The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1013 Returning to Xianyang

Chapter 1013 Return to Xianyang
"The Chu family has a lot of people, so it's not difficult to form an old army," Chu Shinian said.

"Although this is the case, it is really rare to form an old army with golden core potential." Tong saw enviously.In their family, Tong Feng was the only one who could form it.Even Tong Rui can't do it, he doesn't have that resource.

Although the Tong family has a lot of territory.But monks with good talent have entered the sect, and those with bad talent have their own places to go. Wanting to recruit enough monk corps soldiers has caused headaches for the recruiters of the Tong family every year.

As for the Chu family, the total number of legions alone is more than two million.What's going on?

This number is too much.

"I heard that your Chu family monks are all young boys of the right age. How did you recruit them?" Tong Feng also came over and asked.

"Let's recruit like that." Chu Shinian said speechlessly, "Order all places to recruit soldiers, and the military camps in all places will start recruiting, and then some people will come to join the army."

"Then how does your family solve the problem that monks with good talents go to major forces to cultivate, and monks with poor talents would rather be casual cultivators than join the legion?" Tong Feng asked in surprise.

"We generally only accept young and strong mortals when recruiting troops. Train a bloody courage. After training, those with spiritual roots can become monks, and those without spiritual roots can become warriors. Anyway, various qi and blood pills and We all have powerful elixirs.

There are also various low-level medicine packs for tempering the bones of the body.

Then everyone works as a soldier, and if they do well, they can earn various mission points.Then exchange various treasures to get spiritual roots. "

"Ah, it's still possible to do this. Then don't most of the soldiers in your monk army have limited qualifications?" Tong Feng asked in surprise.

"The vast majority of fighters don't need a lot of spiritual talent. They just need to know how to use military equipment and obey orders."Chu Shinian said naturally.

"But what if you go to some special battlefields? If your cultivator army fails to cultivate, the entire combat power will be crushed by others. Isn't that all dead?" Tong Feng said.

"That depends on your dedication. If you think that some soldiers in the legion have good fighting willpower, you can use resources to pile them up to a higher level of cultivation. Even if the golden core is not easy to achieve, if you are willing to With the resources, we can still form a team." Chu Shinian said indifferently.

In fact, it is a pile of human lives. Anyway, out of ten, one or two, or three or four can succeed.

Tong Feng thought about it.

In times of emergency, it is not impossible to exchange resources for combat power.

Tong Zao was speechless, these people are too vicious.If [-] golden elixirs were created, how many people would die in Chu's monk army?

When Chu Shinian and the others were talking about the old army and the military, Taohua had already disembarked and started to deal with all kinds of urgent matters brought by the beast tide as the head of the family.Other people went out to make arrangements for the rest and short stay of the monks on the ship.

In addition to handling all kinds of urgent matters, Taohua also asked people to sort out all the harvest this time.

Those that need to be directly transferred to the family library can be removed directly, and those that need to be reorganized can be temporarily placed next to her.

Chu Shinian brought everyone into the hotel to rest, then turned around and came back, took off his coat and started to deal with the urgent mail with Taohua.Unluckily, the couple ran into a beast horde, and there were so many urgent matters.It took a whole night to deal with and the other half was left untouched.

At dawn, Tao Hua leaned against Chu Shinian and felt special emotion, "What would I do without you?"

"Why don't you go to bed first? I'll call you when it's time for breakfast?" Chu Shinian half hugged his wife, half comfortingly.

"Forget it, let's finish it first." Although Taohua didn't like to deal with government affairs very much, Chu Shinian couldn't leave all these urgent documents to do.Did Chu Shinian like to do this?Certainly not.

"When will our brother Chun grow up?" Taohua thought of her son again, and if her son grows up, he can work for her.

"Our brother Guangchun is probably quite tired!" Chu Shinian smiled and said, "Why don't you have another one?"

"Wait until Brother Chun is older." Tao Hua thought about it, and she really needed it.Regardless of children, one more and one more share.After leaning on for a while, Taohua got up stiffly again, full of sorrow in her heart, and devoted herself to dealing with the urgent matter again.

Looking at her complaining face, Chu Shinian smiled.

In fact, he can handle all these by himself.But he prefers to do it with Taohua.Even such a boring thing can give him a sense of ease and happiness.

After finally finishing all the urgent matters, Chu Shinian continued to entertain the monks from the upper and lower realms, and entertained them to leave Yanbo Island in batches.

Taohua quickly returned to Xianyang City with her things.

All Xiaopang's accumulation is enough, and he only needs to be promoted to the fourth rank.As soon as Taohua came back, Xiaopang took the initiative to contact her.While Taohua was in touch with Xiaopang to appease the anxious Xiaopang, at the same time she had to go home to appease the temper-tempered Brother Chun.

His parents left him again.Although his grandfather and grandmother love him very much, Brother Chun also feels that he has been losing his temper for no reason recently.

He pinched Brother Xian back home.

As soon as Taohua came back, she comforted her brother Chun and comforted her complaining mother at the same time. "Look at your son, look at how capable your son is, he beat Brother Xian, and your sister is going to beat his ass. Fortunately, Brother Xian has a good temper!"

"I guess I can't beat it!" Thinking about Lin Changge's temperament, Tao Hua said in a mouthful.

"Shut up, and don't speak ill of my Brother Xian."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything." Taohua begged for mercy.

"However, on the day Brother Xian left, the two brothers hugged and cried and refused to separate. But we couldn't laugh or cry. Before, the two little ones were fighting very happily. When they heard that they were leaving, Brother Xian directly Hugged with Brother Chun, I'm not happy to be separated." Chu Qi said.

"Probably because I had no playmates since I was a child, and suddenly I have a friend, even if it's a fight, it's good." Taohua guessed.

"Xianxian..." Brother Chun kept whispering.

"Brother Chun also misses Brother Xian, right? It's okay, you'll see him again soon." Taohua promised her son, "It's not so busy over there, my sister should be able to come back to see Dad when she's free. Damn."

Chu Qi immediately became happy when he heard this. "That's a good relationship. Your sister came back this time and left again. Your father couldn't bear it, and even cried secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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