The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 102 Peach Blossom's Smile

Chapter 102 Peach Blossom's Smile

Zhang Wei thought for a while and said, "Send someone to contact the imperial capital to see if the prince still has any thoughts about Lin Changge. If the prince doesn't care about him anymore, we will take Lin Changge into his pocket. "

"Yes, although Lin Changge is talented, his subordinates feel that there is no need to harm the prince because of him." The head of the state arrester echoed.

Until Xun Shi frame has remained silent.

Zhang Wei glanced at him, saw that he didn't speak, and said, "Then Zhang Zhi, you will be responsible for continuing to track down these gangsters, and try to find them as soon as possible, just like he and the others said, send them out of the country."

Even if Xi Wu guessed his mind, Zhang Wei didn't intend to get angry and let Mi Yangwei under his command fight against Xi Wu's bandit army.At this time, the main thing is to preserve strength. He only lost but not gained in the battle with Xi Wu, so why fight?

Guobutou and Xun Shijiao went out of the city magistrate's mansion together. Guobutou took a look at the sky and invited Xun Shijiao to have lunch together.Xun Shijia's relationship with Guobutou is pretty good, so he agreed.

The two found a quiet private room for dinner in a nice restaurant in Miryang City.After the dishes were served, Guobutou smiled and invited Xun Shijia to start. "They're all brothers from my own family. There's no need to pay attention to anything. Let's do whatever we want."

While the two were eating, the head of the state catcher chatted with Xun Shijiao and said, "Shijiao, you have a good chance recently. First, you discovered Chu Dashan, a monk in the old Chuzhuang, and also found out that he is the trump card Lingzhi husband secretly cultivated by Baicao Pavilion.

Then the bandit case made you discover Lin Changge's talent.

Whichever of these two talents finally joined Chengling's command, you can use this merit to advance to another level. "

To be honest, the national arresting head is quite envious of Xun Shijia, who has not been under Zhang Wei's command for a long time.In the beginning, Zhang Wei didn't even know that there was such a person, but later he gradually showed his talents with his talents, and now he can freely enter and leave Zhang Wei's study.

It only took a little over four months from when Xun Shijia entered the city magistrate's mansion to gaining Zhang Wei's attention and being able to freely enter and leave Zhang Wei's study.This climbing speed is simply appalling!
It would be a fool to say that the head of the state arrester didn't want to make friends with him.Of course, for some reason, the relationship between the two is really good.

Guobutou invited him to dinner this time to get closer to his relationship with Xun Shijiao.

Xun Shi frame shook his head and smiled wryly after hearing the words of Guo Butou. "It's not as easy as you said, Big Brother Guo. These two people, Chu Dashan, are from Baicao Pavilion. How could they easily send the cards they cultivated to the Chengling Mansion?
Lin Changge is even more troublesome. We haven't figured out what the prince's attitude is towards him.If the crown prince still insisted on killing him, wouldn't the city magistrate cause trouble for himself if he recruited him? "

Don't say it, it's true.

Xun Shiframe continued, "Besides, I am just a bastard who can earn a salary at home. If my official position is upgraded again in a short period of time, I will surpass a brother in my family, and my family will not be happy."

It's really difficult for the bastard, alas.

The head of the state catcher smiled awkwardly and continued, "Actually, you have just won the favor of the city order. It is better not to be promoted for the time being, so as not to make your family think you are too conspicuous. Although the Xun family branch is not strong in Miryang, it is a small bastard. , There are still many ways. You should endure it for a few years, and when you have completely gained the trust of Lord Chengling, and then build up your official contacts, you will naturally be able to get rid of this annoying bondage."

"Brother Guo has great insight." Xun Shijiao bowed his hands to thank him.

"Haha, it's just that I suffered too much in the early years, and now I have some experience." It turns out that the catcher Guo Yongyi was actually born as a concubine, and he was suppressed by his parents in his early years. The bastard is doing well.

In fact, this is no wonder.

There are only so many official positions, and a family cannot occupy multiple important positions. If the concubine goes up, the legitimate son will never be able to go up.Any family would do such a thing as suppressing the bastard.

It's as if there are two empresses from a family in the palace, and one of them will always be the lowest family member.

As for fairness and unfairness?For the sake of the family's stability and continuation, I don't even want to lose my face. What kind of fairness do I need?
Both Guo Yongyi and Xun Shijia were members of aristocratic families who recognized their embarrassing situation early on, so the two of them quickly established a good friendship.

Lin Changge didn't know that someone in Miryang City had already set his mind on him again.After lunch, Lin Changge ran to Chu Dashan's house after arranging the afternoon training for young adults.

As soon as Chu Dashan saw it, he wanted to turn his head and go back to the back room to pretend to be sleeping. Lin Changge hurried up and grabbed his sleeve immediately.

"Oh my big brother, let me block you this time."

Seeing Chu Dashan being caught by the sleeve, Chu Qi gave a chuckle, then ignored Chu Dashan's expression of pleading for help, and slipped to the girls' room by himself.

Emma, ​​this Lin Changge is so good at talking, as long as his husband doesn't sell him ginseng, this guy can keep talking to his husband.

As a result, Lin Changge dragged Chu Dashan for more than an hour, and when he left, he carefully pulled away a grass ginseng with a wooden box.This is a young ginseng that has just been planted.

But this little thing absorbed a lot of spiritual energy underground, and it was only one step away from transforming into a spiritual ginseng.

Even though he is a root ginseng, and he is still small, but this little thing is indeed the most suitable for him to take at present.The medicinal effect of the same batch of spiritual ginseng from the Taohua family is becoming more and more powerful, and it may not be long before they can advance to the first-level spiritual ginseng.

The medicinal power of the first-order spiritual ginseng is not suitable for swallowing and eating raw, it is more suitable for refining into pills for improving cultivation.It's a pity that there are no alchemists around him at all, so he can think about pills and the like in his dreams.

Moreover, such a small grass ginseng that almost turned into a spiritual ginseng cost 60 taels of silver, and at his current earning speed, one of them every now and then could support the past.

When Lin Changge was about to go out, he met Taohua who was about to go home. He smiled gently at Taohua, with the loving expression of an elder seeing a junior.

Taohua froze for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

Lin Changge stopped abruptly, as if he had been struck by lightning, and did not dare to move. After a while, Taohua had already returned home, and Lin Changge was sweating coldly on his forehead, turning his head to look at the big courtyard of Chu Dashan's house. "Impossible, how is this possible?"

He had seen Taohua many times before without any strange feeling, but just now, at the moment when Taohua smiled, he suddenly thought that the former Patriarch Chu Xi was reborn and reappeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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