Chapter 1020

Chu Canglan thought differently from Chu Zilan.

As far as his taste is concerned, Chu Zilan is indeed ruthless in some respects, but he is also soft-hearted when dealing with his clansmen.But this is not a big problem, who doesn't care about it?

From Chu Canglan's point of view, Chu Zilan regards the Chu family as his own family, so he is soft on the clansmen.

Fortunately, the owner is not like this.

He had met the Patriarch several times, such a character could be seen through with his eyes.

In front of the Patriarch, he is as well-behaved as a kitten. If someone thinks that the Patriarch is a woman and wants to seek power and usurp the throne, that would be overthinking.Unless the head of the family abdicates himself, no one can usurp her.

Because it can't be done at all!
"It's better for you to be less involved in the affairs of the family. To avoid heart failure in the future!" Chu Canglan kindly reminded.

"What? Heart failure?" Chu Zilan looked at Chu Canglan speechlessly. "Then how do you describe it?"

"I'm telling the truth. We all know that our family is actually a nouveau riche. The family has developed too fast. If it was left outside, if it was a certain force other than the family, it would have already started fighting for power. It's not sure. The person in charge must apply to be named Wang Dangdang.

We are officially able to support it until now because it is a family management. "

Chu Zilan was stunned.

"Many people in the family regard the entire Chu family as their own children, and they are too deeply involved. But the problem is that once the country is established, running the country and running the family are completely different ways of playing.

Running a country requires more sanity and decentralization.

At that time, if someone from the Chu family becomes king, are you sure they will stay with the Patriarch for a long time?If they don't agree with the Patriarch, the internal struggle will never end.The problem is, you also know the Patriarch, when was she a weak person?

If she ruthlessly kills and wipes out all the meritorious veterans of the family, can you bear it? "

"Aren't we talking about joining the high-level family with a foreign surname? Why are you talking about Jianguo again?"

"The addition of a foreign surname to the high-level is a signal in my opinion. The family needs to grow, and the establishment of a country is imperative. The Patriarch is just changing everyone's ideas step by step. Trying to make the family transition smoothly to the country.

Let me ask you, is it true that as soon as someone establishes a country, the head of the family says that the time is not ripe? "

Chu Zilan nodded in astonishment.

"That's right. More than ten years ago, she just cut off the lineage that has supported the family for more than 1000 years. If she could, she probably didn't want to continue to touch the meritorious veterans in the family. She probably sincerely hoped that the veterans would get to know each other better, everyone. Start well and end well.

But how can people's desires be achieved by introspection?

Some people feel that they have turned the tide for the family and made tragic sacrifices for the family.So they should get the benefits and reputation that they fancy.One day, I might have the same idea.Of course, if the Patriarch is still alive, I definitely wouldn't dare, even if I have such thoughts.I dare not bring it up.But if the Patriarch is not alive, or the successor Patriarch is not strong enough.

Maybe I will dare to do it. "

"You..." Chu Zilan's eyes were astonished.

"Why, I'm just talking about everyone's feelings, but you can't bear it anymore?" Chu Canglan laughed. "Actually, do you think everyone has no intentions for the position of Patriarch? Ever since Yi Chu's lineage was killed by the family, everyone has such thoughts. The reason why I don't mention it is because the Patriarch is too strong and is afraid of her."

"However, it was the Patriarch who brought the Chu family to where it is today." Chu Zilan said angrily, frowning.

"Why don't you belong to the direct line and I'm from the outside line? Your direct line gets along with the head of the family every day, so you can often feel her strength. Naturally, you don't, or rarely give birth to outside hearts. But we outside lines, Staying on the family border all year round, living like an emperor for a long time, what do you think everyone will think?"

After hearing this, Chu Zilan immediately bared her teeth and sneered at him.

Chu Canglan then smiled and said, "You don't have to treat me like this, I just analyze everyone's thoughts for you. It's not my thoughts, and it's not like I haven't met the Patriarch before."

"You mean, because the head of the family is busy with the family, he neglects to discipline some people, making them more ambitious?"

"It's an ambition that shouldn't be there. Especially those meritorious old men, who have stood alone for a long time, always feel that they are very powerful, too powerful. Why should a capable person like me be suppressed by the Patriarch?"

Chu Zilan couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this.

"Is this my own stupidity?"

"It's just stupid and unaware. In fact, people are like that. How many people see themselves clearly? I came up from the bottom step by step. Except for the Patriarch, who can suppress me? Even Chu Shinian and I I also have the confidence to wrestle with him.”

"It's possible for you to think this way, but don't let the commander know that I have frequent contact with him, so he is not a human being, but a monster. And he is a ruthless monster. When he was a teenager, he executed the family for the first time. Rebellious. Fifteen people, no matter how big or small, even if there are babies among them, he executed them according to the family's secret rules without changing his face."

Chu Canglan gasped when she heard this.


"Of course it is true. It is said that he was only 12 years old at the time. When he was still training among the hidden guards, the instructors called him the devil behind his back. They also said that he was cold in nature and good at hiding. If you don't want to die young , you should avoid confrontation with him.

Of course, that guy has a very high vision, and he never cared about the family. "

"What you said makes me feel tight in the chest and short of breath," Chu Canglan said angrily.

"I'm just telling the truth for the sake of our brotherhood. You always say that the top family members of our dark guard family are united with each other. In fact, there is no such thing. Everyone is just too familiar with it, even if it is not a group. , There is also a place where you can find out what the other party is like. So they all estimate each other, and dare not take it seriously to win.

That's why it looks peaceful! !

What kind of external lineage and direct lineage do you have?We are all the same in our eyes.The only thing that can be divided is the familiar and the unfamiliar. "Chu Zilan said honestly.

The more he said that, the more angry Chu Canglan became.

"It's too boring to chat with you. I'm not excited at all. I feel excited."

Chu Zilan smiled meaningfully.

He knew that it was not good for some foreign departments to talk about the guy from the hidden guard when they were free.As everyone knows, if you want to pull someone down, you must first be able to beat him.

"Recently, Zhuang Zihan took care of Ling Yanshu with a black face. Take it easy, the army on land is in the hands of my chief commander, Chu Shinian."

"Get out of here."

(End of this chapter)

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