The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 103 The Big News of Chu Da

Chapter 103 The Big News of Chu Da
Impossible, not only has his identity and background changed now, but he has never been to Changyang City again, and even chose to settle in this small dilapidated village. How could he meet that woman again?

Lin Changge left in a state of anxiety, still staggering a bit.

Since the anti-night attack killed many bandits that day, although many people in the old Chuzhuang also died, but I don’t know if it was because they killed and captured too many bandits. Anyway, the young and strong people in the old Chuzhuang One by one seemed to be inspired to be bloody.

Sweeping away the caution and timidity of the past, he became more aggressive and bold.This can be felt since the number of teams forming hunting teams to go deep into Xiongshan after that night has obviously increased.

Even the long-term workers of Chu Dashan applied for new bows and arrows, spears, and broadswords from Chu Dashan.In addition to self-protection, in the future, you can also form a group to go to the mountain to brush some small animals such as rabbits, foxes, and pheasants.

As for the beast getting bigger or something?

So what are they afraid of, they have done all the Zhuangzi bandits before, so why are they afraid of some big beasts?

Chu Dashan saw that the long-term workers were so enthusiastic, so he simply recruited Lin Changge a spiritual ginseng for a month, and came to the valley every fifth evening to help him train the long-term workers.

Lin Changge agreed simply.

Chu Dashan also arranged for long-term workers to pick mature mulberries every day, and sent them to Miyang Baicao Pavilion in ten catties a day.

Except for those picked by the long-term workers, peach blossoms are free to pick up a small basket, and then take it home to eat.

Every time he saw Xiao Taohua gnaw, gnaw, a pile of mulberries, Chu Dashan felt pain, and a lot of money was gone.But he just said peach blossom once, telling her not to eat such expensive mulberry, the family can also buy other fruits to eat.

One catty of mulberry spirit fruit is 500 taels, and ten catties is 5000 taels.Although the peach blossom basket is not big, it can still hold two or three catties of mulberries.This is a girl who is worth thousands of taels of silver once she eats it!
As a result, the next day, Xiao Taohua directly ate two baskets of mulberries, and even squatted in front of him to eat them!

Chu Dashan clutched his heart, his heart ached, his liver hurt, and he was so angry!
If this is a son, he's going to beat her ass! ! !
"Peach Blossom, eat as much as you want, don't listen to your father." Chu Qi patted Chu Dashan on the back angrily, turned his head and discussed with Xiao Taohua in a good voice, "But how much we pick and how much we eat .can't be wasted."

Taohua thought for a while, then nodded.From now on, her father won't talk about her anymore, and she still only picks up a basket of mulberries every now and then.The family's mulberries were sold until July, and finally sold 820 catties, which brought a total of [-] silver and [-] taels of spiritual coins to the family.

A few days after Xun Shijiao and others returned to Miryang, guards came to deliver the new weapons quota from the old Chu village.As soon as he heard that the quota for new weapons had come down, Chu Dashan hurried to the home of the patriarch and village head.

"If you capture two weapons, you can get a new weapon." Chu Dazhuang knew why he came when he saw him.

"Then my family can exchange 45 pieces." Chu Dashan reported the number after a rough calculation.

"You really didn't kill less that night." Chu Dazhuang looked at him with great interest.

"Haha, luck, luck." Chu Dashan laughed.

"It's not something that can be done by luck. By the way, come and gather tomorrow morning, and we'll go to Miryang to change weapons together." Chu Dazhuang happily informed.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely be there on time." Chu Dashan happily left after saying this.

"Hey, hey, you haven't said how you killed the bandits that day?" Chu Dazhuang asked.

"Haha, I'll tell Brother Dazhuang later when I have time." Chu Dashan slipped even faster.

In the early morning of the second day, everyone brought people to the patriarch's house to gather.

Then formed a carriage, and a large team of ox carts walked towards Miryang City.

As soon as he entered Miyang City, he heard that there was an extremely sensational news recently, which came from Changyang City.

Chu Dashan hurriedly asked the little long-term worker to inquire, but before the convoy reached the weapons workshop, the little long-term worker who went out to inquire about things came back.

"Boss, I heard that it was the Baicao Pavilion that had the accident. I heard that a big shot in the Baicao Pavilion took in Chu Da, the second lady of the Chu family, as a disciple.

After the adult accepted Chu Da as his personal disciple, he even accompanied her to pay homage to the Chu family's ancestral temple in Xifeng Mountain.

I heard that when Miss Chu Da worshiped the ancestral temple this time, colorful rays of light flew over the ancestral temple, which was very magical.Everyone in the world said that this second lady was also a reincarnation of a born divine being.

Her future is limitless!

The lord of the Baicao Pavilion also rewarded Chu Da with a peerless exercise, the Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra.It is said that if you practice this method to Mahayana, you will be reborn as Baihua Fairy.

That Baihua Fairy was rumored to be truly divine by nature!
The chief elder of the ancestor of the Chu family was overjoyed, and rewarded Chu Da with the family's most treasured treasure, the emerald pen.Chu Da dripped blood to refine the jade pen, and the jade pen immediately burst into dazzling light, completely recognizing the owner.

The jadeite pen has been passed down in the Chu family for many generations before, and no one has ever been so readily recognized as the owner of the jadeite pen. "

After hearing Chang Gong's words, Chu Dashan frowned, why is she the daughter of Chu Chu, and what kind of personal disciple of a big man?It also has a relationship with Baicao Pavilion.

After he received the new weapon, he had to go to Baicao Pavilion Guo Peng to inquire about it.

Because of the weapon quota approved by Zhang Weite, the city magistrate, the Miryang Guard Weapon Shop did not make things difficult for them, so they can take away the new weapons, but before taking the new weapons, they must pay the cost of the work.

A spear costs 40 taels, a long knife costs 60 taels, a longbow costs 150 taels, a pot of arrows costs [-] taels, and so on.

Chu Changchun and several elders here gasped as they looked at the list.This new weapon actually costs money, and the price is really too expensive.

"We came here with a quota, and we handed over the seized weapons before." Chu Changchun asked suspiciously.

"It is precisely because you came with quotas and sent a lot of weapon materials in advance that we gave you this cheap price. Of course, this is the price of a brand new weapon. There are also those eliminated by the Miryang Guard over there. The price of old weapons. If you don’t want new ones, old weapons are cheaper, but you still have to charge for the cost. After all, you are not inside our Miryang Guard, so if you take the weapons from us, you must charge the cost fee."

The chief officer of the weapons workshop said very seriously.

The old weapons looked good, but they were worn out, and they were not as sharp as the new ones, and they were not as well maintained.But the price is only one-third of the new weapon.

This time, after discussing with the clansmen who came here, there were differences. Many people wanted to buy old weapons, but some wanted to buy new weapons.

Chu Changchun thought about it, and he also agreed to buy new weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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