The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1007 Nether Yuanchen Gold

Chapter 1007 Nether Yuanchen Gold

Mr. Wu hurried over to smooth things over. "My brother, Lao Fang, don't you know? He just dares to talk nonsense. What kind of person Dan, I don't know? You will never touch it. If you really walked on that road, it's right for you. The heart is very influential."

Fang Ling nodded.That's it.

"Unless you plan to change sect and go to that side..."

"Old Wu, shut up too. Come on, I won't argue with your senior brothers, why don't I go?" Fang Ling threw his sleeves and left angrily.

As soon as he left, Old Wu hurriedly said to Chu Shinian and the young couple, "Stop messing around with that old Fang from now on. With his tossing energy, sooner or later he has to toss himself into it."

Chu Shinian and Tao Hua nodded quickly.

"Sure enough, you also agree with my point of view. That old thing is too fiddly. Even if he doesn't refine the human pill now, he will do it one day. That is a person who has no bottom line for promotion. For his own promotion in the future , that guy can also start refining human pills." Old Chai said.

"Why do you have to refine it yourself? Can you buy it?" Taohua asked strangely.

"You don't know this, human pills actually have flaws. Usually, human pills are refined by talented human monks, but their talents and blood essence are not easy to be compatible with you.

If you don't repel it, even if you take human pills in the end, it is impossible to improve your talent much.

The best human pill material is blood relatives of the same race.Father and son, brothers are the most suitable.Father and daughter, brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters are inferior. "

After hearing what Old Chai said, Taohua gasped.

"The other one is that the worse your talent is, the better the talent of the material used to refine the human pill, and the more talent you will gain after taking the human pill. It's so good that it can make a lot of useless people rise to the sky in one step." Old Chai said again. "Actually, the earliest human pill was invented secretly by the old master of Qingyang Sect.

Back then, one of his two sons died unexpectedly, and the other was born a waste of cultivation.The one who died unexpectedly was a child with excellent talent.No way, he came up with this evil alchemy.Although his sorcery turned his other useless son into a cultivation genius.But he was also targeted by a certain boss in the magic way.

Later, this sorcery was spread by the magic gate, and too many people used it to attack those young geniuses.As a result, the boss of a certain sect directly wiped out the Qingyang sect in a fit of rage.Even Qingyang Lingshan was broken. "

Peach Blossom: "..."

Chu Shinian: "..."

Who would have thought that the Qingyang Sect of Shenting would be exterminated for the creation of the Human Alchemy?

"Will there be any problem with the Wan Yao Sect absorbing the legacy of our Qing Yang Sect?" Tao Hua hurriedly asked. "If something goes wrong, Wan Yaozong won't come to settle accounts with me, right?"

"How is it possible? It's not up to you whether the Wanyao Sect absorbs the legacy of the Qingyang Sect. What does it have to do with you? Don't worry. Tong Tianxing is not easy to mess with." Old Wu Said, "It is said that many disciples of the Qingyang Sect were absorbed by other alchemy sects, and nothing happened."

"Then I'm relieved." Tao Hua said.

"Even though the Qingyang Sect has some traditions of planting elixir and refining medicine, but they have so many troubles themselves, will the Wanyao Sect really absorb them?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"Yes, as long as there is Fang Ling, he will definitely be absorbed. You don't know, Fang Ling is a guy who wants to go crazy in order to break through. On the surface, he looks friendly and talkative, but he is actually driven crazy by everyone. .” Old Chai said.

After hearing this, Taohua immediately felt strange.

It turned out that the small world of Yinyue in the nine floors of the Taiyi Stone Pagoda, now the little Yinyue of the will of the world told her that those seeds were imprinted with the spirit of human beings.Ability to track orientation.Taohua listened to what Old Chai said, and directly asked Yinyue to erase those spiritual marks.Then plant again.

Although the other party is a big monk, but facing the will of a world, there is no other way but to be wiped away.No matter how small the Yinyue small world is, it is still a decent world.Will energy level is higher than him.Unless he advances to the sixth-order Yan Dao realm.

Yinyue Small World wiped away the other party's spiritual imprint, and Fang Ling immediately had a feeling in his heart.The spiritual imprints imprinted on certain seeds by oneself are gone.

Fang Ling's heart darkened.

To be able to erase her spiritual imprint, that little girl named Chu Taohua must have carried a treasure on her body.What the hell is baby?To be able to erase his own spiritual imprint?
Fang Ling's heart suddenly became active.

Taohua suddenly felt a chill.After she frowned, she immediately fastened a wide purple-blue metal ring to her wrist.One on each side.

When Chu Shinian saw him, he silently put his two red tail rings on his two little fingers.

Old Wu and Lao Chai looked at the bracelet on Taohua's hand, and then at the ring on Chu Shinian's hand, and they all remained silent.

But they were all horrified in their hearts.He said in his heart that Tong Tianxing was too kind to his disciple and his disciple's wife.

This kind of shape-shifting spirit soldier is given.

This kind of shape-shifting spirit weapon is not an ordinary spirit treasure, but a special meteorite of the Nether Yuanchen Gold, which is extremely rare in the universe.This kind of thing is the same as the monsters outside the territory. It can absorb spiritual energy and star energy to grow without the owner's own warming.

The hardness is even the powerful spirit gold that is said to be able to chop even Geng gold.However, this kind of thing is even rarer than Gengjin.It takes Nian Meteor to constantly wander in the void, absorb and refine various star energy, and finally form a piece or two at the position of the star core.

And generally small in size.

I just don't know how much Nether Yuanchen Gold made the two pairs of spirit weapons in the hands of this young couple?

Is it all made of Youming Yuanchen Gold?

It is said that only the Sun Essence Fire can melt the Nether Yuanchen Gold.The sun pith fire can only be found in the core part of the sun.That is to say, if you want to create a pair of Nether Yuan Chenjin spirit weapons, you have to go deep into the sun and stay in it for an unknown number of days before you can refine a pair of Nether Yuan Chen gold spirit weapons.

Without a sixth-level cultivation base, you can't even go up to the sun.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Tong Tianxing to refine these two pairs of spirit weapons. Either he hacked people up and seized the spoils, or he bought them from some ancient ruins.

It's really worth it.

In fact, this pair of spiritual weapons, the purple-blue ones are Peach Blossom's pair of Wanmiao purple-gold thunder hammers.The red pair is called Chixiao Flying Sword.It was Taohua who learned about a strange ruin floating outside the world in her previous life.

That weird drifting relic almost prevented Taohua from coming out. Since then, Taohua has not dared to step into any weird space cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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