The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 101 Black Wolf Guard

Chapter 101 Black Wolf Guard

"Before I left, it was Ma Fengwu under my command who was the acting captain, but now I don't know who it is." Lin Changge said calmly.

If Lin Changge is really the original Lieutenant Daliguan, then he will be confirmed soon without any investigation.After all, the royal family of the Great Song Dynasty has not completely collapsed yet. Lin Changge is an imposing Lieutenant of Daliguan, and he is not an ordinary unknown person. The officers in the surrounding cities who belong to the military system of the Great Song Dynasty appointed many people to know him.

"I heard that Mr. Lin took off his armor due to injury?" Guobutou asked respectfully. Ever since he heard that this was Lieutenant Da Liguan, the three of them, Xun Shijiao, changed their tone unconsciously.

"I'm no longer a captain, just call me by my name." Lin Changge said.

The national catcher quickly shook his head and said, "Master Lin, you have guarded the border for the country and the people, so that foreign soldiers and horses have not broken through the border for six years and invaded the mainland of the Song Dynasty. I don't have the face to call you by your name. How about this, I call Your Brother Lin."

"It's up to you, the past is over, and now I am a small citizen who can take care of himself for the elderly." Lin Changge said.

Xun Shijia felt that Lin Changge's tone was a bit wrong, but it was a pity for such a talent to stay in the old Chuzhuang, so he simply recruited others and said, "If Lin Yishi has not recovered from his physical injuries, it is best to go to Miyang City for training. The famous doctor there It has more means, and Miryang City Commander Zhang Wei also appreciates talented people."

"Yes, Lin Changge, with a group of villagers who have not been trained for a long time, you can fight back and kill a group of well-armed bandits and thugs. When you arrive in Miyang City, as long as you see my Lord Chengling, you will definitely be reused "The little leader of Miryang Guard also said enthusiastically to Lin Changge.

Lin Changge shook his head directly, "Since I have already removed my armor, I don't plan to join the army anymore. I am living a pretty good life now, and I don't want to change this life."

A small leader: "..."

Xun Shi frame was thoughtful, but Guo Butou wanted to speak but was stepped on secretly.

Ahem, he looked questioningly at Xun Shijia who stepped on him, but Xun Shijia didn't give him any more hints, but directly asked about the specific situation of the gangsters last night, and the three of them immediately responded to this situation The bandits were extremely impressed.

First of all, the leader is a very charismatic person, and the bandits are willing to die for him.Secondly, the bandits have good weapons, they have a little knowledge of the military formation, and they cooperate with each other tacitly when fighting people. This shows that at least some of the bandits have drifted out of the army, or there are sergeants directly joining them. .

Lin Changge didn't say much about the rest, but judging from these two points alone, this gangster is not easy to deal with.

In the end, Xun Shijia almost dragged and wanted to persuade Lin Changge to join the little leader under Zhang Wei in Miyang City. The head of the country had already set off with the prisoners.

Two days after Xun Shijia and the others returned to Miryang, the Cheng Ling summoned them.

"How is the interrogation of the prisoners going?" Zhang Wei asked.

Guobutou handed over the interrogation record to Zhang Wei, "They are soldiers and civilians from Dashengguan. Because Dashengguan was moved outside the territory of the Song Dynasty, they had no way to survive in the foreign race, so they gathered together and ran away. return.

When they passed through the Yuyang City area, they did a lot of house robbery and harvested a lot of supplies. The bandits who had eaten the sweetness became more and more fond of this robbery business.So as soon as they entered Miryang, they found Old Chu Village.

Old Chuzhuang is a well-known and wealthy Zhuangzi, and the bandits felt that as long as they ran fast and robbed the entire Zhuangzi at night, it would be impossible for Miyangwei's troops to catch up with them when they ran away at dawn.

The main reason is that their masters said that they are well-armed, even if Miryang Guard finds them, as long as they put on a desperate confrontation, Miryang Guard will never fight them to the death in order to preserve their strength, and at worst they will follow in the corner They will be expelled from the country in the same way as when they were in Yang. "

When Zhang Wei heard this, he immediately snorted angrily.

The Yuyang area is right next door to him, no wonder many nobles recently secretly sent their juniors to Miyang City, it turned out that it was because of this banditry!

"What is the name of the leader of this bandit?"

"Xi Wu, it's the former Colonel Dasheng Guan." Guo Butou said.

Cough cough, Zhang Wei almost drank the tea into his nose, "He beat Guan Xiaowei so much that he became a gangster?"

"That didn't mean there was no way out before. I guess this Xiwu was also abandoned by Song, so he probably has resentment in his heart." Xun Shijiao said.

"Then what happened to Lin Changge?"

As soon as Zhang Wei asked this question, the little leader of Miyang Guard who had been to the old Chuzhuang before immediately stood up and said respectfully, "Lin Changge is the captain of Dali Guanyuan, because the new boss wants to seize power and let his nephew have a place to make meritorious deeds. Designed to frame Lin Changge, calling him a traitor! Lin Changge was furious, and led his confidants to investigate the matter, but just after finding the evidence, he was betrayed by his former brothers and fellows, and severely injured by a foreign master The foundation. In the future, there will be no further improvement in internal strength.

Although this also cleared him of the crime of treason, the repeated blows made him disheartened, and he was directly disarmed and returned to the farm. "

Zhang Wei said disdainfully, "These bastards! Do all these immoral things. I have heard that there are many hills in the frontier army, and the middle and lower classes crowd out and frame them. They kill the good and pretend to be meritorious.

It's no wonder that every few years in the frontier army, the military positions in the middle and lower levels almost have to be changed. "

Speaking of the corruption of the frontier army, among the people present, only Zhang Wei has the qualifications to criticize at will.The others all chose silence tacitly.

"Then this Lin Changge is also very powerful. Under such a bad situation, he can still track down the evidence in his favor, so as to get rid of the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason?" Zhang Wei asked curiously. Collaborating with the enemy is a serious crime, and it is to destroy For the Nine Clans, Lin Changge was directly framed by his boss, and it was even more difficult to escape, but Zhang Wei was really surprised by him.

"This is exactly what the young general was puzzled about. How did he get himself out of the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason? Later, the young general asked someone to investigate the inside story in detail. It turns out that this Lin Changge was not transferred to Dali. Guanqian was actually the deputy capital commander of the elite Black Wolf Guards of the Great Song Dynasty. His adoptive father was originally the previous commander of the Black Wolf Guards, but the prince was given to death for evil.

He himself was sent to Daliguan by his adoptive father's friends in the army, but Daliguan was also not safe. He only stayed in less than six years and fell to his current end. Disarming and returning to the field may be the only way to save his life. Got it. "

Zhang Wei's expression froze slightly after hearing what the little leader said.This Lin Changge seems to be very talented, but he also has a big problem, that is, his adoptive father has hated the prince, and I don't know if the prince will find someone to deal with Lin Changge in the future? !

(End of this chapter)

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