The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1005 Qingyang Lingtao's Baby Exchange

Chapter 1005 Qingyang Lingtao's Baby Exchange
"When I came down, the head and the empresses all told me that everything can be given up, except the crystallization of luck. This kind of thing is also of great use to us."

Tong Tianxing yelled, "Who is useless?"

"You're all ready, haven't you already started to break through?" Zhang Li hurriedly said.

"But there are still many brothers in our lineage who have waited for a long time and almost crystallized their luck!" Tong Tianxing immediately retorted, "You Taichu Sword Sect's great career is still short of that luck crystallization, so we must share half of it. "

"Too much, at most [-]%."

"How about [-]% to send beggars? [-]% can't be less."

"The other sects are all alliances and friends, so it's not good to leave it to others, right?"

"Just kidding, their share comes from you. We only need [-]%."

"Forty percent of the family, and the remaining two to other forces." Zhang Li was forced out of the bottom line. "No less."

"That's about the same." Tong Tianxing agreed.

"When will it start?" Zhang Li asked.

"When will your side be ready? I still have a few handy utensils on my side. It will take about three days. I can't do it on my side. I also lack the handy utensils and people who know how to open the secret library and understand the formation. There are still about five years left." God they will come."

"Then when they are all here, we still have to discuss how to practice our hands. Let's do it, and we will start the action in the early morning of seven days later." Tong Tianxing said.

"Yes." Zhang Li was also satisfied with the arrangement.

Another old man came over to Mr. Wu.He looks as gray-haired as Mr. Wu.But he has a good complexion, and he likes to joke more.But not long after he arrived, he caught Chu Shinian and the young couple Chu Taohua.

"You two have a good baby."

Taohua laughed immediately after hearing this. "How do you always know?"

"It smells good." The old man smiled immediately.

Taohua immediately sent a third-order Qingyang spirit peach.The old man immediately took a sip of it, and after a few more sips, he ate up a big peach. He even put away the peach pit. "I want this peach pit too. Take it back and plant it. If it is planted again, I will return you ten peaches."

Tao Hua directly laughed. "Do you need a few more?"

"it is good……"

"No." Elder Wu immediately refused for him. "Junior Brother Wu, what are you doing?" The old man pouted unhappily.

"You don't know what the price is for your third-order spirit peach? There are thousands of peaches with one spirit stone, you can just eat one, why do you want more? With such a big face?" Old Wu was annoyed The old man said.

"Cough cough cough...they gave it to me on their own initiative."

"Then you are disrespectful, and just want someone else? Enough is enough, do you understand what that means?" Old Wu said.

"Little girl, I once got a set of inheritance of the Void Spirit Talisman. Are you interested? If you are interested, you can exchange twenty peaches like the one just now." The old man asked, winking at Peach Blossom.

"I'm interested." Taohua immediately expressed my interest.And immediately took out twenty tender third-order Qingyang spirit peaches.Most of the low-grade Qingyang spirit peaches were sold or distributed to the clansmen for consumption.Only peaches of the third rank and above will be sent to Taohua.

The Chu family's Qingyang Lingtao has always been easy to sell.

In addition to Qingyang Lingtao, the sales volume of Panlong peach is also very good.The sales of Jinyangtao and Xuexiantao from Small World are still good now, even if they cannot be sold, they will be stored by the Chu family for later use.

Anyway, the price of the Chu family's peaches has increased almost every year, and has never dropped in price.

Even if it is a first-order spirit peach, from the first three or five spirit stones to the present dozens of spirit stones, it is not easy to buy.And you have to go to the shop every day to line up to get the number and sell it.If you can't get the number, you can hardly buy peaches.

The Chu family is in the spirit fruit business, and the other spirit fruits that are resold seem to follow the market, and the price fluctuations are almost the same as those of other houses.

But the spiritual fruits and various spiritual foods that are the main products of the family have never been cheap.

Even the price of coarse grains is [-]% higher than that of others.But when they heard that it was produced by the Chu family, many merchants rushed to buy it.

High prices and top-notch products are almost synonymous with the Chu family in everyone's minds.

Although there are other good ones, but this one is the only one with such outstanding fruit and grain quality as Chu's.

As soon as the peaches on the peach blossom side were touched, the fragrance immediately shocked the entire camp.Many people came out to smell the fragrance and see the peaches.

Seeing that so many people were secretly looking at his peaches, the old man immediately put all the peaches into his storage ring.

"Don't take it, don't take it, Lao Chai, sell me some. I want to satisfy my greed too."

"It's my thing in exchange, why should I let you satisfy your hunger, you think it's beautiful." Old Chai, that is, the old man who exchanged things with Taohua, immediately made an expression that he would not take it out and stared at him. .

"I think it's a third-order spirit peach?" The other party walked over quickly, sniffing the air vigorously with his nose.

"The third-order Qingyang spirit peach, is this name familiar? It was the signature peach of Qingyang Mountain. Later, Qingyang Mountain suffered an accident, and the Lingshan shattered more than 400 years ago. Since then, Qingyang spirit peach has disappeared in Shenting. I didn't expect it to come here There are still their legacy passed down." Old Chai said with a look of nostalgia.

"It's really Qingyang Lingtao?" It was also a monk who was not young. "Now I want to enjoy my food. I haven't eaten Qingyang Lingtao for a long time. Where do you have any, little girl? Can you exchange some for me? Lingshi or something else?"

"Are there any special crystals? Special crystals of the five elements are fine. Ten catties of crystals are exchanged for one catty of peaches. I'm at a disadvantage." Taohua said with a painful face.

"How many spirit stones is a pound of peaches in your family?" The old man was startled and asked.

"The starting price is [-] spirit stones." Tao Hua said very seriously.

"Your house is full of peaches and it's up for auction?

"Only peaches above the third grade are sent for auction. Peaches below the third grade are sold at a lower price." Taohua hurriedly explained to the other party.

"Wait, above the third level, your family still has the fourth level Qingyang Spirit Peach?" the other party asked.

"Yes, but the quantity is relatively small." Tao Hua replied.

"Indeed, there will be fewer. I heard that only one mutated success will be achieved when one hundred third-order spiritual peach trees die."

After hearing this, everyone in the Chu family looked left and right: "..."

Their family has planted 30 to [-] Qingyang spirit peach saplings alone.The territory under the Chu family's command was planted all over the sea and land.Even if the number of third-order spirit peaches died, there would be a lot of fourth-order spirit peach trees.Besides, their family really doesn't need a hundred trees to die, and a tree to transform into a fourth-level tree.At most, the surrounding third-tier peach trees were a little wilted.The chance of death is relatively small.

Keke mainly because the place where your family raises the third-order spiritual peach tree is on the skeleton of the spring dragon.

There used to be fairy root peach trees to bless those spiritual root peach trees and supplement their foundations.Otherwise, where would there be such a large area, such a large number of spirit peach trees collectively appearing?

(End of this chapter)

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