The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1006 The Body of the Dao and the Body of the Psychic Sword

Chapter 1006 The Body of the Dao and the Body of the Psychic Sword
"Then how do you trade the fourth-order Qingyang spirit peach in your family?" the visitor asked.

"Special spar, ten catties of special spar for one catty of peaches. The special spar is low-grade. This is the price of a third-order spirit peach. If it is a fourth-rank spirit peach, one hundred catties of special spar is exchanged for one catty of peaches The price of a fourth-order spirit peach is generally tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones. I believe you also know this price.

If there is no special spar, it will be replaced with various rare seeds. "

"Special seeds. I have a kind of primrose here, which is ripe once a year. Every time it matures, a small pink flower will bloom. Even the grass and flowers are dried and ground into powder, which can increase the chances of pregnancy for pregnant women. This species Primrose is also effective for monks. As long as it is not a big monk above the sixth level, it is very effective.

The effect of the sixth level and above will be greatly reduced. "


This plant peach blossom is familiar.

She had obtained primrose seeds in her previous life, but unfortunately she did not bring them back after her rebirth.This should be related to the piece of primrose that she obtained in a small local secret place. "Can I see the seeds in your hand?"

"Okay." The person who came directly gave Taohua a small bag, which contained hundreds of primrose seeds.

A careful inspection of the seeds in the small bag of peach blossoms confirmed that they were indeed primrose seeds.As long as the primrose does not harm the root system when harvesting, several small black buds will grow from the root system within a month.

Inside each small bud is this kind of small black seed with gray pattern.

"You can exchange for three fourth-order Qingyang spirit peaches." Taohua said calmly.

"It seems that you know the price of this kind of seed?" The visitor laughed. "Okay, just three. By the way, is Qingyang Sect still there?"

Taohua put away the seeds, but actually threw them directly into her small world on the ninth floor of the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.In that miniature world, the time flow is faster than the outside world, and with the help of Yingui, she will soon have enough primrose seeds that can be planted in large quantities in the outside world.

"Yes, they released my Qingyang spiritual peach tree first." Taohua said with a smile.

"Are you still there?" The other party said in surprise. "Where is that?"

"It's in a small country called Yao State in the northwest of the original Great Song State. I heard that they have a very good relationship with the monarch." Tao Hua said.

"A good Qingyang Sect, how did it fall to such a point?" the visitor said speechlessly.

Lao Chai also said speechlessly, "I haven't had my spiritual energy for so many years. It would be nice to keep the sect's inheritance. Maybe I didn't even keep the sect's inheritance."

Taohua pursed her lips and smiled.

"I heard that they still have a Qingyang small world." Chu Shinian introduced it after hearing this.

"They still kept a small world, so the sect's inheritance should also be preserved. You don't know that this Qingyang sect was once famous for being good at all kinds of herbal medicine. If their suzerain later offended a certain big monk, they wouldn't be consecrated in the end." The Lingshan Mountains are all shattered." The visitor said. "I'm Fang Ling from Wan Yao Sect. I'll have some time later, I'll go over there and have a look."

"It turns out that they are good at growing medicines, but it's a pity that we got Qingyang Spirit Peach. Our family is actually quite good at growing medicinal materials." Tao Hua finished speaking with regret, and then changed her tone of salesmanship.

Fang Ling laughed when he heard this.

"I know that your family grows spiritual fruits, spiritual food and spiritual ginseng very well."

"Yeah, it's a pity that there are too few seeds. Otherwise, I guess we can grow other elixir well." Taohua's tone was regrettable.

"The spiritual medicines and spiritual fruits you planted are too few. Otherwise, I can make the decision and agree to purchase medicinal materials from your family." Fang Ling continued to smile and said, "Our Wanyao Sect is only used to grow spiritual medicines. There are three in the world. place."

Chu Shinian and Taohua Qiqi gasped.

Planting medicinal materials actually uses the world to grow.It's too deep, it's almost unimaginable.

"It's just one medium-sized world and two small worlds." Lao Chai interjected at this time, "Actually, there is not much space. What is really powerful about their family is the elixir produced by their own Lingshan. Not to mention the high quality, all kinds of refining The pills are also of high quality."

"Ahem, ahem, it's wrong to expose our family history." Fang Ling complained angrily.

"Your family has such a small fortune. If it weren't for your family's expertise in growing high-quality elixir, the Wanyao Sect is still a third-rate small power. But if you annexed the legacy of the Qingyang Sect this time, maybe you can really go one step further. .” Old Chai said disdainfully.

Fang Ling said in an air, "What is annexation? We are fusion. Anyway, now that the Qingyang Sect has been exterminated, they should be honored to have the small branch that remained merged into our Wan Yao Sect."

"Whatever you say, it has the same meaning anyway." Old Chai joked with a smile. "Come on, little girl, let me tell you that Lao Wu and I are both from Fuzong. To be precise, we are both from Fushan. Fushan is the earliest batch of ancient spiritual mountains in the Shenting Great World. So our Zong The sect is considered to be one of the oldest sects in Shenting. However, our sect is not good at fighting, so there is no sword sect, and the sword sect has a great reputation.

Fang Ling is from Wanyao Mountain, which is also one of the spiritual mountains, but he was promoted later.However, their Wan Yao Sect is very capable of innovating in the cultivation and refining of medicines, and has been praised by all parties.

Fang Ling himself is a master of alchemy.However, this old boy has often gone astray recently in order to break through the master and be promoted to the grand master.I heard that even the alchemy has begun to refine. "

"Shut up, there's no need to slander people like that. I haven't refined human pills before. I just went to see how they refine human pills." Fang Ling said angrily.

However, from Fang Ling's demeanor and tone, it is not difficult to see that the other party really did not refine the superhuman pill.

But I didn't refine it, but I saw it with my own eyes.This Fang Ling is also a dangerous person.

Chu Shinian pulled Chu Taohua back a few steps subconsciously.

This made Old Chai amused, he laughed so hard he laughed hahaha.

"Wu Zihua, take a look at your senior brother Chai Lanzhi. This wicked old thing slanders me for refining human pills." Fang Ling was so angry.He took the initiative to come over, firstly, to eat peaches, and secondly, because he wanted to make a good impression with Chu Shinian.

He has seen how ferocious the Dao body cultivation is.

Another Daoist body of Guanghan Sword Sect has already reached the peak of Tier [-].It is said that it is less than a hundred years old.

The one in front of me is said to have cultivated for less than ten years, but he is already in the middle stage of the Zifu Realm.This guy probably won't need to be 30 years old to reach the fourth-order Golden Core Realm.Maybe it's another golden elixir peak in less than a hundred years.

Guanghan Sword Sect possesses two Daoist bodies. According to the information he secretly obtained, Taichu Sword Sect also has a Daoist body and nine psychic sword bodies.Looking back, these two sects may have unlimited possibilities in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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