Chapter 1012
"Originally, you guys didn't expect much when you went down to look for luck crystals. After all, things like luck crystals are really rare. Who knew you would have discovered them. God bless my Guanghan Sword Sect." A certain big monk said happily.

"Too many sect monks are stuck with this kind of thing." Tong Tianxing also said. "Fortunately, my little apprentice is still a bit lucky." Or go and find two boxes.I haven't seen them anymore. The big and small almost searched the entire secret vault and couldn't find it.

"The body of the Dao is indeed very lucky. Not long ago in the Huiman Great World, the body of the Dao from another line found a complete skeleton of a void nine-tailed demon cat, which can be used to refine a furnace of special The Bone Tempering Pill. Help him increase his physical strength to the fifth realm in one fell swoop. It is directly a big realm higher than his law cultivation level." Another big monk said.

"The body of the Great Dao, although the luck is good, but with the luck, there will be more catastrophes, and the iron needs to be hard. The key is the roundness and deepness of the foundation. The one who knows how to temper his own body, and the body The treasure raft is built better, and it is indeed quite far-sighted.

At that time, there was no one in my family who was smart. I only knew what the master told me to do. "

All the big monks present: Can't everyone hear your ostentatious tone?
"I heard that Chu Shinian is also in the middle stage of Zifu Realm? Is this the cultivation level after changing the cultivation method?" someone asked.

"Yes. If he hadn't changed his exercises, he would have practiced to the late stage of the Purple Mansion Realm. His little daughter-in-law's cultivation speed is fast, and she is already at the late stage of the Purple Mansion Realm." Tong Tianxing said arrogantly.

"That's really good. Congratulations to Lao Tong, you are a beautiful woman." The big monks all came up to congratulate.Well anyway, just to satisfy Lao Tong's vanity.

"Come here quickly." The old lady finally got impatient and urged Tong Tianxing.

With the urging of the old lady, Tong Tianxing also got away immediately. When he returned to the sect, the old lady had already been waiting in his cave for a long time.

"You have done a good job this time, and we will have a few more sixth-order people in our lineage. This is a major change, and it can even affect the structure of our sect. You have worked hard." The old lady said .

"Where is the hard work, you still have to rely on your old overall plan."

"You boy, you can talk. Here is a piece of Nine Heaven's Breathing Soil that I got in the past. I integrated the big piece into this cave to create its solid foundation. You send this Nine Heaven's Breathing Soil The confidants sent it down to Chu Shinian and his young couple. See if they want to merge into their own small cave or directly into the spirit veins, it's up to them."

"This... this is too precious, this is Nine Heavens Breathing Soil." Tong Tianxing was also taken aback. "Isn't that good?"

"What's not good, look at how many things the young couple found, how can they be the elders so they don't take out any money and don't give them some rewards?" I'm going to give it. It's just that this thing is sealed elsewhere, and it will take a little time to get it out.

Let someone send it down. "

"Those two little things, they really got lucky this time." Tong Tianxing modestly collected the things for his disciples, why not, this is Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, and that piece is only the size of a palm.That is also an earth element treasure.

A piece of this kind of thing the size of a fingernail can create a continent.

"Stop talking about hypocrisy, I don't know you yet? That's enough, put down the crystallization of luck, and you can go."

Tong Tianxing happily took Xi Rang away.

In a few days, Tong Tianxing found out where the luck crystals were going, and it turned out that the old lady's daughter's line took up a spot.It is simply a waste of luck crystallization, and the members of their family can't pass the sixth level with luck crystallization.

He just said, how could the old lady give him such a treasure for no reason, it turned out to be to stop his mouth.Hope he doesn't mess around with the others.

Well, he went to retreat.

When some aggrieved monks came to him to speak out, they heard that Old Tong continued to retreat and break through.


Chu's large fleet carried many monks who were unwilling to leave quickly and headed towards Yanbo Island and the mainland.

During the period, these monks who had gained something in the secret vault also held small private trading meetings one after another.It's all kinds of barter.The Chu family also traded some things.

It wasn't until the fleet returned to Yanbo Island that they realized that a large-scale beast tide had just erupted on the mainland.

The monsters were very commanding this time, coming and going without a trace.Concentrated attacks on the major cities and the prosperous human villages near the large cities.

The entire continent is now in a bloodbath.

All the people suffered heavy casualties.

The Chu family has a large territory and is also vulnerable to beast hordes.However, the Chu Clan's monk corps showed great stamina and bravery in the face of the battle between humans and beasts.Some beast hordes with strong destructive power and strong mobility were hunted down by the monks of the Chu family on a large scale.

Chopping at the buttocks, from inside the Chu's territory to outside the Chu's territory.After killing the opponent, they scattered and fled in all directions before they were willing to stop, seeing and hearing the horror of monsters.

Especially an old army from Chu Shinian's direct line, they were crazy about killing, and they all looked at the beast tide like killing gods.A few people practiced their hands and dared to attack a beast tide.The killed beasts ran like wolves, as long as they saw their clothes, they ran faster than rabbits.

The Chu family's territory is almost the only bright spot in the mainland that can send troops to hunt down monsters amidst the beast tide.

Especially the veteran army with extraordinary combat effectiveness.It simply made other affiliated forces of the same faction envious.

"Chu Shinian, how did you train that direct line veteran?"

Chu Shinian thought to himself, I didn't train much back then, so I let them kill and kill.

"I heard that most of the veterans in your lineage can cultivate to the Golden Core? That's terrible, the backbone of our sect's monk army is also the Golden Core." Tong Zao also came to ask .

Chu Shinian was simply a strange person in the world. He thought he had seen through the Chu family, but he randomly pulled out an old army with explosive combat power and astonishing potential.

You have to know how when an army has a very low level of cultivation, the comrades in the army have cultivated an amazing tacit understanding. Then after entering the Jindan state and then cultivating some powerful military formations, even a sixth-level monk can easily They will not rush into the army formation.

That's a disgusting example of a person who can't be broken, dragged or broken.

Not to mention those fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivators, it's like giving food away.

Chu Shinian was silent, and he couldn't say that his wife had made some special pills to improve the old soldier's aptitude.

(End of this chapter)

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