The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1008 Great Cultivator Cave Mansion

Chapter 1008 Great Cultivator Cave Mansion

"Shi Nian, come here quickly, we are about to break the formation." Li Yi greeted Chu Shinian and the others.

"Understood." Chu Shinian answered, then said goodbye to Old Wu and the other two, and went directly to his master.

When Tong Tianxing saw Chu Shinian, he waved at him and asked him to come to his side. "Look carefully later. This formation is also very knowledgeable."

This time, almost everyone was suspended in the air, and those who landed on the ground were all preparing to break the formation and the wall.

Zhang Li presided over it himself.With a wave of his hand, many formation monks and some monks with sharp spiritual soldiers fell into the designated positions one after another.

Existing people began to crack the array, a variety of materials, a group of array disks, and small arrays that were special to crack the array were installed in fixed positions, and then someone started first.Bang bang bang, the golden wall came from a distance, and the symbols on the wall disintegrated little by little, and then disintegrated in groups.

The array that disintegrated to the bottom layer did not move again, and someone accepted to start the second crack again.

Bang bang bang, the tension strikes again.

Layers of cracks began to appear on the metal wall in the central area of ​​the golden wall.

Then the third cracking began, and they worked together with the people who cracked the second time.The cracks began to grow more and more, and the cracks became bigger and bigger.

With a final bang, a large piece of metal wall sank down.

Boom boom boom...

A large cloud of dust and miscellaneous air spewed out from the ground.The big monks shot down into the magic arts one by one, and the dust and miscellaneous air that spewed out were swept up and scattered away.A deep pothole under the ground appeared before everyone's eyes.

In addition to the deep void, there are also many collapsed objects looming in the void, such as shelves and the like.

Zhang Li glanced at Tong Tianxing, saw the other party nodding, and said, "Everyone go down, it's safe. I'm afraid there are still powerful restrictions in this secret vault." After finishing speaking, he went down first, and then Tong Tianxing followed up.

The rest of the big monks saw it and followed suit one after another.

As soon as they went down, everyone heard all kinds of roaring and cracking sounds from the ground.As the explosion sounded away, the other Guanghan Sword Sect monks also started to go down.

Tong Feng and the others originally wanted to bring Chu Shinian together, but who knew that Chu Shinian was standing beside his wife and shaking his head.Obviously intending to go with the Chu family.

Everyone was speechless, regardless of him, and left first.

When the Chu family went down to the pit, more than half of the monks from the upper realm and monks from the affiliated forces of the lower realm had already entered the big cave.

As soon as they got down, they found that countless large wooden frames had fallen down, and some scattered spirit gold had been left on the ground.They are all worthless, and basically no monks charge them.

If others don't accept it, the Chu family doesn't have the time to collect it either.

Chu Shinian simply went to see Chu Ligui.

Chu Ligui nodded, immediately chose a direction, led the way, and led the Chu family members away.

As soon as they left, three or four teams came down immediately, and they didn't stay any longer, they chased Chu's team and left.

Walking and walking, everyone walked out of the spiritual gold storeroom that extends in all directions and has many entrances. After walking out of the entrance, everyone discovered that this secret storehouse is actually a small sealed space that was specially created.

There are also towers, halls, mountains, rivers and trees, lakes and waterside pavilions.

"There used to be a lot of people stationed in this place." Taohua pointed to some courtyards and said, "That should be the living courtyards of the garrison disciples. The various arrangements in the courtyards are too lifelike."

Chu Shinian nodded immediately, and he also noticed it.

There are small stone tables, small jugs, and small wine glasses in those small courtyards.Someone must have lived there.

"Let's go over and see if there are any other clues about this secret vault." Tao Hua looked at Chu Shinian inquiringly.Chu Shinian nodded immediately.

The members of the Chu family rushed into several small courtyards where almost no one came in, and searched for the relics inside.Many things have turned into fly ash or wreckage because of too long time.Up to five or six jade cocoons still contain spiritual energy and can be used.

Taohua and Chu Shinian inspected the cocoon respectively.

"There used to be a 12-member monk team stationed here. The strongest one was not stationed in the secret vault, but was stationed in the cave of the sixth-order Yan Dao realm monk nearby. The other fifth-order Nascent Soul Realm The monks are in charge of stationing in the big treasury. The other ten are Jindan monks." Chu Shinian told the surrounding Chu clan about his investigation.

"I also have some here. It is said that a lot of valuable resources were removed from the big warehouse because of the war. But there are also some special items stored in some warehouses. Oh, by the way, it is said that they are in the courtyard on the east. , there is a miniature teleportation array, which is used to urgently teleport to the cave of the sixth-level monk. The inventory of the monks here can almost be used up. Why don't we go directly to the teleportation array and enter the cave of the sixth-level monk? Look inside and see what you can gain?" Tao Hua said.

This is a good idea.

Chu Shinian and the other members of the Chu clan nodded in unison.

"Then get ready, everyone. Prepare more protective talismans and shields that can be passively activated at any time. We should be more careful when we enter the cave of the sixth-level great monk." Hearing Tao Hua's words, everyone nodded in unison.

After everyone was ready, they found a very inconspicuous small courtyard on the easternmost side.

At the end of the small courtyard, several small traps were broken and a rockery was separated.A small miniature teleportation array was revealed in front of everyone.Taohua directly brushed it with Qi Tianjian.Just know the usage.Then use spirit stones and special crystals to jointly insert grooves everywhere.

"Okay, this teleportation formation can teleport five or six people at a time. Chu Shinian, Chu Ligui brothers and I will go there first. You will be divided into the next group." After finishing speaking, Taohua and Chu Shinian led the people Teleported away in a flash.

Other members of the Chu clan also formed teams one after another, and each team entered the cave of a certain great monk with the help of the teleportation array.

A great monk's cave was really built like a fairy garden, with all kinds of buildings in a patchwork order, with a faint fairy air.

Of course, there is no real fairy energy here, but there is a multicolored mist condensed by using magic tools.It makes the colorful lights flicker, dreamlike.Even after all these years, the place is spotless and nothing has changed.

Groups of people from the Chu family stepped on the miniature teleportation array and were teleported in.Then one group separated and moved towards various parts of the cave.

Chu Ligui and his brothers went first to the direction where they felt there was something.Peach Blossom dragged Chu Shinian to the small garden of the Great Cultivator.Gardens are generally places where precious spiritual plants are planted.When you see something good, you must do it.

(End of this chapter)

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