The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1009 Dark Grid

Chapter 1009 Dark Grid

The beautiful construction looks like the left side of the courtyard where the owner of Zhenxian Palace lives, connecting the small garden of the entire cave.Or a botanical garden.

As soon as the door opened here, a bunch of wooden puppets rushed out.

Chu Shinian and Chu Taohua wiped out hundreds of wooden puppets along the way.

Just rushed into the garden.

The purpose of entry is all kinds of spiritual flowers, spiritual trees, and spiritual fruit trees.

"All the fruit trees are taken away, and the high-value spirit trees are taken away. All the spirit flowers are left behind," Tao Hua said.

"There are the most spirit flowers here. And it's still in the cave of the Great Cultivator, so there shouldn't be any backup. It's better to collect the spirit flowers as well," Chu Shinian said.

"Okay then, take away the spirit flowers too." Tao Hua nodded immediately after hearing this.This is the ruins of the beginning, and it is impossible for certain forces to reach in here.The two of them acted quickly, digging up the roots along the way, and put away all kinds of spiritual plants that seemed to be of high value.

In the end, some big trees were left, and the fruit trees were taken first, and when some big trees were finally laid down, other members of the Chu clan touched them.

Tao Hua happened to dislike the trouble of collecting big trees, so she asked them to collect these big trees and hand them over to her before going out.

The clansmen agreed one after another.

No one said that it takes time and effort to collect big trees.

These living things are treasures when they are moved out. These spiritual trees are cultivated by the Chu family, and they can be used as seedlings to grow more spiritual trees.Red phoenix wood is now a hot seller, and it can earn several 10 yuan of spiritual stones for the family every year. Who would dislike the trouble of a big tree?That's an absolute fool.

Golden sunflower wood sells better, and even many forces in the upper world get goods from the Chu family.

The amount of golden sunflower wood in the upper and lower realms is increasing, and the Chu family earns more and more spirit stones.This kind of benign and hot resource is also a popular product that goes to the upper world.

For this reason, many upper realm forces paid close attention to the Chu family.If it wasn't for the Guanghan Sword Sect who brought the Chu family under his command as soon as he came.Maybe the forces that come to try to make their family's ideas can trample down the threshold of the Chu family.

Taohua and Chu Shinian walked out of the small garden together, and it wasn't Zangshuge where they went again.It is the main building where the owner lives.

There are already people patronizing here, and many treasures have been taken away.Even the orbs used for lighting on the walls were pried away.Tao Hua dragged Chu Shinian all the way from downstairs to upstairs, from upstairs to downstairs, and then upstairs again.

"Did you discover it, or didn't you?" Chu Shinian asked with a smile.In fact, he didn't feel bored at all about going around with his wife. Instead, he enjoyed the time alone with his wife.

In fact, the husband and wife spent quite a lot of time together, but Chu Shinian always felt that they didn't have enough time.

Tao Hua gave Chu Shinian an angry look. "Come here." She led Chu Shinian to a red copper pillar on the side of the entrance to the upstairs.Then tap to the left, press and press again, and fiddle with it a few more times, the sound of clicking.A small flat box was spat out by the copper pillar.

Taohua stretched out her finger and opened the box.Five or six fist-sized glazed crystals appeared in front of the two of them. "What is this?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

Taohua held one of the luck crystals, held it up to her eyes and looked carefully, but she didn't see anything special. "It should be the luck crystal. I don't know how many luck crystals can help a fifth-level monk to advance to the sixth level?" She used Qi Tianjian to take pictures again.

Not to mention many times, Qi Tianjian is much easier to use than Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

"I don't know about that, I can ask Master later." Chu Shinian said with a frown.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's go, let's take out all the cassettes here and see what's there." Taohua went to touch the wall again, and then took out three boxes on one wall.A jade bottle was sealed in one of the boxes.

"What's in here?" Taohua asked.

Chu Shinian felt it carefully.Shake your head.

Taohua was speechless, so she simply used Qi Tianjian to brush it. "Ten Thousand Years Heavenly Soul Liquid. There are about 500 drops."

"What is Wannian Tianhunye?"

"It should be something that can increase the breakthrough chance of a sixth-level monk." Tao Hua said.

"It's a breakthrough again. What is this sixth-level monk preparing for these things?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"Is the son or wife planning to break through to the sixth level? Otherwise, what is he saving these things for?" Tao Hua thought for a while.

Chu Shinian nodded immediately when he heard this. If he was in a different position, he would do the same.

In another small box, there were actually two innate wood-type elves bound solidly.All the elves are sleeping, fortunately they are elves, and fortunately this is the cave of the sixth-order great monk, the aura inside is much stronger than other places.Otherwise, these two little elves just couldn't survive now.

"Fortunately, I'm still alive, otherwise it would be a pity." Chu Shinian fiddled with the little elf who was still alive, determined in his heart.

"Yeah, I'll put it back in the small cave to raise it." Tao Hua said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chu Shinian nodded directly.

As soon as the last and largest box was opened, another box of luck crystallized.This box is more than the box found before.It's a full ten yuan, and it's even bigger.

"Why did that big monk accumulate so many luck crystals?" Tao Hua was puzzled.

"I don't know. We are looking for any clues left by other people. If there are no clues, there is nothing we can do." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua nodded, and dragged him to the bottom floor.

There are no hidden grids on the two layers in the middle.

The lowest level is a small basement.After opening, there are three boxes, hundreds of pieces, middle-level special crystals.Alas, these special crystals are radiant, and the shining precious light is far more dazzling than low-level special crystals.

In addition to the three boxes of middle-level special crystals, there are actually three boxes of seeds, each of which is contained in a jade box.There are a few more, and there are hundreds of less.many kinds of.

Taohua happily took all six boxes.Pulling Chu Shinian out again, after sending a signal for everyone to return to the team, the clansmen took out the things they found one after another.

As long as the family doesn't need it, the peach blossoms are given to them personally.

"The things I collect will be exchanged for contribution points for you when you go back. You can exchange for whatever you need."

Everyone agrees.

Anyway, my own benefits are stuffed into my bag, and the rest of the family will naturally give priority to the family for use.It's like some spiritual trees are planted in large numbers by the family, so that everyone can enjoy them.

Otherwise, if you want to grow it yourself, you don't know that you need the Year of the Monkey!

There are also some alchemy furnaces, as long as you are not an alchemist, what to do with them.If it was an alchemist, Mrs. Taohua would not want your stove.Whoever finds it counts, and the alchemist who found it has more priority.

Otherwise, wouldn't Mrs. Taohua bring it back to the family, and would it be distributed or exchanged to other clansmen?

(End of this chapter)

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