The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1010 Give You 1 Pieces

Chapter 1010 Give You One

After everyone handed in their things, they thought they were leaving now.

But Taohua took out another strange compass from the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

"Ma'am, what is this..." someone asked.

"The aura here is so strong, if you say that there are no spiritual veins here, do you believe it? This is the cave of the Great Cultivator." Tao Hua thought for a while and said, "If we are in the ruins, then naturally it would be shameless to extract other people's spiritual veins. After all, it may be the same as the ruins we discovered last time, and it finally belonged to the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning. But this is the Great Cultivator's Cave. I guess the spiritual veins here can be drawn away."

"It makes sense." Chu Ligui agreed immediately.He is one of the few clansmen who know the true identity of Mrs. Peach Blossom.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that you are such a Mrs. Peach Blossom.Not to mention taking away all the things, you still plan to take away the spirit veins of others! !
Everyone suffocated their laughter and followed Mrs. Peach Blossom.

Well, well, such a good aura, it is specified that it comes from an excellent spiritual vein, or it was taken away.

Following the pointer on the compass, Taohua and the others came to a small rockery in the garden before stopping.Taohua said, "Come on, everyone work hard to dig up this rockery." In the next half an hour, the people of the Chu clan dug and moved the rockery, digging into the ground for about ten feet.

Sure enough, he saw a fettered spirit vein of fire attribute.

This spiritual vein was wrapped in various formations, just sticking to the body.It's like a big red silkworm baby tied up with five flowers.It doesn't seem to have intelligence, it can only squirm instinctively.The dense spiritual energy was released from its body like silk threads.

"It's only at the peak of the fourth level. It should have been a fifth-level spirit vein. It's been too long, and the spirit vein hasn't replenished so much." Chu Shinian looked at the spirit vein and said with some regret.

"It's okay, anyway, it's just food for our family's Five Elements." Tao Hua didn't dislike her for being reduced to the peak of the fourth order.It has only been a few years since the spiritual energy has recovered. If Xiaopang swallows this spiritual vein of the fourth-order peak, it will not take a few years to be promoted to the fourth-order peak.

Put down the formation, and then took twenty clansmen to extract it together. It took more than two hours to shrink the entire tens of feet long spiritual vein to one foot long and seal it in the jade box.

Taohua casually threw the jade box to the small world.

It never occurred to him that in the small world, this spiritual vein instinctively began to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world again.

After all, the small sealing jade box can't seal it at all.It is those talismans that make it immobile.

A big insect with a spiritual vein as huge as a mountain range is still absorbing the spiritual energy in the small world, and Yinyue is annoyed to death by it.If it wasn't for the usefulness of the owner, he would have torn it down and ate it long ago.For the sake of the master, Yinyue decided to sacrifice a little bit, and shared some aura from the void with Big Chongzi.

Neither Taiyin Stone Pagoda, Qi Tianjian nor Yinyue Small World directly absorbed spiritual energy from the world, because it was simply not enough.They are still self-reliant.That is to say, it is difficult for the five-element spirit veins, which are still young for the time being, to absorb energy from the void outside.

More refers to the support of the earth and the world.

Speaking of which, the energy of the world is too huge. Even when the aura is silent, the power of the earth veins can be used to support so many small worlds and small secret realms.What kind of a big deal is it to offer a five-element spirit vein now?

Taohua and the others took away the spiritual veins in the cave.The aura here has a sense of silence dissipating in an instant.

The originally clean air began to stagnate. "Hurry up, the air here is obtained by using the aura to drive the formation. Without the aura, the formation will not work. After a long time, we will be suffocated here."

Tao Hua's words immediately aroused the vigilance of the clansmen.Everyone returned to the returning teleportation array one by one, and then left group after group quickly.Taohua and the others were the last group to leave.As soon as he came out, he found that Tong Tianxing and several other great monks of Guanghan Jianzong were here.

Chu Shinian immediately smiled at his master.Then I sent the two boxes to Master.

Tong Tianxing quickly opened a seam between the two boxes.Then see off again.The smile on the corners of his mouth and eyebrows could not be concealed.

"What else do you gain besides this?"

"We pulled out a declining spirit vein of a fourth-order peak inside."

"Good job, that spirit vein just feeds your five-element third-order peak spirit vein." Tong Tianxing said immediately.

The surrounding monks were all speechless.

A fourth-order peak spirit vein was handed over to his disciple with just such a word?
Tong Tianxing, you really can be domineering.

Tong Badao put away the two small boxes without any intention of telling others what the contents were.

"Senior Brother Tong...?" Someone said immediately.

"Okay, everyone has about the same amount, so we can stop. We should also leave." Tong Tianxing said.

When he said this, Chu Shinian looked at him in puzzlement.

"Although I have gained a lot this time, I haven't seen a single piece of the most important luck crystallization. There are a lot of big monks who have added it, and everyone is about to vacate it. The surrounding ruins are also underground. Checked, nothing, no second vault. So it's time for us to go."

The relic at the beginning was finally returned to the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect after everyone collected it.

Didn't expect this exploration to end so quickly?
But Taohua thought of the great monks who entered here before, there were dozens of them.Everyone hurry up, the treasures here don't need to be searched for, they just need to be collected, which is naturally extremely fast.

I'm afraid they are the only team that finished the slowest because they entered the cave of a certain great monk.

When everyone returned to the camp outside the ruins, Zhang Li from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect greeted them.

Tong Tianxing just threw a transparent glass crystal to him.

"Too little?" Zhang Li retorted speechlessly.

"It's enough for you. What do you want to do? The apprentice found the things, so I found two small boxes." Tong Tianxing pursed his lips in displeasure.

"Didn't we talk equally before?"

"Isn't that the thing in the secret library? My apprentice got it from the cave where the great monk was stationed. It's already very face-saving for me to share one with you. What else do you want to make trouble?"

Ahhh, Old Wu and the others looked sideways and laughed when they heard this.

"You're like this, I can't explain it when I go back." Zhang Li said helplessly. "Give me three or four at least?"

"Are you kidding? There are not many of the two small boxes." Tong Tianxing said speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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