The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1019 Chu Canglan

Chapter 1019 Chu Canglan

Even the upper realm forces, such as the Hongjun Mountain where Yang Xianzhi lived, were forcefully swept out by the Chu family.They were messing around when they had nothing to do, catching this, catching that, looking for treasures everywhere, and always killing people and destroying their families, all of which were cleared out by the Chu family.

Chu's approach was immediately warmly welcomed by the local monks.

In recent years, the forces in the upper realm have been a little too rampant, and they just kill people and wipe out their families regardless of their innocence.It makes everyone worry and irritable.Who doesn't have any relatives or friends.For the sake of their family and family members, they can only watch their relatives and friends wiped out, and they dare not rescue them. Such days are really sad.

But now as soon as the Chu family came in, they kicked them out.

At this time, many small monk families in the local area enthusiastically invested in the new construction of the Chu family.

The people from Xichang had just occupied the Yao Kingdom, so they never thought that their backyard would be stolen.They turned around and immediately returned to attack. This time, the Chu family did not avoid the battle, but faced the Xichang cavalry head-on on a plain.

Under the rain of crossbow arrows and talisman arrows regardless of cost, the Xichang cavalrymen thought they had suffered a lot of battle losses before fighting, and watched their comrades in front of them fall off their horses without looking at them, and their morale dropped.

Then the opponent's large shield soldiers and Mo Dao soldiers directly blocked the Xichang cavalry.

The giant shield was strong and powerful to block the powerful charge of the cavalry.With a strong blow from Mo Dao Bing, as long as he was cut, he would be cut into half with his man and horse.

The gore in it made the people around them shudder.

Not to mention that the frontal main battlefield was blocked, the surrounding two wings, and the opponent's cavalry quickly outflanked it, constantly engaging with Xichang's cavalry.

The two sides came and went, fighting with their lives, the battlefield was full of blood, and the sound of shouting and screaming could really confuse people's minds.

The battle continued from the destiny to the dark, and both sides continued to invest their troops.

Xichang cavalry directly invested 20 horses.

The Chu family sent 40 soldiers to the battlefield.

When it was almost dusk, the Xichang cavalry finally couldn't bear the pressure in their hearts, and collapsed and fled on a large scale.Chu's cavalry also pursued and killed them.By the time the big shield soldiers and Mo Dao soldiers let out a sigh of relief, they fell to the ground with a bang bang bang.

Either in a coma, or dying, or directly dead.

General Chu Canglan, who had been leading the army all along, said, "We won."

"We have prepared so much for this battle, yet we still fought it so fiercely and arduously. The Xichang Cavalry really deserved their reputation." Chu Zilan said silently.

"However, this battle has destroyed their undefeated morale, and the Xichang cavalry will no longer be able to maintain the determination to win in front of our Chu army." Chu Canglan laughed. "On the contrary, our sons and daughters have defeated the powerful Xichang cavalry, and they will have more confidence in themselves in the future. This is very necessary for our army to continue to increase cohesion and sacrifice battle formations."

"Tens of thousands of people will die on the battlefield this time, thank you for being in the mood to laugh." Chu Zilan said speechlessly.

"Have you ever heard of a general becoming famous? As the leading general of the Chu Clan, commanding an army of 40 people, if I am soft-hearted and sentimental, then the head of the family will cry." Chu Canglan smiled indifferently.

"No wonder Chu Zixian said that you are a natural general."

Chu Canglan laughed out loud. "No, I heard that kid said that I am a born killer."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that many guys trained by Yichu in Jiangmen have been transferred to your army?" Chu Zilan suddenly gloated and smiled.

"I can't help it. I heard that Zhuang Zihan was kicked out because they were doing trouble in the sea?" Chu Canglan didn't know much about the affairs in the sea, so she was not sure what to say.

"Not many people on land are willing to accept them. Why did you accept them?" Chu Zilan asked puzzled.

"Of course it's for the elixir. Who doesn't know the benefits of the elixir you take? I have agreed with the Patriarch about [-] pieces. The Patriarch said it will be delivered to me in a few days." Chu Canglan laughed.

"Demon pills? Ten thousand pieces?" Chu Zilan exclaimed out of composure.

"Yes, it's [-] demon pills." Chu Canglan said, "As soon as the Patriarch came up, he said that I have done a good job leading the army and fighting recently, and he planned to give me [-] demon pills. I was very happy at the time, but who Did you know that the Patriarch pushed those guys to me in the end?

If I don't agree, what if the head of the family gives the [-] demon pills to others?Just accept it first. "

Puff puff puff, Chu Zilan laughed out loud after hearing these words.

"These [-] demon pills can at least cultivate [-] elites for you."

"It's hard to say. I've heard that to take Yaodan, you must have the will of a madman. Although I accept it, there are many people, but there are not many people who can really achieve this kind of beauty. I heard that people from the old camp applied again this time. A thousand pieces.

There are only ten thousand of them in total, but they didn't expect to apply for another one thousand. "

"Those lunatics are not afraid of death. But I heard that Chu Fangyi, who was the first to take the Yaodan, lost face?" Chu Canglan asked.

"They scream fiercely, but in fact, almost all the demon pills are used as food for the demon pills. There are few successes and many failures." Chu Zilan laughed jokingly. "I heard that old boy Chu Fangyi would be ridiculed if he saw anyone recently.

But because he didn't succeed on that side, many teams who felt that their subordinates were weak and weak in willpower didn't dare to come to ask for demon pills. "

"The demon pill is a good thing, and not everyone can bear it." Chu Canglan laughed.From the bottom of her heart, Chu Canglan even believed that only the strong of the human race could control such a treasure as the demon pill.Changing fate against the sky, changing qualifications, how can anyone do it?

"Report...our cavalry has chased Xichang's cavalry for sixty miles, beheading four leading generals."

"It's sixty miles, it's almost there. Tell everyone not to continue chasing. Don't fall into other people's traps." Chu Canglan thought for a while, and then gave the order to retreat.

"After this battle, the people from Xichang shouldn't come to trouble us for a while, right?" Chu Zilan guessed.

"I don't know, if you dare to come, just keep beating him." Chu Canglan laughed.

"By the way, recently there has been a voice within the clan to suggest that someone with a foreign surname marry into our clan's senior management. What do you think?" Chu Zilan asked.

"Isn't it inevitable? Besides, our Chu family's top management has always had in-laws with foreign surnames. Now it's just that the in-laws have been replaced by people with real talents and real learning." Chu Canglan has no objection to the addition of people with foreign surnames.

The Chu family is huge, with the power of a family, how could it be possible to produce so many outstanding talents.It is imperative to integrate foreign surnames.

"Oh, it's a pity that some old people in the clan just can't figure it out." Chu Zilan sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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