The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1018 Strong

Chapter 1018 Strong
Conscription, what does conscription mean?Are you really going to hit us?
But did the Chu family underestimate everyone?Not to mention anything else, just talking about the entire vast Northwest Wilderness, almost all the people are soldiers.

Although the population density of the Great Wasteland is far lower than that of ordinary countries, the total population is much higher than that of the surrounding big countries.In terms of military strength alone, there are five to six million soldiers from the combined forces of many forces in the Great Northwest Wilderness.

The Chu family's strength at sea is only a little over 200 million at most.Why did the Chu family beat us?

Many thieves did not believe that the Chu family dared to invade the Great Wasteland!
Some big thieves whose strength is close to the Chu family are also needed, and some of them will unite to resist the invasion of the Chu family.After all, the name of the Chu family, the shadow of the tree, is not a fuel-efficient lamp.Especially when Chu Shinian joined the Guanghan Sword Sect.

Just when the entire Great Northwest Wilderness was in chaos.

The Chu family's conscription work quietly started.

The Chu Clan's conscription this time is not only for casual cultivators, but for ordinary people.Even the disciples of some minor forces are accepted.As long as you are willing to deal with it for the Chu family, don't make trouble in the middle, don't betray, and don't harm the interests of the Chu family for the sake of the sect.The Chu family is willing to accept you.

The conscription conditions were so loose this time that it even attracted another group of people.It is the human beings who came from the small world and immigrated to live in the Chu family.Some of them are monks, and some are mortals.The life in the Chu family has made monks and mortals far better than before.

But it's human nature to want something better.

So these people feel that their current life has reached a bottleneck and it is difficult to do anything.They all chose to join the army.

Serving as a soldier in the Chu family has special benefits for ordinary people.The Chu family has perfected a batch of various medicine packs for tempering the body and exercises for strengthening the body.Even if we can't become a monk, he can still become a sergeant with good combat power.

I don't know what good combat power is, let Dali Wan find out.

Ordinary low-level monks really don't necessarily have a fully strengthened body and a violent increase in strength during the battle.It is not uncommon to lose a life.

Besides, being a soldier in the Chu family naturally knows that the Chu family has a way to make ordinary people become monks.In the end, whether you can become a monk or not depends entirely on whether you can do good things for the Chu family.

Except some casual cultivators and mortals from the small world.There are also some aspirants who originally lived in the jurisdiction of the Chu family, but are not satisfied with the status quo and want to change their future.

Who can not have a dream?
Serving as a soldier, honoring one's ancestors is the dream of many teenagers and young people.

The Chu family's conscription speed was extremely fast, and in less than half a month, two million soldiers were recruited in various cities.

The extremely fast consumption of the relatively rich human resources of the Chu family.After conscription, the wages for recruiting large and small workers in workshops everywhere had to rise.Because there is no one left.If you don't raise wages, all the big and small craftsmen in your workshop will be poached by other workshops.

The end-of-life labor force, which was not very popular at first, is now getting a second spring again.In order to solve the problem of labor shortage, many large workshops once again opened their doors to them.After entering the workshop to work, there are all kinds of powerful pills and pills that replenish qi and blood and strengthen the body.Simply comfortable.

After conscription, the Chu family was like a gigantic monster that had just woken up from a dream. After fully operating, it immediately showed amazing strength.

The medicinal herbs for tempering the body are sent to Mingyue City by hundreds of carts. After the doctors and alchemists refine them into various powder products, they are sent to various camps by a large number of monster carriages. .

The new soldiers in the barracks are getting better every day.From thin and withered to a burly man, it hardly takes a month.Originally, the height was not satisfactory, but now they are all close to two meters.

Small arms and legs, transformed into muscles and muscles.

In a month's time, everyone has grown from a soldier who is ignorant and can't even distinguish between left and right, to a sergeant who can understand orders, understand semaphore, and can practice simple formations.

Everyone feels that they have grown well.

The most difficult thing to temper in the army is the use of military formations and various large weapons.

Besides, they haven't even learned how to use small weapons collectively.Besides, Chu's recruit training is for six months.But we still have more than five months to study.However, Chu's recruit training subjects are all time-tight.As soon as you learn to pass one, you have to start learning another.There are also several items that are learned and practiced at the same time.

What made everyone scratch their heads the most was learning how to read and write the common language of the mainland.

Those who are hard-working and stupid have to cultivate themselves to become bald.

But there is no way.

That's how Chu's conscription is.Not only are they studying, many veterans who were not very qualified in some items were also sent to the recruit barracks in various places in batches, and they were remade.

Because of these more unlucky old wretches for comparison, the recruits suddenly felt that the pressure on them was not so great.

From the very beginning of recruitment, the Chu family advocated that soldiers should be able to read and write the common language of the mainland.But among those who really came to join the army, there were a few who could read and write.So every time the call for literacy and reading and writing ends in the end, there are always some people who have not completed all the reading and writing tasks and are recruited into the army.

Now that the Chu family has regrouped, it is natural to send these unlucky guys back to work hard again.

Some old guys who have been working for several years almost exploded their lungs.

But it doesn't matter if you don't come, if you can't complete the assessment, you will have to deduct your salary in the future.After deducting all the remuneration, the merits will also be deducted.

Who can bear this?

Everyone is counting on this merit to be exchanged for various cultivation and precious resources.Therefore, the lingua franca of the mainland, which has hindered many veterans, must also be overcome here.

When the Chu Clan was reorganizing and training its troops, the Qingyang Sect of the Yao Kingdom, a small country near the Chu Clan, disappeared completely almost overnight.The Yao Kingdom, which lost Qingyangzong as its backing, broke out in riots within a few days.

However, it was suppressed by the lord.It is said that the remnants and blood of the rioters almost dyed the capital of the country red.

But this matter is not over yet.

Less than a month later, the rebel rebels contacted the Xichang cavalry again and attacked Yao's capital again.This time, the lord of the country, that is, the whole family of the original Gaoshan County King, did not escape.Was slaughtered.

Only Zhao Ru, the original great princess, was left. Because he joined the Fan family, he was not in the capital of Yao country at that time, so he escaped a catastrophe.

But without her father and brother, her status in the Fan family also fell precipitously.

And just when the Xichang cavalry was still celebrating that they had occupied the capital of Gaoshan country, they were currently trying their best to occupy the entire territory of Gaoshan country.The Chu family's army suddenly moved, and they forcefully occupied all the remaining Zhangyu, Longyun, Anbei, and Anxi mansions.Except for Anhua Mansion, which is currently occupied by Yao State, all the six Northwest Mansions have been included in the bag.

As soon as the Chu family occupied the five northwestern prefectures, they forcefully drove out all the forces that did not deal with them out of the northwest.

(End of this chapter)

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