "Are you also secretly paying attention to the Dao body like you? But what you said is correct, that newly discovered world is far away from our Shenting world. But its The speed of time passing is about the same as our Shenting.

The slow flow of time shows that its lifespan is almost the same as that of our Shenting Great World.Such a big world is more valuable for development.In those big worlds where time passes too fast, life and death are fast.For us weak monks, no matter how time passes, it is the same.At most, some elixirs are easier to pick and mature.

But for those cultivators whose lifespan has greatly increased at the sixth level or above, maybe once they come out of retreat, a big world that was originally prosperous and prosperous will suddenly disappear.So some big worlds where time passes too fast don't make much sense to them. "

It was also the first time Chu Shinian had heard this statement.Can't help but make him prick up his ears to listen.

Li Yi saw that he was interested, so he became more energetic and told him a lot of common sense about the big world of Shenting, as well as the situation of some big and small worlds around him.

Chu Shinian focused on the big world of the Three Yangs, and the big world that the Taichu Sword Sect and the Guanghan Sword Sect are currently fighting together.

"I heard that the world newly discovered by our two sects will finally have a name. I heard that it was named Huiman. There are also indigenous humans there, called barbarians." Li Yi continued to explain to Chu Shinian.

"How did you hear what senior brother meant? Is there anything to say about this name?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Given a name, it means that our two sects have completely established a foothold there." Li Yi said. "That's already a victory."

Chu Shinian smiled lightly and said, "That's true."

"Maybe you will be sent there to practice in the future." Li Yi said.

"I'm afraid at least we have to wait until the surrounding world merges into the Great World of God's Court." Chu Shinian said.

"Not necessarily. Maybe you can go there early to practice. Haha." Li Yi smiled.

"This is not something I can arrange. I will listen to the arrangement then." Chu Shinian said indifferently.


"Hey, come out, you two, your master has come down again in this year." Ma Liang walked in quickly and called out.

"What?" Chu Shinian and Li Yi were both shocked.

"How could it be? Didn't my master go to retreat and be promoted to the sixth rank?" Chu Shinian said in shock.

"Yeah, it seems that the old lady didn't trust others, so she dug him out of the closed cave." Ma Liang replied.

Chu Shinian was taken aback.

It was just a secret vault, and Tong Tianxing was brought down again without knowing if there was anything in it.

In fact, it wasn't just Tong Tianxing, but all the sects that participated in the whole incident sent important speakers in their own sects.

The one sent by Taichu Sword Sect this time is called Zhang Li.

He is the backbone of the Taichu Sword Sect whose status is almost the same as that of Tong Tianxing.

When Tong Tianxing came, he didn't live with his brother, but with Chu Shinian.

The new tent, the warm yellow furniture, especially the floor couch, are very popular with Tong Tianxing.When Zhang Li found him, Tong Tianxing was having dinner accompanied by Chu Shinian and the others.All kinds of delicacies were piled up plate by plate, and Tong Tianxing didn't dislike them at all. They were all low-level spiritual things and monster meat.

The main thing is that it tastes good.

When Zhang Li came, he was not polite, he sat down next to Tong Tianxing and started eating.

After the two had a good meal, Zhang Li put down his chopsticks and said. "This secret vault, we have no foundation there, so we don't know what's in it. What's in your mind, tell me."

"Everything else is up to you, but we have to share it with us." Tong Tianxing said and paused here. "But if there is luck crystallization, you know that this kind of thing is useful for everyone."

Zhang Li immediately had a toothache when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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